[comp.terminals] ANSI codes on a VT220

sirotto@OAK.CIRCA.UFL.EDU (Mike Cerrato) (12/14/90)

I created an ANSI animation file on an IBM using TheDraw.  When it saves the
file, it sometimes has to split the lines.  To do this, it ends the line with a
<esc>[s and starts the next with <esc>[u.  I assume these codes mean save the
current cursor position and move to the stored position respectively.  Is there
an equivalent set of codes for the VT220?  <esc>[s and <esc>[u don't seem to
           ___  __
|\   |\   |    /  \	SirOtto -- Gallant Knight of a rather large, squarish
| \  | \  |   /		    table someplace in the West Panhandle of Florida.
|  \ |  \ |--<
|   \|   \|___\____/	Michael E. Cerrato -- University of Florida

Internet: sirotto%maple.decnet@pine.circa.ufl.edu
UUCP:	  ...!uunet!uflorida!pine.circa.ufl.edu!sirotto%maple.decnet

pdsmith@bbn.com (Peter D. Smith) (12/15/90)

In article <0094126C.75A51C60@MAPLE.CIRCA.UFL.EDU> sirotto@OAK.CIRCA.UFL.EDU (Mike Cerrato) writes:
>I created an ANSI animation file on an IBM using TheDraw.  When it saves the
>file, it sometimes has to split the lines.  To do this, it ends the line with a
><esc>[s and starts the next with <esc>[u.  I assume these codes mean save the
>current cursor position and move to the stored position respectively.  Is there
>an equivalent set of codes for the VT220?  <esc>[s and <esc>[u don't seem to

What terminal uses ESC[s and ESC[u?  The BBN Software Products Escape Sequence
Cross Index lists them as setting left and right margins (LN03 and VT420)
and setting tab stops (LN03) and various programmable strings like the
programmable keys, answerback messages, and latent expression (HDS GVT).
Nothing is mentioned re: their functionality on the VT220.

The general ANSI sequence for save/restore cursor is ESC#7 and ESC#8
respectively.  They don't work on some printers and on some of the SUN
consoles (and, of course, non-DEC-compatible terminals).

					Peter D. Smith
					'The above answer scares me'