[comp.emacs] file names with '$' in them

louie@sayshell.umd.edu (Louis A. Mamakos) (01/08/87)

Hello.  I'm using GNU EMACS, version 18.31 under Ultrix 1.2 and 4.3 BSD.  I've
got a group of files in a directory, some of which have dollar signs '$'
imbedded in them.  Now, I know that this is a bad idea for filenames on a UNIX
system, but these files are actually from our Sperry 1100 system.

The problem that I have is that EMACS attempts to do environment variable
substitution when I try to a find-file.  The only way that I've found to edit
these files is to use dir-ed, and select the file.  This is cumbersome, at
best.  I've tried to quote the $ by preceeding it with a backslash, enclosing
the name in quotes... It is especially annoying since EMACS will do filename
completion and show me the file, yet complains when it tries to find-file it.

Any ideas?  set-noglob-mode or something :=)

Louis A. Mamakos  WA3YMH    Internet: louie@TRANTOR.UMD.EDU
University of Maryland, Computer Science Center - Systems Programming