[comp.emacs] Negating REGEXPs, etc.

ram-ashwin@YALE.ARPA.UUCP (06/15/87)

1.  How do I construct a regular expression that will search for any
character that isn't part of a symbol?  I know that "\\sw\\|\\s_" will search
for anything that is a word constituent or a non-word symbol constituent, but
how do I negate this?  I need something like "[^\\sw\\s_]", but the "[^...]"
construct only takes characters, not character descriptions.

2.  a. Is there any way to negate regular expressions in general?
    b. Or OR or AND them?  Something line (REGEXP-OR "foo" "bar") might be
       useful instead of "foo\\|bar", if only for readability.
    c. Is there an analog of "\\|" for AND?
I couldn't find anything in (emacs)Regexp in the Info browser.

-- Ashwin.

ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@yale
UUCP:    {decvax,linus,seismo}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
BITNET:  Ram@yalecs