[comp.emacs] Scheming

daveb@llama.rtech.UUCP (Dave Brower) (07/02/87)

I am running C Scheme and GNU Emacs 17.xx on a System V machine without
job control.  The present scheme-mode seems awkward to use without the
ability to stop emacs::

(defun goto-parallel-scheme-fork ()
  (suspend-emacs scheme-invocation-string))

;; This currently assumes that Emacs runs as an inferior to Scheme

(fset 'goto-scheme 'suspend-emacs)

;; if not, do (fset 'goto-scheme 'goto-parallel-scheme-fork)

Thus, goto-scheme fires up a new scheme each time, since suspend-emacs fires
up a sub-shell in this version.

Does anyone have a good way to fire up something like a *scheme* window?
Is this already in the 18.xx I'm waiting for?
