[comp.emacs] YA BS/DEL Comment

bart@reed.UUCP (Bart Massey) (09/19/87)

About half the terminals in the world send ^? '\177' DEL and the other half
send ^H '\010' BS when you press the fat key near the upper right corner
designed to backspace and delete the character under the cursor.  On UN*X,
BS is the natural choice, plus the key combination <ctl>-h is easy to find
and press on any keyboard I've ever used.  So, I've trained myself to type a
literal ^H for backspacing.  Which works fine, except on Macintoshes, and in
GNU Emacs.  (BTW, I also type ^[ for ESC, since that one also tends to be
hard to find and generate on weird keyboards).
						Bart Massey
						UUCP: ..tektronix!reed!bart