[comp.terminals] DEC VK-100 terminal

mwilson@crash.cts.com (Marc Wilson) (05/06/91)

     Hello, world!

     This weekend, I acquired a VK-100 terminal, perhaps better known
as the GIGI.

     From many moons ago, I remember that it had dot-addressable
graphics.  At least, I think it did.

     Can some nice person out there send me a list of escape sequences
for the thing, as well as how to configure it?  It has one 8-position
DIP switch, as well as the normal "SETUP."  However, the abbreviations
in the setup screens have mostly thrown me for a loss.


     Please reply via mail... I seldom read this group.

     Thank you.

Marc Wilson
     ARPA: ...!crash!mwilson@nosc.mil
     UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
     INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM