[comp.emacs] Here's a C++ mode

wrs@k.cs.cmu.edu (Walter Smith) (05/01/87)

I got several requests for this, so I'm posting it.  Thanks to Dave
Detlefs and Stewart Clamen.

- Walt

------------------------------cut here------------------------------
;; C++ code editing commands for Emacs
;; Dave Detlefs and Stewart Clamen   1987
;; Derived from c-mode.el, Copyright (C) 1985 Richard M. Stallman.

;; Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

(defvar c++-mode-syntax-table nil
  "Syntax table in use in C++-mode buffers.")
(defvar c++-mode-abbrev-table nil
  "Abbrev table in use in C++-mode buffers.")

(defvar c++-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
  "Keymap used in C++ mode.")

(define-key c++-mode-map "\C-j" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
(define-key c++-mode-map "{" 'electric-c++-brace)
(define-key c++-mode-map "}" 'electric-c++-brace)
(define-key c++-mode-map ";" 'electric-c++-semi)
(define-key c++-mode-map ":" 'electric-c++-terminator)
(define-key c++-mode-map "\e\C-h" 'mark-c-function)
(define-key c++-mode-map "\e\C-q" 'indent-c++-exp)
(define-key c++-mode-map "\177" 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
(define-key c++-mode-map "\t" 'c++-indent-line)

;(define-funkey c++-mode-map 'r14 'fill-C-comment)

;; Indentation parameters are defined in C-mode, and reused here.

;(defconst c-indent-level 2
;  "*Indentation of C statements with respect to containing block.")
;(defconst c-brace-imaginary-offset 0
;  "*Imagined indentation of a C open brace that actually follows a statement.")
;(defconst c-brace-offset 0
;  "*Extra indentation for braces, compared with other text in same context.")
;(defconst c-argdecl-indent 5
;  "*Indentation level of declarations of C function arguments.")
;(defconst c-label-offset -2
;  "*Offset of C label lines and case statements relative to usual indentation.")
;(defconst c-continued-statement-offset 2
;  "*Extra indent for lines not starting new statements.")

;(defconst c-auto-newline nil
;  "*Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces,
;and after colons and semicolons, inserted in C code.")

(defun c++-mode ()
  "Major mode for editing C++ code.  Very much like editing C code.
Expression and list commands understand all C++ brackets.
Tab indents for C++ code.
Comments are delimited with /* ... */ {or with // ... <newline>}
Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Variables controlling indentation style:
    Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces,
    and after colons and semicolons, inserted in C code.
    Indentation of C statements within surrounding block.
    The surrounding block's indentation is the indentation
    of the line on which the open-brace appears.
    Extra indentation given to a substatement, such as the
    then-clause of an if or body of a while.
    Extra indentation for line if it starts with an open brace.
    An open brace following other text is treated as if it were
    this far to the right of the start of its line.
    Indentation level of declarations of C function arguments.
    Extra indentation for line that is a label, or case or default.

Turning on C++ mode calls the value of the variable c++-mode-hook with
no args,if that value is non-nil."
  (use-local-map c++-mode-map)
  (setq major-mode 'c++-mode)
  (setq mode-name "C++")
  (define-abbrev-table 'c++-mode-abbrev-table ())
  (setq local-abbrev-table c++-mode-abbrev-table)
  (if (not c++-mode-syntax-table)
      (let ((i 0))
	(setq c++-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
	(set-syntax-table c++-mode-syntax-table)
	(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 12")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?+ ".")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?- ".")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?= ".")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?% ".")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?< ".")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?> ".")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\""))
      (set-syntax-table c++-mode-syntax-table))
  (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
  (setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
  (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
  (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
  (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
  (setq indent-line-function 'c++-indent-line)
  (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
  (setq require-final-newline t)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
  (setq comment-start "// ")
  (make-local-variable 'comment-end)
  (setq comment-end "")
  (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
  (setq comment-column 32)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
  (setq comment-start-skip "/\\*+ *\\|// *")
  (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-hook)
  (setq comment-indent-hook 'c++-comment-indent)
  (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
  (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments nil)
  (run-hooks 'c++-mode-hook))
;; This is used by indent-for-comment
;; to decide how much to indent a comment in C++ code
;; based on its context.

(defun c++-comment-indent ()
  (let ((cur-col (current-column)))
      (forward-line -1)
      (end-of-line 1)
      (if (re-search-backward comment-start-skip
			      (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 1) (point))
	  (progn (match-beginning 0)
		 (if (= (current-column) 0) 0
		     (max (1+ cur-col) (current-column))))
	  ; Else indent at comment column, except leave at least one space.
	  (forward-line 1)
	  (end-of-line 1)
	  (skip-chars-backward " \t")
	  (max (1+ cur-col) comment-column)))))

(defun electric-c++-brace (arg)
  "Insert character and correct line's indentation."
  (interactive "P")
  (let (insertpos)
    (if (and (not arg)
	     (or (save-excursion
		   (skip-chars-backward " \t")
		 (if c-auto-newline
		     (progn (c++-indent-line) (newline) t)
	  (insert last-command-char)
	  (c++-indent-line nil)
	  (if c-auto-newline
		(setq insertpos (1- (point)))
		(c++-indent-line nil)))
	    (if insertpos (goto-char (1+ insertpos)))
	    (delete-char -1))))
    (if insertpos
	  (goto-char insertpos)
	  (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
      (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))))

(defun electric-c++-semi (arg)
  "Insert character and correct line's indentation."
  (interactive "P")
  (if c-auto-newline
      (electric-c++-terminator arg)
    (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))))

(defun electric-c++-terminator (arg)
  "Insert character and correct line's indentation."
  (interactive "P")
  (let (insertpos (end (point)))
    (if (and (not arg) (eolp)
	     (not (save-excursion
		    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
		    (or (= (following-char) ?#)
			(let ((pps (parse-partial-sexp (point) end)))
			  (or (nth 3 pps) (nth 4 pps) (nth 5 pps)))))))
	  (insert last-command-char)
	  (c++-indent-line nil)
	  (and c-auto-newline
	       (not (c-inside-parens-p))
		 (setq insertpos (1- (point)))
		 (c++-indent-line nil)))
	    (if insertpos (goto-char (1+ insertpos)))
	    (delete-char -1))))
    (if insertpos
	  (goto-char insertpos)
	  (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
      (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))))

(defun c-inside-parens-p ()
  (condition-case ()
	  (narrow-to-region (point)
			    (progn (beginning-of-defun) (point)))
	  (goto-char (point-max))
	  (= (char-after (or (scan-lists (point) -1 1) (point-min))) ?\()))
    (error nil)))
(defun c++-indent-line (&optional whole-exp)
  "Indent current line as C++ code.
Argument means shift any additional lines of grouping
rigidly with thls line."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((indent (calculate-c++-indent nil))
	beg end shift-amt
	(case-fold-search nil)
	(pos (- (point-max) (point))))
    (setq beg (point))
    (cond ((eq indent nil)
	   (setq indent (current-indentation)))
	  ((eq indent t)
	   (setq indent (calculate-c-indent-within-comment)))
	  ((looking-at "[ \t]*#")
	   (setq indent 0))
	   (skip-chars-forward " \t")
	   (if (listp indent) (setq indent (car indent)))
	   (cond ((looking-at "\\(public\\|private\\|protected\\):")
		  (setq indent (- indent c-indent-level)))
		 ((and (looking-at "[A-Za-z]")
			 (forward-sexp 1)
			 (looking-at ":[^:]")))
		  (setq indent (max 1 (+ indent c-label-offset))))
		 ((looking-at "case\\b")
		  (setq indent (- indent c-indent-level)))
		 ((looking-at "else\\b")
		  (setq indent (save-excursion
		 ((looking-at "friend\[ \t]class[ \t]")
		  (setq indent (- indent c-indent-level)))
		 ((= (following-char) ?})
		  (setq indent (- indent c-indent-level)))
		 ((= (following-char) ?{)
		  (setq indent (+ indent c-brace-offset))))))
    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
    (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-column)))
    (if (zerop shift-amt)
	(if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
	    (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
      (delete-region beg (point))
      (indent-to indent)
      ;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
      ;; position after the indentation.  Else stay at same point in text.
      (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
	  (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
      ;; If desired, shift remaining lines of expression the same amount.
      (and whole-exp
	     (goto-char beg)
	     (forward-sexp 1)
	     (setq end (point))
	     (goto-char beg)
	     (forward-line 1)
	     (setq beg (point))
	     (> end beg))
	   (indent-code-rigidly beg end shift-amt "#")))))

(defun calculate-c++-indent (&optional parse-start)
  "Return appropriate indentation for current line as C++ code.
In usual case returns an integer: the column to indent to.
Returns nil if line starts inside a string, t if in a comment."
    (let ((indent-point (point))
	  (case-fold-search nil)
      (if parse-start
	  (goto-char parse-start)
      (while (< (point) indent-point)
	(setq parse-start (point))
	(setq state (parse-partial-sexp (point) indent-point 0))
	(setq containing-sexp (car (cdr state))))
      (cond ((or (nth 3 state) (nth 4 state))
	     ;; return nil or t if should not change this line
	     (nth 4 state))
	    ((null containing-sexp)
	     ;; Line is at top level.  May be data or function definition,
	     ;; or may be function argument declaration.
	     ;; Indent like the previous top level line
	     ;; unless that ends in a closeparen without semicolon,
	     ;; in which case this line is the first argument decl.
	     (goto-char indent-point)
	     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
	     (if (= (following-char) ?{)
		 0   ; Unless it starts a function body
	       (c++-backward-to-noncomment (or parse-start (point-min)))
	       (if (= (preceding-char) ?\))
	    ((/= (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)
	     ;; line is expression, not statement:
	     ;; indent to just after the surrounding open.
	     (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
	     ;; Statement.  Find previous non-comment character.
;;;	     (message "statement..")
	     (goto-char indent-point)
	     (c++-backward-to-noncomment containing-sexp)
	     (if (not (memq (preceding-char) '(nil ?\, ?\; ?} ?: ?\{)))
		 ;; This line is continuation of preceding line's statement;
		 ;; indent  c-continued-statement-offset  more than the
		 ;; previous line of the statement.
		   (c-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp containing-sexp)
		   (+ c-continued-statement-offset (current-column)))
	       ;; This line starts a new statement.
	       ;; Position following last unclosed open.
	       (goto-char containing-sexp)
	       ;; Is line first statement after an open-brace?
		 ;; If no, find that first statement and indent like it.
		   (forward-char 1)
		   (while (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
				   "\\|case[ \t]"
				   "\\|friend[ \t]class[ \t]")))
		     ;; Skip over comments and labels following openbrace.
		     (cond ((= (following-char) ?\#)
			    (forward-line 1))
			   ((looking-at "/\\*")
			    (search-forward "*/" nil 'move))
			   ((looking-at "//\\|friend[ \t]class[ \t]")
			    (forward-line 1))
			    (re-search-forward ":[^:]"))))
;;;		   (message "P=%d IP=%d CC=%d" (point)
;;;			    indent-point (current-column))
		   ;; The first following code counts
		   ;; if it is before the line we want to indent.
		   (and (< (point) indent-point)
		 ;; If no previous statement,
		 ;; indent it relative to line brace is on.
		 ;; For open brace in column zero, don't let statement
		 ;; start there too.  If c-indent-offset is zero,
		 ;; use c-brace-offset + c-continued-statement-offset instead.
		 ;; For open-braces not the first thing in a line,
		 ;; add in c-brace-imaginary-offset.
;;;		 (and (message "1st statement...") nil)
		 (+ (if (and (bolp) (zerop c-indent-level))
			(+ c-brace-offset c-continued-statement-offset)
		    (if (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t")
			0 c-brace-imaginary-offset)

(defun calculate-c-indent-within-comment ()
  "Return the indentation amount for line, assuming that
the current line is to be regarded as part of a block comment."
  (let (end star-start)
      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
      (setq star-start (= (following-char) ?\*))
      (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
      (setq end (point))
      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
      (and (re-search-forward "/\\*[ \t]*" end t)
	   (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 0))))

(defun c++-backward-to-noncomment (lim)
  (let (opoint stop)
    (while (not stop)
      (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f" lim)
      (setq opoint (point))
      (if (and (>= (point) (+ 2 lim))
		 (forward-char -2)
		 (looking-at "\\*/")))
	  (search-backward "/*" lim 'move)
	(or (search-backward "//" (max (point-bol) lim) 'move)
	      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
	      (if (looking-at "#\\|//")
		  (setq stop (<= (point) lim))
		(setq stop t)
		(goto-char opoint))))))))

(defun c-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp (lim)
  (if (= (preceding-char) ?\))
      (forward-sexp -1))
  (if (<= (point) lim)
      (goto-char (1+ lim)))
  (skip-chars-forward " \t"))

(defun c-backward-to-start-of-if (&optional limit)
  "Move to the start of the last ``unbalanced'' if."
  (or limit (setq limit (save-excursion (beginning-of-defun) (point))))
  (let ((if-level 1)
	(case-fold-search nil))
    (while (not (zerop if-level))
      (backward-sexp 1)
      (cond ((looking-at "else\\b")
	     (setq if-level (1+ if-level)))
	    ((looking-at "if\\b")
	     (setq if-level (1- if-level)))
	    ((< (point) limit)
	     (setq if-level 0)
	     (goto-char limit))))))

(defun indent-c++-exp ()
  "Indent each line of the C++ grouping following point."
  (let ((indent-stack (list nil))
	(contain-stack (list (point)))
	(case-fold-search nil)
	restart outer-loop-done inner-loop-done state ostate
	this-indent last-sexp
	(opoint (point))
	(next-depth 0))
      (forward-sexp 1))
      (setq outer-loop-done nil)
      (while (and (not (eobp)) (not outer-loop-done))
	(setq last-depth next-depth)
	;; Compute how depth changes over this line
	;; plus enough other lines to get to one that
	;; does not end inside a comment or string.
	;; Meanwhile, do appropriate indentation on comment lines.
	(setq innerloop-done nil)
	(while (and (not innerloop-done)
		    (not (and (eobp) (setq outer-loop-done t))))
	  (setq ostate state)
	  (setq state (parse-partial-sexp (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))
					  nil nil state))
	  (setq next-depth (car state))
	  (if (and (car (cdr (cdr state)))
		   (>= (car (cdr (cdr state))) 0))
	      (setq last-sexp (car (cdr (cdr state)))))
	  (if (or (nth 4 ostate))
	  (if (or (nth 3 state))
	      (forward-line 1)
	    (setq innerloop-done t)))
	(if (<= next-depth 0)
	    (setq outer-loop-done t))
	(if outer-loop-done
	  (if (/= last-depth next-depth)
	      (setq last-sexp nil))
	  (while (> last-depth next-depth)
	    (setq indent-stack (cdr indent-stack)
		  contain-stack (cdr contain-stack)
		  last-depth (1- last-depth)))
	  (while (< last-depth next-depth)
	    (setq indent-stack (cons nil indent-stack)
		  contain-stack (cons nil contain-stack)
		  last-depth (1+ last-depth)))
	  (if (null (car contain-stack))
	      (setcar contain-stack (or (car (cdr state))
					(save-excursion (forward-sexp -1)
	  (forward-line 1)
	  (skip-chars-forward " \t")
	  (if (eolp)
	    (if (and (car indent-stack)
		     (>= (car indent-stack) 0))
		;; Line is on an existing nesting level.
		;; Lines inside parens are handled specially.
		(if (/= (char-after (car contain-stack)) ?{)
		    (setq this-indent (car indent-stack))
		  ;; Line is at statement level.
		  ;; Is it a new statement?  Is it an else?
		  ;; Find last non-comment character before this line
		    (setq at-else (looking-at "else\\W"))
		    (c++-backward-to-noncomment opoint)
		    (if (not (memq (preceding-char) '(nil ?\, ?\; ?} ?: ?{)))
			;; Preceding line did not end in comma or semi;
			;; indent this line  c-continued-statement-offset
			;; more than previous.
			  (c-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp (car contain-stack))
			  (setq this-indent
				(+ c-continued-statement-offset (current-column))))
		      ;; Preceding line ended in comma or semi;
		      ;; use the standard indent for this level.
		      (if at-else
			  (progn (c-backward-to-start-of-if opoint)
				 (setq this-indent (current-indentation)))
			(setq this-indent (car indent-stack))))))
	      ;; Just started a new nesting level.
	      ;; Compute the standard indent for this level.
	      (let ((val (calculate-c++-indent
			  (if (car indent-stack)
			      (- (car indent-stack))))))
		(setcar indent-stack
			(setq this-indent val))))
	    ;; Adjust line indentation according to its contents
	    (if (looking-at "\\(public\\|private\\|protected\\):")
		(setq this-indent (- this-indent c-indent-level)))
	    (if (and (looking-at "[A-Za-z]")
		       (forward-sexp 1)
		       (looking-at ":[^:]")))
		(setq this-indent (max 1 (+ this-indent c-label-offset))))
	    (if (looking-at "case[ \t]")
		(setq this-indent (- this-indent c-indent-level)))
	    (if (looking-at "friend[ \t]class[ \t]")
		(setq this-indent (- this-indent c-indent-level)))
	    (if (= (following-char) ?})
		(setq this-indent (- this-indent c-indent-level)))
	    (if (= (following-char) ?{)
		(setq this-indent (+ this-indent c-brace-offset)))
	    ;; Put chosen indentation into effect.
	    (or (= (current-column) this-indent)
		(= (following-char) ?\#)
		  (delete-region (point) (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
		  (indent-to this-indent)))
	    ;; Indent any comment following the text.
	    (or (looking-at comment-start-skip)
		(if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t)
		    (progn (indent-for-comment) (beginning-of-line))))))))))

(defun fill-C-comment ()
    (let ((save fill-prefix))
      (beginning-of-line 1)
	(re-search-forward comment-start-skip
			   (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))
	(goto-char (match-end 0))
      (while (looking-at fill-prefix)
	(previous-line 1))
      (next-line 1)
      (insert-string "\n")
      (fill-paragraph nil)
      (delete-char -1)
      (setq fill-prefix save))))

(defun point-bol ()
  "Returns the value of the point at the beginning of the current

(defun previous-line-starts-with (string)
  "Returns t if previous nonblank line begins with STRING"
    (beginning-of-line 0)
    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
    (if (eolp)
	(previous-line-starts-with string)
      (looking-at string))))
;;; This section defines some functions that are useful in defining
;;; parameterized functions and classes using macros.

(defun c++-macroize-region (start end)
  (interactive "r")
    (let ((last-line (progn (goto-char end)
			    (count-lines (point-min) (point)))))
      (goto-char start)
      (let ((i (count-lines (point-min) (point))))
	(while (<= i last-line)
	  (end-of-line 1)
	  (let ((target (max (+ (current-column) 1) 78)))
	    (while (< (current-column) target) (insert "\t"))
	    (delete-char -1)
	    (while (< (current-column) target) (insert " "))
	    (insert "\\")
	    (next-line 1)
	    (setq i (1+ i))))))))

(define-key c++-mode-map "\C-c\\" 'c++-macroize-region)
------------------------------cut here------------------------------
      Walter Smith, Math/CS undergraduate, Carnegie-Mellon University
		    CS graduate student starting August!
       uucp: ...!seismo!cmu-cs-k!wrs          ARPA: wrs@k.cs.cmu.edu
	       usps: 5139 Forbes Ave.; Pittsburgh, PA  15213