dld@theory.cs.cmu.edu.UUCP (06/11/87)
I would like to find out if is is possible in gnu emacs emacs lisp call something with a string argument that will have the same effect as if I had typed the string to the current environment. If this is a way to do this, could someone tell me about it? Thanks, Dave
nz@hotlg.ATT (Neal Ziring) (06/12/87)
In article <1054@theory.cs.cmu.edu> dld@theory.cs.cmu.edu.UUCP writes: > I would like to find out if is is possible in gnu emacs emacs lisp > call something with a string argument that will have the same effect > as if I had typed the string to the current environment. If this is a > way to do this, could someone tell me about it? > > Dave Yes, it is not only possible, but fairly easy. For instance, let's say that the variable just-built-cmd-string holds a sequence of control, escape, and regular characters: (let (tempdef) (fset tempdef just-build-cmd-string) (execute-kbd-macro def)) This is the only way of doing that I know, from Elisp. You could define an Elisp function that accepts strings, processes them in some way, then executes them using the fragment above. -- ...nz (Neal Ziring @ ATT-BL Holmdel, x2354, 3H-437) "You can fit an infinite number of wires into this junction box, but we usually don't go that far in practice." London Electric Co. Worker, 1880s