[comp.mail.uucp] I want REAL Graded uucp transfers with SysV

tneff@bfmny0.UU.NET (Tom Neff) (05/09/90)

In article <262@jorel.UUCP> jmcook@jorel.UUCP (joel m. cook) writes:

>Followup-To: poster

Grrr. I wish B/C News prevented this particular species of rudeness.

>I would like to be able to used "graded" transfers
>with uucp so that I can exchange mail with uunet
>at any time and restrict my netnews transfers to
>off-peak times.  The grading that seems to be available
>with SVR3.2.1 running on my AT&T 6386 seems only
>to change the priority of transfer within a given
>conversation, but does NOT prevent transfer of
>lower grades, as apparently BSD versions do.  Does
>anyone have any idea how to implement grading (I'm
>sans source, of course) or to accomplish what I want
>to do?  

Yes, in /usr/lib/uucp/Systems you say

uunet Any/C,Any1900-0700 ACU 9600 17038765055 ogin: XXX ssword: XXX

This tells UUCICO that this entry is only available for grade C or better
during the hours 7AM-7PM.  Tailor the hours as you like.

This is not specific to AT&T, the 386 or 3.2.1.  The whole thing is
documented in O'Reilly and Associates' Nutshell handbook MANAGING UUCP
AND USENET.  Write ora!nuts for more information.  Serious UUCP users
should have this book.  I believe UUNET has a discount arrangement?
When considering "victim's rights," remember  || vv  Tom Neff
that an innocent defendant is also a victim.  ^^ ||  tneff@bfmny0.UU.NET

jmcook@jorel.UUCP (joel m. cook) (05/09/90)

I would like to be able to used "graded" transfers
with uucp so that I can exchange mail with uunet
at any time and restrict my netnews transfers to
off-peak times.  The grading that seems to be available
with SVR3.2.1 running on my AT&T 6386 seems only
to change the priority of transfer within a given
conversation, but does NOT prevent transfer of
lower grades, as apparently BSD versions do.  Does
anyone have any idea how to implement grading (I'm
sans source, of course) or to accomplish what I want
to do?  Any help will be most appreciated and if
useful things come out, I'll post a summary.
Thanks in advance, etc...
			Joel M. Cook
			{uunet, att}!jorel!jmcook
			"...20 years of schoolin' and
			 they put you on the day shift..."