Michael.Matson@f70.n510.z45.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Matson) (03/28/91)
In a msg to Ron Lahti <17 Mar 91>, Scott Royall writes:
SR> * Forwarded by Scott Royall (ME2 1:106/357.1)
SR> * From : Bob Davis 17-Mar-91 04:54:00
SR> * To : Terry Day 18-Mar-91 09:14:08
SR> * Subj.: other nets
SR> I have never understood this analogy. The only reason I can figure
SR> for creating other fidonet technology nets is to afford more
SR> opportunities for people that want to be some kind of coordinator.
SR> Other than that, there is nothing that is done in another net, that
SR> could not be achieved under fidonet. Other networks complicate things
SR> technically by forcing people to deal with multiple zones and/or
SR> fdomains.
I suppose then, that this individual also believes that we need only one computer company (sorry Apple users, you lose) since all computers are capable of doing the same thing, one car company (why buy Ford? Chevy goes down the road too), one grocery store chain, drug store, hospital company, pharmaceutical manufacturer, etc, etc. After all, the only thing we do by having competition in compatible technologies industries is increase the number of CEO's and executives salaries, increase competition, lo
wer prices, and increase efficiency. Everybody knows it's not good a good idea to destroy monopolies!
Yea right! Sounds like socialism to me.
--- GoldED 2.29f-
* Origin: merits of Trollhood'. Lady O :" (if you're too wi 45:510/70)
Michael Matson - via FidoNet node 1:324/121 (UUCP/UseNet<->FidoNet gateway)
UUCP: wizvax!buscard!45!510!70!Michael.Matson
ARPA: Michael.Matson@f70.n510.z45.FIDONET.ORG
Scott.Royall@p1.f357.n106.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Scott Royall) (03/30/91)
In a message dated 28-Mar-91, Michael Matson writes:
MM> one computer company (sorry Apple users, you lose) since all computers
MM> are capable of doing the same thing, one car company (why buy Ford?
MM> Chevy goes down the road too), one grocery store chain, drug store,
MM> hospital company, pharmaceutical manufacturer, etc, etc. After all, the
MM> only thing we do by having competition in compatible technologies
MM> industries is increase the number of CEO's and executives salaries,
MM> increase competition, lower prices, and increase efficiency. Everybody
MM> knows it's not good a good idea to destroy monopolies!
MM> Yea right! Sounds like socialism to me.
Interesting logic. You imply that Democrats and Republicans should use
totally separate phone systems. That is a logical conclusion of your
argument, Mike. What some people seem to miss is that an address is simply a
look-up key, just like a phone number. And, the requirements to maintain a
Fidonet address are as simple and apolitical as I can imagine. There is
nothing to prevent clubs like VNET from forming inside Fidonet. It's done,
and those clubs retain ownership of their echos simply by keeping them off
the backbone.
That's how it should work. Reality is that people tend to erect borders
around things they value. So we have 300 nets. :) I just learned that I may
be unable to go multi-net because I am a Fidonet echo distributor, and the
software required to handle my workload is known to break when multi-nets are
added. Should I quit VNET, Mike?
--- ME2
* Origin: Far Point returns! (Fidonet 1:106/357.1)
Scott Royall - via FidoNet node 1:324/121 (UUCP/UseNet<->FidoNet gateway)
UUCP: wizvax!buscard!106!357.1!Scott.Royall
ARPA: Scott.Royall@p1.f357.n106.z1.FIDONET.ORG