a3@rivm.nl (Adri Verhoef) (10/04/90)

This one has me stumped.  Machine 'ours' calls machine 'theirs';
`uuxqt' has no problems with rmail, inews, uusend, but there are
problems when 'bnb' is involved:

*** My Permissions file: ***
MACHINE=theirs MYNAME=ours \

*** An extract from .Log/uuxqt/theirs (logfile) on host "ours": ***
uucp theirs  (10/4-1:19:10,4027,0) theirs!theirs!nuucp XQT (PATH=/bin:\
/usr/bin USER=uucp UU_MACHINE=theirs UU_USER=theirs!nuucp export UU_MA\
CHINE UU_USER PATH; /usr/bin/uusend -m 644 - ids )
uucp theirs  (10/4-9:11:42,11044,0) theirs!theirs!b4 XQT - STDIN/STDOU\
T/FILE ACCESS DENIED (bnb /usr/local/bin/ruux - ours sh )
uucp theirs  (10/4-9:41:29,11448,0) theirs!theirs!root XQT - STDIN/STD\
OUT/FILE ACCESS DENIED (bnb /usr/local/bin/ruux - ours sh )

*** 'uusend' is expanded, but 'bnb' isn't! ***

*** Here I removed /usr/local/bin/bnb from the COMMANDS list: ***
uucp theirs  (10/4-9:46:09,11528,0) theirs!theirs!b4 XQT DENIED (bnb /\
usr/local/bin/ruux - ours sh )

*** To no avail.  Add '/usr/local/bin/bnb' again, and try 'rmail': ***
uucp theirs  (10/4-9:51:18,11686,0) theirs!theirs!b4 XQT (PATH=/bin:/u\
sr/bin  USER=uucp UU_MACHINE=theirs UU_USER=theirs!b4 export UU_MACHIN\
E UU_USER PATH; /bin/rmail a3 )
*** That works.  But 'bnb' does not work: ***
uucp theirs  (10/4-9:58:05,11779,0) theirs!theirs!b4 XQT - STDIN/STDOU\
T/FILE ACCESS DENIED (bnb /usr/local/bin/ruux - ours sh )
*** Now try 'inews': ***
uucp theirs  (10/4-13:53:39,15414,0) theirs!theirs!b4 XQT (PATH=/bin:/\
usr/bin  USER=uucp UU_MACHINE=theirs UU_USER=theirs!b4 export UU_MACHI\
NE UU_USER PATH; /nntp/inews -h )
*** Yes, that works, but 'bnb' still does not work. ***

Why is it going wrong?  Why isn't 'bnb' being expanded?

PS. I have tried moving /usr/local/bin/bnb to some places inside
the "COMMANDS=" string.
a3@rivm.nl (Adri Verhoef)