[comp.mail.uucp] how to route to decnet?

ddrex@gorgo.UUCP (12/31/86)

Can anyone tell me how to get mail from usenet to a decnet site? I'm trying
to get to 'elab' which is GE in syracuse, and supposedly talks to 'decwrl'.

Any assistance greatly appreciated!

David Drexler

johnsson@decwrl.UUCP (01/18/87)

Decnet is a set of network protocols like IP/TCP or Chaos. It does not
identify a particular network. In particular it should not be confused with
The DEC internal corporate network called Easynet which happens to use
decnet protocols. Decwrl is the official mail gateway into Easynet, but we
have no direct connection with GE's internal network.
	Richard Johnsson, DEC Western Software Lab, Palo Alto, CA
	UUCP:  {decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!johnsson
        ARPA:  johnsson@decwrl.dec.com     DEC ENet: rhea::johnsson
	phone: +1 415 853 6676