[comp.mail.uucp] UUCP g protocol question

olson@bootsie.UUCP (Eric Olson) (11/09/89)

I too am looking for a spec for UUCP in general and g Protocol
in particular.  I have one which describes the handshake but not
the data transfer phase.

Specifically, my question is:  During data transfer (I don't
know at what level: packet, data, etc), the high bit of a byte
is translated to be a repeat count or a quote for an eightbit
character.  I need to know more specifically the rules for this
repeat count/quoting.

Thanks in Advance; please reply to olson@harvard.harvard.edu or
this newsgroup.


p.s. This request for g-Protocol UUCP specs seems to come up all
the time; is there an archive site?