[comp.mail.uucp] Call for Papers: IEEE/EMS 1990 Conference in San Francisco

fjd@bridge2.3Com.Com (Farokh J. Deboo) (01/15/89)

My apologies for this large cross-posting.

This is to invite prospecitve authors for  papers  relevant  to  the  1990
IEEE/EMS Conference (see announcement below)--- especially for any parties
interested in chairing a session or submitting papers related to electonic
mail in this context.

Thank you,

Farokh Deboo

  |                        FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS                         |
  |         1990 International Engineering Management Conference         |
  |                      in the San Francisco area                       |
  |  The IEEE/EMS Conference sponsored by the IEEE Engineering  Manage-  |
  |  ment  Society  will  be held in the San Francisco area between Oc-  |
  |  tober 22 and 24, 1990, with the theme:                              |
  |        Management through the year 2000 and the Pacific Rim.         |
  |                                                                      |
  |  This is an annual international conference dedicated to  improving  |
  |  engineering management.  Contributions are solicited that address,  |
  |  but are not limited to the following main topics:                   |
  |                                                                      |
  |  o  Artificial Intelligence and Robotics                             |
  |  o  Company Management Styles from the entrepreneur to the establis- |
  |     hed                                                              |
  |  o  Transition from Engineer to Manager                              |
  |  o  Management of Corporate R & D Centers                            |
  |  o  Micro Devices                                                    |
  |  o  Doing Business in the Pacific Rim,  Europe, South  America  and  |
  |     Canada                                                           |
  |  o  Manufacturing Management & Factory Operations                    |
  |  o  Just-in-Time and Dock-to-Stock Techniques                        |
  |  o  Education for Manufacturing Managers                             |
  |  o  Manufacturing Technology                                         |
  |                                                                      |
  |  Prospective authors are  requested  to  submit  one  to  two  page  |
  |  abstracts  of  their  presentation  by  April 30, 1990 to IEEE/EMS  |
  |  1990, c/o Judith Baar Inc., 620 Abbie Court, Pleasanton,  Califor-  |
  |  nia  94566.   For  further  information call Judith Baar (415/484-  |
  |  4795) or Michael Crocker (415/354-5240).                            |
  |                                                                      |
  |  The program committee is also looking for  additional  volunteers.  |
  |  If you are interested, please contact the Conference Chairman, Dr.  |
  |  Burton V. Dean at (408) 924-3551 or send mail to "sun!bridge2!fjd"  |