[comp.emacs] JOVE load average question

ls@dlhpedg.UUCP (01/15/88)

Can anyone tell me what the 'load-average' displayed on the 
jove mode line means, and what it measures.

	Les Smithson

amoss@batata.BITNET (Amos Shapira) (01/17/88)

The load avarage is the avarage number of processes that were on the
systems running queue for the last minute. The system keeps the numbers
for the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes. You can also see this avarage by running

--Amos Shapira

amoss%batata@relay.cs.net			amoss@batata.bitnet

"Super users do it without asking for permission" -- me

ron@topaz.rutgers.edu (Ron Natalie) (01/19/88)

On a machine that can provide the information, the load average is the
average length of the run queue (number of processes waiting to be run).
Averages over three or five different intervals (depending on
your UNIX system) are maintained.
