[comp.mail.uucp] Patch for Rnmail and Sun mailer for pathalias?

jantypas@ucrmath.UUCP (John Antypas) (12/09/88)

Greetings Netland!

We finally got around to using pathalias to create a paths file.
Now would some kind soul out there

a) know how we can teach Rnamil to look up paths in the paths file
   INSTEAD of doing it's "best guess" routine?

b) How we might have the Berkeley mailer pass mail to smail as an
   option or to our sendmail default.  This way we don't have to
   tweak an already working sendmail.  Users could simply use
   Mail when they knew the path or E-Zmail when they didn't.


John Antypas for Steve Vasta
UC Riverside

uucp: ...!ucsd!ucrmath!steve

John Antypas -- Soft21 --21st Century Software:
UUCP: {killer, mit-eddie, pyramid, reed, ucrmath}!soft21!jantypas
Internet: jantypas%soft21.uucp@{eddie.MIT.EDU, ucsd.EDU}
Domains:  jantypas@soft21.Riverside.CA.US