allbery@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery) (10/03/88)
ncoast is a UUCP site running smail with pathalias. My experience is that pathalias uses only UUCP paths; but for Internet-registered sites, it is often faster to hand mail off to "hal". (For sites on ethernet, hal is faster. For Internet-regstered sites using UUCP, it can be faster to use one of our other connections.) My question: does smail actually know about Internet routing, or do I have to send all mail to "hal" (which ONLY knows Internet sites, they don't run pathalias) to use fast ethernetted mail routes? I'd really like to avoid using the pathalias-generated 6-site hop to uunet when "hal!" works faster (as an example; other examples abound). ++Brandon -- Brandon S. Allbery, uunet!marque!ncoast!allbery DELPHI: ALLBERY For comp.sources.misc send mail to <backbone>!sources-misc comp.sources.misc is moving off ncoast -- please do NOT send submissions direct ncoast's days are numbered -- please send mail to ncoast!system if you can help (Bob Page) (10/04/88)
You could tell pathalias (through your top.local or paths.local or whatever) that hal handles all mail for .edu, .com, .arpa, etc. The real answer is arpatxt, but you probably didn't want to know that. It requires more work to maintain. [how many sites are running arpatxt? I only know of three.] ..Bob -- Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept. ulowell!page
rynes@isis.CWRU.Edu (Edward M. Rynes Esq.) (10/04/88)
In article <> (Bob Page) writes: >The real answer is arpatxt, but you probably didn't want to know that. >It requires more work to maintain. >[how many sites are running arpatxt? I only know of three.] >Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept. ulowell!page Cwjcc does (sort of) although I haven't updated the maps lately. In fact I've never updated the maps. (It's only been a few months though) I suppose I should go out and get another copy of the hosts.txt file. How often do other sites update their "arpatxt" info? -- Edward M. Rynes <rynes@isis.CWRU.Edu> "Hope doesn't serve me now. Jennings Computing Center I don't move fast at all these days. Case Western Reserve University You think you've understood. Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 368-2982 You're ignorent that way." (David Herron -- One of the vertebrae) (10/06/88)
Brandon, this may sound like a scurvey thing to do ... However. First off you have a local file you use for patching up your pathalias data, right? So you put in that file a few other links that you want 'hal' to have. Like so ... hal,, ... uunet(DIRECT) ucbvax(DIRECT) which will generate you some paths like hal!!uunet!ukma!david Which becomes uunet!ukma! when it reaches hal, hopefully. -- <-- David Herron; The official MMDF guy of the 1988 Olympics <> <-- ska: David le casse\*' {rutgers,uunet}!ukma!david, david@UKMA.BITNET <-- What does the phrase "Don't work too hard" <-- have to do with the decline of the american 'work ethic'?
dyer@spdcc.COM (Steve Dyer) (10/09/88)
In article <> (Bob Page) writes: >You could tell pathalias (through your top.local or paths.local or >whatever) that hal handles all mail for .edu, .com, .arpa, etc. >The real answer is arpatxt, but you probably didn't want to know that. >It requires more work to maintain. I tried using arpatxt a few months ago along with the posted maps and the resuling paths file was bizarre: about 50% of the mail I sent seemed to be routed through XN.LL.MIT.EDU (Lincoln Labs). Needless to say, I haven't tried this again... -- Steve Dyer dyer@spdcc.COM aka {harvard,husc6,linus,ima,bbn,m2c,mipseast}!spdcc!dyer