[comp.emacs] monkey.el PART 3 of 3

lord+@andrew.cmu.edu (Tom Lord) (10/04/87)

mailers are choking, hence this split repost.

; actions on marked files
(defun monkey-shove ()
  "Put the names of the marked file into a scratch buffer."
  (let ((list-buffer (get-buffer-create "*File List*")))
      (set-buffer list-buffer)
     '(lambda ()
	(let ((name (monkey-filename)))
	    (set-buffer list-buffer)
	    (goto-char (point-max))
	    (insert name "\n")))))
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window list-buffer)))

(defun monkey-mung-marked-subdirectories ()
  "Expand or collapse marked subdirectories.  Prefix makes a difference as
to which happens."
     (if current-prefix-arg

(defun monkey-mung-this-subdirectory ()
  "Expand or collapse a subdirectory. Prefix determines which."
    (if current-prefix-arg

(defun monkey-hide-marked ()
  "Hide all marked files.  With a prefix, unhide near marked lines."
   (if current-prefix-arg
   nil t))

(defun monkey-hide-this ()
  "Hide this file.  With a prefix, unhide near this line."
  (if current-prefix-arg

(defun monkey-unhide-all ()
  "Unhide all files."
  (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
      (unwind-protect	;redisplay does not happen correctly if this
isn't here
	  (progn (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\r ?\n t)
		 (goto-char (point-min))
		 (replace-string "\n\n" "\n")
		 (goto-char (point-min))
		 (and (= (following-char) ?\n)
		      (delete-char 1))))))

(defun monkey-list-long ()
  "Show the output of ls -l'ing the marked files."
  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*monkey-ls-output*"
     '(lambda ()
	(call-process "ls" nil "*monkey-ls-output*" t "-ld"

(defun monkey-list-this-long ()
  "Show the output of ls -l'ing the marked files."
    (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*monkey-short-ls-output*"
      (call-process "ls" nil "*monkey-short-ls-output*" t "-ld"
    (set-buffer "*monkey-short-ls-output*")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (message (buffer-substring (bol-point) (eol-point)))))


(defun monkey-confirm-deletions (deletion-list)
  "Make sure that DELETION-LIST meets with the users approval."
  (if (= (length deletion-list) 1)
      (y-or-n-p (format "Delete %s ?" (car deletion-list)))
      (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Deletions*"
	(set-buffer "*Deletions*")
	(while deletion-list
	  (insert (car deletion-list) "\n")
	  (setq deletion-list (cdr deletion-list)))
	(display-buffer "*Deletions*")
	(yes-or-no-p "Delete these files?")))))

(defun monkey-delete-marked ()
  "Delete all the marked files."
    (let (deletion-list)
       '(lambda ()
	  (setq deletion-list
		(cons (monkey-filename t)
      (if (not (monkey-confirm-deletions deletion-list))
	  (message "Nothing Deleted.")
	 '(lambda ()
	    (delete-file-properly (monkey-filename t) 1)

(defun monkey-delete-this ()
  "Delete all the current file."
    (let ((deletion-list (list (monkey-filename t))))
      (if (not (monkey-confirm-deletions deletion-list))
	  (message "Nothing Deleted.")
	(delete-file-properly (car deletion-list))
	(monkey-next-line 1)))))

(defun monkey-copy-file (destination &optional unhidden)
  "Copy the current file to DESTINATION."
   (copy-file-properly (monkey-filename t) destination 1) unhidden))

(defun monkey-copy-this (destination)
  "Copy the current file to DESTINATION."
  (interactive "FCopy to: ")
  (monkey-copy-file destination)

(defun monkey-copy-marked (destination)
  "Copy the marked files to DESTINATION."
  (interactive "FCopy to: ")
       '(lambda () (monkey-copy-file destination t)))

(defun monkey-rename-file (destination &optional unhidden)
  "Rename the current file to DESTINATION."
     (rename-file-properly (monkey-filename t) destination 1) unhidden))

(defun monkey-rename-this (destination)
  "Rename the current file to DESTINATION."
  (interactive "FRename to: ")
  (monkey-rename-file destination)

(defun monkey-rename-marked (destination)
  "Rename the marked files to DESTINATION."
  (interactive "FRename to: ")
       '(lambda ()
	  (monkey-rename-file destination t)))

; various ways of editting marked files

(defun monkey-edit-file ()
  "If the current file is a directory, create a monkey-buffer for it.
Otherwise, find-file it, but don't switch to the new buffer.  Someday, this
should offer to execute executables.  Returns the new buffer, if any."
    (let ((name (monkey-filename t)))
      (if (file-directory-p name)
	  (monkey-directory (file-name-as-directory name))
	(find-file name))

(defun monkey-edit-marked ()
  "Edit all the marked files.  Switch to the edit buffer for the first one
in the list."
  (let ((destination-buffer nil))
     '(lambda ()
	(message "finding %s..." (monkey-filename))
	(let ((x (monkey-edit-file)))
	  (setq destination-buffer (if destination-buffer 'dont-switch x)))))
    (message "done.")
    (or (eq destination-buffer 'dont-switch)
	(switch-to-buffer destination-buffer))))

(defun monkey-edit-this ()
  "Edit this file."
  (switch-to-buffer (monkey-edit-file)))

(defun monkey-edit-marked-other-window ()
  "Edit all the marked files.  Switch to the edit buffer for the first
one in the other window."
  (let ((destination-buffer nil))
     '(lambda ()
	(message "finding %s..." (monkey-filename))
	(let ((x (monkey-edit-file)))
	  (setq destination-buffer (or destination-buffer x)))))
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window destination-buffer)))

(defun monkey-edit-this-other-window ()
  "Edit this file in the other window."
  (switch-to-buffer-other-window (monkey-edit-file)))

(defun monkey-edit-marked-and-trash-this-buffer ()
  "Edit all the marked files and trash this buffer."
  (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))

(defun monkey-edit-this-and-trash-this-buffer ()
  "Edit all the marked files and trash this buffer."
  (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))

; the fancy copy and rename by regexp commands

(defun monkey-copy-by-regexp (copy-by-regexp-target) ;i hate dynamic scoping
  "Using the regexp used last for monkey-mark-by-regexp, match each marked
filename, then copy it."
; the following piece of crap could be eliminated if version 19 includes the
; rewrite-regexp.  Rewrite-regexp should take arguments SOURCE-REGEXP,
; it should match SOURCE against SOURCE-REGEXP and then rewrite TARGET in the
; of replace-match.  An optional parameter should control the behaviour of
the function
; in the case that SOURCE-REGEXP and SOURCE can not be matched.
  (interactive "sCopy to: ")
  (if (null monkey-last-mark-regexp)
      (error "You must mark files using a regexp first."))
       '(lambda ()
	  (goto-char (monkey-filename-beginning))
	  (if (not (looking-at monkey-last-mark-regexp))
	      (error "%s does not match the source regexp."
	  (let ((old-name (monkey-filename))
	    (re-search-forward monkey-last-mark-regexp nil nil)
	    (replace-match copy-by-regexp-target nil nil)
	    (let ((new-name (monkey-filename)))
	      (insert old-name)
	      (monkey-copy-file new-name t)))))

(defun monkey-rename-by-regexp (rename-by-regexp-target)
  "Using the regexp used last for monkey-mark-by-regexp, match each marked
filename, then rename it."
  (interactive "sRename to: ")
  (or monkey-last-mark-regexp
      (error "You must mark files using a regexp first."))
       '(lambda ()
	  (goto-char (monkey-filename-beginning))
	  (if (not (looking-at monkey-last-mark-regexp))
	      (error "%s does not match the source regexp."
	  (let ((old-name (monkey-filename))
		(buffer-read-only nil))
	    (re-search-forward monkey-last-mark-regexp nil nil)
	    (replace-match rename-by-regexp-target nil nil)
	    (let ((new-name (monkey-filename)))
	      (insert old-name)
	      (monkey-rename-file new-name t)))))

;  misc. monkey functions 
(defun monkey-gee ()
  "Empty the buffer, and re-list the directory. Start from 
  (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
    (goto-char (point-min)))

(defun monkey-parent ()
  "Edit the directory `..'."
  (monkey-directory ".."))

(defun monkey-summary ()
  "Give the luser a summary of monkey commands."
    "\\[monkey-mark-this] mark, \\[monkey-unmark-this] unmark, 
\\[monkey-delete-marked] delete, many many more...M-x describe-mode")))

; invoking monkey
(defun monkey-directory-noselect (directory)
  "Make a buffer for DIRECTORY, but don't select it.
The buffer is returned."
  (let* ((name (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name directory)))
	 (buffer (get-buffer-create name)))
      (set-buffer buffer)
      (and (eq (buffer-size) 0)
	   (progn (setq buffer-read-only t)
		  (setq default-directory name)
		  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
		  (goto-char (point-min))
		  (goto-char (or (monkey-filename-beginning) (point)))

(defun monkey-directory (directory)
  "Make a buffer for directory and monkey around with it."
  (interactive "DDirectory: ")
  (switch-to-buffer (monkey-directory-noselect directory)))

(defun minkey (directory)
  "A nice alias for monkey-directory."
  (interactive "DDirectory: ")
  (monkey-directory directory))

(defvar monkey-state-stack nil
  "Used for pushing and popping monkey states.")

; these make good replacements for 
;  find-file, find-alternate-file, and find-file-other-window

(defun monkey-file (file)
  (interactive "FFile: ")
  (if (file-directory-p file)
      (monkey-directory file)
    (find-file file)))

(defun monkey-alternate-file (file)
  (interactive "FAlternate file: ")
  (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
  (monkey-file file))

(defun monkey-file-other-window (file)
  (interactive "FFile other window: ")
  (if (not (file-directory-p file))
      (find-file-other-window file)
    (let ((pop-up-windows t))
      (pop-to-buffer (monkey-directory-noselect file)))))

(defun monkey-toggle-quietness ()
  "Turn file stating on or off"
  (if (setq monkey-be-fast (not monkey-be-fast))
      (message "monkey: file stating turned off")
    (message "monkey: file stating turned on")))

(defun monkey-copy-this-file-name ()
  "Copy the current file name into the kill ring"
  (copy-region-as-kill (monkey-filename-beginning) (monkey-filename-end)))

(defun monkey-copy-marked-file-names (&optional flag)
  "Copy all of the marked file names into the kill ring 
seperated by a space.  Prefix arg causes filenames to be 
sperated by a newline."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((list-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Cut File List*"))
	(sep (if flag "\n" " ")))
      (set-buffer list-buffer)
     '(lambda ()
	(let ((name (monkey-filename)))
	    (set-buffer list-buffer)
	    (goto-char (point-max))
	    (insert name sep)))))
    (set-buffer list-buffer)
    (copy-region-as-kill (point-min) (point-max))))

(defun monkey-shell-command ()
  "Prompt for a shell command using the marked filenames as
a default command string."
  (shell-command-on-region (point) (point) 
			   (read-string "Shell command: " 
					(car kill-ring)) nil))

;  added extra bonus courtesy of Joe Keane

(defun monkey-background ()
  "Invoke a background process on the marked files."
  (background (read-string "& " (car kill-ring))))

;;; Fun with background jobs

(defun background (command)
  (interactive "s& ")
  (cond ((= (string-to-char command) ?&) (switch-to-buffer command))
	((string-match "^kill &" command) (interrupt-process (substring
command 5)))
	(t (let ((job-name "&1"))
	     (let ((job-number 1))
	       (while (process-status job-name)
		 (setq job-number (1+ job-number))
		 (setq job-name (concat "&" job-number)))
	       (let ((process
		       job-name job-name shell-file-name "-c"
		       (if (= (aref command 0) ?&)
			   (substring command 1)
			 (concat "exec " command)))))
		 (message "[%d] %d" job-number (process-id process))
		 (set-process-sentinel process 'background-sentinel)))
	     (let ((directory default-directory))
	       (set-buffer job-name)
	       (setq default-directory directory))
	     (with-output-to-temp-buffer job-name
	       (insert "& cd " default-directory "\n& " command ?\n)))
	   (setq mode-name "Background")
	   ;; Make mode line show process state
	   (setq mode-line-process '(": %s")))))

;; Called when background process changes state.

(defun background-sentinel (process msg)
  (cond ((null (buffer-name (process-buffer process)))
	 ;; buffer killed
	 (set-process-buffer process nil))
	((memq (process-status process) '(signal exit))
	 (let* ((obuf (current-buffer))
		(omax (point-max))
		(opoint (point)))
	   ;; save-excursion isn't the right thing if
	   ;;  process-buffer is current-buffer
	     (setq msg
		   (cond ((string-match "^finished$" msg) "Done")
			 ((string-match "^exited" msg) (concat "Exit "
(substring msg 28 -1)))
			 (t (concat (upcase (substring msg 0 1)) (substring
msg 1 -1)))))
	     (message "[%s] %s %s"
		      (substring (process-name process) 1)
		      (let ((command (nth 2 (process-command process))))
			(if (string-match "^exec" command)
			    (substring command 5)
	     ;; Write something in the buffer and hack its mode line,
	     (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
	     (goto-char (point-max))
	     (insert "\n*** " msg ?  (substring (current-time-string) 0 -5)
	     ;; If buffer and mode line will show that the process
	     ;; is dead, we can delete it now.  Otherwise it
	     ;; will stay around until M-x list-processes.
	   (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
	   ;; Force mode line redisplay soon
	   (if (< opoint omax)
	       (goto-char opoint))
	   (set-buffer obuf)
	   (delete-process process)))))