[comp.emacs] Typo in xfns.c version 18.32

barry@mind.UUCP (Barry Lustig) (12/10/86)

The missing paren made the sun (version 3.2) cpp very unhappy.

*** xfns.c	Tue Dec  9 16:59:31 1986
--- xfns.new.c	Tue Dec  9 17:03:07 1986
*** 145,151
  DEFUN ("x-flip-color", Fx_flip_color, Sx_flip_color, 0, 0, "",
!   "Toggle the background and foreground colors"
    check_xterm ();

--- 145,151 -----
  DEFUN ("x-flip-color", Fx_flip_color, Sx_flip_color, 0, 0, "",
!   "Toggle the background and foreground colors")
    check_xterm ();