[comp.emacs] Makefile for uEmacs on MSC 4.0

creps@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (Steve Creps) (12/03/87)

   I thought this may be helpful for those having problems compiling uEmacs,
since there wasn't a makefile included specifically for MS-DOS.

-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
Steve Creps on the VAX 8650 running Ultrix 2.0-1 at Indiana University.
"F-14 Tomcat! There IS no substitute."

# Makefile for MicroEMACS 3.9e for MSC 4.0
OBJS=	basic.obj bind.obj buffer.obj crypt.obj display.obj eval.obj \
	exec.obj file.obj fileio.obj ibmpc.obj input.obj isearch.obj \
	line.obj main.obj random.obj region.obj search.obj spawn.obj \
	termio.obj word.obj window.obj
.c.obj:; msc $*.c $(CFLAGS);
emacs:	emacs.exe
emacs.exe:	$(OBJS)
		link $(OBJS),emacs.exe /NOIG /STACK:16384 /EXEPACK ;
basic.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
bind.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
buffer.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
crypt.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
display.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
eval.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h evar.h
exec.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
file.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
fileio.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
ibmpc.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
input.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
isearch.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
line.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
main.obj: ebind.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
random.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
region.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
search.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
spawn.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
termio.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
word.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h
window.obj: ebind.h epath.h efunc.h edef.h estruct.h

creps@silver.bacs.indiana.edu (Steve Creps) (12/04/87)

   One thing I didn't mention: that makefile works just fine using
NDMAKE 4.3. Obviously, I haven't tried it on other makes. I do
remember having trouble with the NetHack makefile using the version
of make supplied therein, but switching to NDMAKE eliminated my trouble.

-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
Steve Creps on the VAX 8650 running Ultrix 2.0-1 at Indiana University.
"F-14 Tomcat! There IS no substitute."