[comp.emacs] GNUS: a NNTP based news reader for GNU Emacs

umerin@flab.flab.fujitsu.JUNET (Masanobu UMEDA) (02/02/88)

This is a network news reader for GNU Emacs. It is based on Network
News Transfer Protocol (NNTP). You are able to read and post a news
remotely inside Emacs. Any comment, suggestion, and bug fix are
welcome. (Do not forget installing `nntp.el'.)

Before staring gnus you have to define your environment as follows:

(1) define news server host by

	setenv NNTPSERVER your-news-server-host-name

(2) define your domain (do not include your host name!) by

	setenv DOMAINNAME your-domain-name

(3) define your organization by

	setenv ORGANIZATION your-organization

One known problem is that a large text posted remotely may be broken
by unknown reason.  This is why Emacs command `lisp-send-defun' uses
external file to send function definitions to inferior lisp process.
You'd better not post a so large news as gnus.el.

Masanobu UMEDA
: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
: The rest of this file will extract:
: gnus.el
echo x gnus.el
sed 's/^X//' > gnus.el << '*-*-END-of-gnus.el-*-*'
X;;; GNUS: NNTP Based News Reader for GNU Emacs
X;; Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Fujitsu Laboratoris LTD.
X;; Copyrigth (C) 1987, 1988 Masanobu UMEDA (umerin@flab.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET)
X;; $Header: gnus.el,v 2.0 88/02/02 10:02:32 umerin Locked $
X;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
X;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
X;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
X;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
X;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
X;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
X;; License for full details.
X;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
X;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
X;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
X;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
X;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
X;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
X;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
X;; TO DO:
X;; (1) stop using replace-regexp in format conversion because it is
X;;     too slow.
X;; (2) caesar article body (rot13).
X;; (3) select article by references.
X;; (4) select article by author.
X(provide 'gnus)
X(require 'nntp)
X(require 'mail-utils)
X;; Function `news-inews' overrides the function defined in
X;;  `rnewspost.el'. So, rnewspost.el must be loaded before it is
X;;  defined.
X(if (not (fboundp 'news-inews))
X    (load-library "rnewspost"))
X(defvar gnus-server-host (getenv "NNTPSERVER")
X  "*Host the NNTP news server is running.
XInitialized from the NNTPSERVER environment variable.")
X(defvar gnus-startup-file "~/.newsrc"
X  "*Your .newsrc file. Use `.newsrc-HOST' instead if it exists.")
X(defvar gnus-subject-lines-height 4
X  "*Number of subject lines displayed at once.")
X(defvar gnus-author-copy-file (getenv "AUTHORCOPY")
X  "*File name saving copy of posted article.
XIf the first character of the name is `|', the article is piped out to
Xnamed program.
XInitialized from the AUTHORCOPY environment variable.")
X(defvar gnus-default-distribution "local"
X  "*Use the value as distribution if no distribution is specified.")
X(defvar gnus-novice-user nil
X  "*A little bit verbose in posting mode if T.
XAsk you news group name, subject, and distribution.")
X(defvar gnus-Group-mode-hook nil
X  "*Hooks for GNUS Group mode.")
X(defvar gnus-Subject-mode-hook nil
X  "*Hooks for GNUS Subject mode.")
X(defvar gnus-Article-mode-hook nil
X  "*Hooks for GNUS Article mode.")
X;; Site dependent variables. You have to define these variables in
X;;  site-init.el, default.el or your .emacs.
X(defvar gnus-your-domain "stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET"
X  "*Your domain name without your host name.
XIf environment variable `DOMAINNAME' is defined, it's instead used.")
X(defvar gnus-your-organization "Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan."
X  "*Your organization.
XIf environment variable `ORGANIZATION' is defined, it's instead used.")
X(defvar gnus-your-time-zone -9
X  "*Difference between GMT and your time zone.")
X;; Internal variables.
X(defvar gnus-environment-file "~/.gnus-environ.el"
X  "File name to save environment of GNUS current session.")
X(defvar gnus-environ-sequence-number nil
X  "Message id of article you will post. You should not change the value.")
X(defvar gnus-ignored-headers
X  "^Path:\\|^Posting-Version:\\|^Article-I.D.:\\|^Expires:\\|^Date-Received:\\|^References:\\|^Control:\\|^Xref:\\|^Lines:\\|^Posted:\\|^Relay-Version:\\|^Message-ID:\\|^Nf-ID:\\|^Nf-From:\\|^Approved:\\|^Sender:"
X  "All random fields within the header of a message.")
X(defvar gnus-newsrc-options nil
X  "Options line in .newsrc file.")
X(defvar gnus-newsrc-assoc nil
X  "Assoc list of read articles.")
X(defvar gnus-unread-assoc nil
X  "Assoc list of unread articles.")
X(defvar gnus-active-assoc nil
X  "Assoc list of active articles.")
X(defvar gnus-Group-display-buffer "*Newsgroup*")
X(defvar gnus-Subject-display-buffer "*Subject*")
X(defvar gnus-Article-display-buffer "*Article*")
X(defvar gnus-current-news-group nil)
X(defvar gnus-current-group-begin nil)
X(defvar gnus-current-group-end nil)
X(defvar gnus-current-group-articles nil
X  "List of articles in current news group.")
X(defvar gnus-current-group-unread-articles nil
X  "List of unread articles in current news group.")
X(defvar gnus-current-group-headers nil
X  "List of (ARTICLE-NUMBER SUBJECT FROM XREF) in current news group.")
X(defvar gnus-current-article nil
X  "Current article number.")
X(defvar gnus-previous-article nil
X  "Previous article number.")
X(defvar gnus-Group-mode-map nil)
X(defvar gnus-Subject-mode-map nil)
X(defvar gnus-Article-mode-map nil)
X(defvar rmail-last-file (expand-file-name "~/XMBOX"))
X(defvar rmail-last-rmail-file (expand-file-name "~/XNEWS"))
X(autoload 'rmail-output "rmailout"
X	  "Append this message to Unix mail file named FILE-NAME." t)
X(put 'gnus-Group-mode 'mode-class 'special)
X(put 'gnus-Subject-mode 'mode-class 'special)
X(put 'gnus-Article-mode 'mode-class 'special)
X;;(put 'eval-in-buffer-window 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
X(defmacro eval-in-buffer-window (buffer &rest forms)
X  "Pop to BUFFER, evaluate FORMS, and then returns to original window."
X  (` (let ((StartBufferWindow (selected-window)))
X       (unwind-protect
X	   (progn
X	     (pop-to-buffer (, buffer))
X	     (,@ forms))
X	 (select-window StartBufferWindow)))))
X;;; GNUS Group display mode
X(if gnus-Group-mode-map
X    nil
X  (setq gnus-Group-mode-map (make-keymap))
X  (suppress-keymap gnus-Group-mode-map)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map " " 'gnus-Group-select-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "=" 'gnus-Group-select-group-no-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "j" 'gnus-Group-read-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "n" 'gnus-Group-next-unread-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "p" 'gnus-Group-prev-unread-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "\177" 'gnus-Group-prev-unread-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "N" 'gnus-Group-next-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "P" 'gnus-Group-prev-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "\C-n" 'gnus-Group-next-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "\C-p" 'gnus-Group-prev-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "/" 'isearch-forward)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "<" 'beginning-of-buffer)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map ">" 'end-of-buffer)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "u" 'gnus-Group-unsubscribe-current-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "U" 'gnus-Group-unsubscribe-group)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "c" 'gnus-Group-catch-up)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "l" 'gnus-Group-list-groups)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "L" 'gnus-Group-list-all-groups)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "g" 'gnus-Group-get-new-news)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "b" 'gnus-Group-check-bogus-groups)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "a" 'gnus-post-news)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "x" 'gnus-Group-force-update)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "s" 'gnus-Group-force-update)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "q" 'gnus-Group-exit)
X  (define-key gnus-Group-mode-map "Q" 'gnus-Group-quit))
X(defun gnus-Group-mode ()
X  "Major mode for reading news using nntp based news server.
XAll normal editing commands are turned off.
XInstead, these commands are available:
X\\[gnus-Group-select-group]	Select this news group.
X\\[gnus-Group-select-group-no-article]	List subjects in this news group.
X\\[gnus-Group-read-group]	Jump to specified news group.
X\\[gnus-Group-next-unread-group]	Move to Next unread news group.
X\\[gnus-Group-prev-unread-group]	Move to Previous unread news group.
X\\[gnus-Group-next-group]	Move to Next news group.
X\\[gnus-Group-prev-group]	Move to Previous news group.
X\\[isearch-forward]	Do incremental search forward.
X\\[beginning-of-buffer]	Move point to beginning of this buffer.
X\\[end-of-buffer]	Move point to end of this buffer.
X\\[gnus-Group-unsubscribe-current-group]	Toggle this news group unsubscribe from/to subscribe.
X\\[gnus-Group-unsubscribe-group]	Toggle news group unsubscribe from/to subscribe.
X\\[gnus-Group-catch-up]	Mark all articles in this news group as read.
X\\[gnus-Group-list-groups]	Revert this buffer.
X\\[gnus-Group-list-all-groups]	List all of news groups.
X\\[gnus-Group-get-new-news]	Get new news.
X\\[gnus-Group-check-bogus-groups]	Check bogus news groups.
X\\[gnus-post-news]	Post an article to JUNET (USENET).
X\\[describe-mode]	Describe this mode.
X\\[gnus-Group-force-update]	Save .newsrc file.
X\\[gnus-Group-exit]	Quit reading news.
X\\[gnus-Group-quit]	Quit reading news without saving .newsrc file.
XThe following commands are available:
XIf there is a file named `~/.newsrc-HOST', it is used as startup file
Xinstead of standard one when talking to a news server on HOST. You are
Xable to talk to hosts more than one by using different startup files
Xfor each.
XBy giving an argument to command `\\[gnus]', you can choose news server
Xhost different from default one.
XIf there is a file named `~/.signature-DISTRIBUTION', it is used as
Xsignature file instead of standard one when posting a news in
XIf you are a novice to network news, it is recommended to set variable
X`gnus-novice-user' to non-NIL. You will be asked newsgroup, subject,
Xand distribution when posting a new news if the value is set to
XEntry to this mode calls the value of gnus-Group-mode-hook with no arguments,
Xif that value is non-nil."
X  (interactive)
X  (kill-all-local-variables)
X  (setq major-mode 'gnus-Group-mode)
X  ;;(setq mode-name "GNUS Newsgroup")
X  (setq mode-name (concat "GNUS " gnus-server-host))
X  (setq mode-line-buffer-identification	"GNUS: List of Newsgroups")
X  ;;(make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
X  ;;(setq revert-buffer-function 'gnus-Group-revert-buffer)
X  (use-local-map gnus-Group-mode-map)
X  (setq buffer-read-only t)		;Disable modification
X  (run-hooks 'gnus-Group-mode-hook))
X(defun gnus (&optional ask-host)
X  "Read news using nntp based news server.
XIf optional argument ASK-HOST is non-nil, ask news server host."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (gnus-start-news-server ask-host)
X  (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create gnus-Group-display-buffer))
X  (gnus-Group-mode)
X  (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
X    (erase-buffer)
X    (gnus-Group-startup-message)
X    (sit-for 0)
X    (gnus-setup-news-info)
X    (erase-buffer))
X  (gnus-Group-list-groups nil)
X  (sit-for 0))
X(defun gnus-Group-startup-message ()
X  (insert "\n\n\n\n
X			   GNUS Version 2.0
X		 NNTP Based News Reader for GNU Emacs
X	If you have any troubles with this software, please let me
X	know. I would fix your problems in the next release.
X	Any comment, suggestion, and bug fix are welcome.
X	Masanobu UMEDA
X	umerin@flab.Fujitsu.JUNET"))
X(defun gnus-Group-list-groups (show-all)
X  "List news groups in group selection buffer.
XIf argument SHOW-ALL is non-nil, unsubscribed groups are also listed."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (gnus-Group-prepare-list show-all)
X  (if (zerop (buffer-size))
X      (message "No news is good news.")
X    ;; Adjust cursor point.
X    (goto-char (point-min))
X    (search-forward ":" nil t)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Group-prepare-list (&optional all)
X  "Prepare list of news groups in current buffer.
XIf optional argument ALL is non-nil, unsubscribed groups are also listed."
X  (save-excursion
X    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
X	  (unread gnus-unread-assoc)
X	  (group nil)
X	  ;; This specifies format of Group display buffer.
X	  (cntl "%s %5s: %s\n"))
X      (erase-buffer)
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      ;; List news groups.
X      (while unread
X	(setq group (car unread))
X	(if (or all
X		(and (> (nth 1 group) 0) ;There are unread articles.
X		     (nth 1 (assoc (car group) gnus-newsrc-assoc))))
X	    (progn
X	      (insert
X	       (format cntl
X		       ;; Subscribed or not.
X		       (if (nth 1 (assoc (car group) gnus-newsrc-assoc))
X			   " " "U")
X		       ;; Number of unread articles.
X		       (nth 1 group)
X		       ;; News group name.
X		       (car group)))
X	      ))
X	(setq unread (cdr unread))
X	))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Group-update-group (group &optional visible-only)
X  "Update news group info of GROUP.
XIf optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, non displayed group is ignored."
X  (save-excursion
X    (set-buffer (get-buffer gnus-Group-display-buffer))
X    (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
X	  (visible nil)
X	  (unread (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc))
X	  ;; This specifies format of Group display buffer.
X	  (cntl "%s %5s: %s\n"))
X      ;; Search point to modify.
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (if (re-search-forward (concat "^.+: " (regexp-quote group) "$") nil t)
X	  ;; GROUP is listed in current buffer.
X	  (progn
X	    (setq visible t)
X	    (beginning-of-line)
X	    (kill-line) (kill-line)	;Delete old line.
X	    ))
X      (if (or visible
X	      (not visible-only))
X	  (insert
X	   (format cntl
X		   ;; Subscribed or not.
X		   (if (nth 1 (assoc group gnus-newsrc-assoc))
X		       " " "U")
X		   ;; Number of unread articles.
X		   (nth 1 unread)
X		   ;; News group name.
X		   group))
X	))
X    ))
X;; GNUS Group mode command
X(defun gnus-Group-group-name ()
X  "Get news group name around point."
X  (save-excursion
X    (beginning-of-line)
X    (if (re-search-forward "^.[ \t]*[0-9]+:[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n]+\\)$" nil t)
X	(buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
X			  (match-end 1))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Group-select-group (all &optional no-article)
X  "Select news group to read at current line.
XIf argument ALL is non-nil, already read articles become readable.
XIf optional argument NO-ARTICLE is non-nil, no article body is displayed."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (let ((group (gnus-Group-group-name))) ;News group name
X    (if group
X	(gnus-Subject-read-group
X	 group
X	 (or all
X	     (not (nth 1 (assoc group gnus-newsrc-assoc))) ;Unsubscribed
X	     (zerop (nth 1 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc)))) ;No unread
X	 no-article
X	 ))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Group-select-group-no-article (all)
X  "Select news group to read at current line.
XNo article is selected automatically.
XIf argument ALL is non-nil, already read articles become readable."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (gnus-Group-select-group all t))
X(defun gnus-Group-read-group (group &optional all)
X  "Start reading news in news GROUP.
XIf argument ALL is non-nil, already read articles become readable."
X  (interactive (list (completing-read "News group: " gnus-unread-assoc)
X		     current-prefix-arg))
X  (gnus-Subject-read-group
X   group
X   (or all
X       (not (nth 1 (assoc group gnus-newsrc-assoc))) ;Unsubscribed
X       (zerop (nth 1 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc)))) ;No unread article
X   ))
X(defun gnus-Group-search-forward (backward any-group)
X  "Search for news group forward.
XIf 1st argument BACKWARD is non-nil, search backward instead.
XIf 2nd argument ANY-GROUP is non-nil, unsubscribed or empty group
Xmay be selected."
X  (let ((func (if backward 're-search-backward 're-search-forward))
X	(regexp 
X	 (format "^%s[ \t]+\\(%s\\):"
X		 (if any-group "." " ")
X		 (if any-group "[0-9]+" "[1-9][0-9]*")))
X	(found nil))
X    (if backward
X	(beginning-of-line)
X      (end-of-line))
X    (if (funcall func regexp nil t)
X	(setq found t))
X    ;; Adjust cursor point.
X    (beginning-of-line)
X    (search-forward ":" nil t)
X    ;; Return T if found.
X    found
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Group-next-group ()
X  "Go to next news group."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (gnus-Group-search-forward nil t)
X      nil
X    (message "No more news group.")))
X(defun gnus-Group-next-unread-group ()
X  "Go to next unread news group."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (gnus-Group-search-forward nil nil)
X      nil
X    (message "No more news group.")))
X(defun gnus-Group-prev-group ()
X  "Go to previous news group."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Group-search-forward t t))
X(defun gnus-Group-prev-unread-group ()
X  "Go to previous unread news group."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Group-search-forward t nil))
X(defun gnus-Group-catch-up (no-confirm)
X  "Mark all articles in this news group as read.
XIf argument NO-CONFIRM is non-nil, do without confirmations.
XCross references (Xref: field) of articles are ignored."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (let ((group (gnus-Group-group-name)))
X    (if (and group
X	     (or no-confirm
X		 (y-or-n-p "Do you really want to mark everything as read? ")))
X	(progn
X	  (gnus-update-unread-articles group nil)
X	  (gnus-Group-update-group group)
X	  (gnus-Group-next-unread-group))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Group-unsubscribe-current-group ()
X  "Toggle subscribe from/to unsubscribe this group."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Group-unsubscribe-group (gnus-Group-group-name)))
X(defun gnus-Group-unsubscribe-group (group)
X  "Toggle subscribe from/to unsubscribe of GROUP."
X  (interactive (list (completing-read "News group: " gnus-newsrc-assoc)))
X  (let ((newsrc (assoc group gnus-newsrc-assoc)))
X    (if newsrc
X	(progn
X	  (setcar (nthcdr 1 newsrc)
X		  (not (nth 1 newsrc)))
X	  (gnus-Group-update-group group)
X	  (gnus-Group-next-group)
X	  ))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Group-list-all-groups ()
X  "List all of news groups in group selection buffer."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Group-list-groups t))
X(defun gnus-Group-get-new-news (all)
X  "Re-read active file.
XIf argument ALL is non-nil, unsubscribed or empty group is also listed."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (gnus-setup-news-info)
X  (gnus-Group-list-groups all))
X(defun gnus-Group-check-bogus-groups ()
X  "Check bogus news group."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-delete-bogus-news-group t)	;Require confirmation.
X  (gnus-clean-up-newsrc))
X(defun gnus-Group-force-update ()
X  "Update .newsrc file."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-save-newsrc-file gnus-startup-file))
X(defun gnus-Group-exit ()
X  "Quit reading news after updating .newsrc."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to quit reading news? ")
X      (progn
X	(gnus-save-newsrc-file gnus-startup-file)
X	(gnus-clear-system)
X	(nntp-close-server))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Group-quit ()
X  "Quit reading news without updating .newsrc."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (yes-or-no-p "Quit reading news without saving .newsrc? ")
X      (progn
X	(gnus-clear-system)
X	(nntp-close-server))
X    ))
X;;; GNUS Subject display mode
X(if gnus-Subject-mode-map
X    nil
X  (setq gnus-Subject-mode-map (make-keymap))
X  (suppress-keymap gnus-Subject-mode-map)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map " " 'gnus-Subject-next-page)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\177" 'gnus-Subject-prev-page)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "n" 'gnus-Subject-next-unread-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "p" 'gnus-Subject-prev-unread-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "N" 'gnus-Subject-next-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "P" 'gnus-Subject-prev-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\e\C-n" 'gnus-Subject-next-same-subject)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\e\C-p" 'gnus-Subject-prev-same-subject)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\C-c\C-n" 'gnus-Subject-next-digest)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'gnus-Subject-prev-digest)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\C-n" 'gnus-Subject-next-subject)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\C-p" 'gnus-Subject-prev-subject)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\en" 'gnus-Subject-next-unread-subject)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\ep" 'gnus-Subject-prev-unread-subject)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "." 'gnus-Subject-first-unread-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "/" 'isearch-forward)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "s" 'gnus-Subject-search-article-body)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "<" 'gnus-Subject-beginning-of-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map ">" 'gnus-Subject-end-of-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "j" 'gnus-Subject-goto-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "l" 'gnus-Subject-goto-last-article)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "u" 'gnus-Subject-mark-unread-forward)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "U" 'gnus-Subject-mark-unread-backward)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "d" 'gnus-Subject-mark-read-forward)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "D" 'gnus-Subject-mark-read-backward)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "k" 'gnus-Subject-kill-same-subject)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "c" 'gnus-Subject-catch-up)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\C-t" 'gnus-Subject-toggle-truncation)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "t" 'gnus-Subject-show-all-headers)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "v" 'gnus-Subject-show-all-headers)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "a" 'gnus-Subject-post-news)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "f" 'gnus-Subject-post-reply)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "C" 'gnus-Subject-cancel)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "r" 'gnus-Subject-mail-reply)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "m" 'gnus-Subject-mail-other-window)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "o" 'gnus-Subject-save-in-file)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "\C-o" 'gnus-Subject-rmail-output)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "|" 'gnus-Subject-pipe-output)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "q" 'gnus-Subject-exit)
X  (define-key gnus-Subject-mode-map "Q" 'gnus-Subject-quit))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mode ()
X  "Major mode for reading news in this news group.
XAll normal editing commands are turned off.
XInstead, these commands are available:
X\\[gnus-Subject-next-page]	Scroll to next page of this article. (If end of the article,\n\tmove to next article.)
X\\[gnus-Subject-prev-page]	Scroll to previous page of this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-next-unread-article]	Move to Next unread article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-prev-unread-article]	Move to Previous unread article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-next-article]	Move to Next article whether read or not.
X\\[gnus-Subject-prev-article]	Move to Previous article whether read or not.
X\\[gnus-Subject-next-same-subject]	Move to Next article which has same subject as this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-prev-same-subject]	Move to Previous article which has same subject as this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-next-digest]	Scroll to next digested message in this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-prev-digest]	Scroll to previous digested message in this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-next-subject]	Move to next subject line.
X\\[gnus-Subject-prev-subject]	Move to previous subject line.
X\\[gnus-Subject-next-unread-subject]	Move to next unread article's subject.
X\\[gnus-Subject-prev-unread-subject]	Move to previous unread article's subject.
X\\[gnus-Subject-first-unread-article]	Jump to first unread article in this news group.
X\\[isearch-forward]	Do incremental search forward.
X\\[gnus-Subject-search-article-body]	Do incremental search forward on this article body.
X\\[gnus-Subject-beginning-of-article]	Move point to beginning of this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-end-of-article]	Move point to end of this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-goto-article]	Jump to article specified by numeric article ID.
X\\[gnus-Subject-goto-last-article]	Jump to article you read last.
X\\[gnus-Subject-mark-unread-forward]	Mark this article as unread, and go forward.
X\\[gnus-Subject-mark-unread-backward]	Mark this article as unread, and go backward.
X\\[gnus-Subject-mark-read-forward]	Mark this article as read, and go forward.
X\\[gnus-Subject-mark-read-backward]	Mark this article as read, and go backward.
X\\[gnus-Subject-kill-same-subject]	Mark articles which has same subject as this article as read.
X\\[gnus-Subject-catch-up]	Mark all of articles in this news group as read.
X\\[gnus-Subject-toggle-truncation]	Toggle truncation of subject lines.
X\\[gnus-Subject-show-all-headers]	Show all headers of this article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-post-news]	Post an article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-post-reply]	Post a reply article.
X\\[gnus-Subject-cancel]	Cancel this article. (The article must be yours).
X\\[gnus-Subject-mail-reply]	Mail a message to the author.
X\\[gnus-Subject-mail-other-window]	Mail a message in other window.
X\\[gnus-Subject-save-in-file]	Append this article to file.
X\\[gnus-Subject-rmail-output]	Append this article to file in Unix mail format.
X\\[gnus-Subject-pipe-output]	Pipe this article to subprocess.
X\\[describe-mode]	Describe this mode.
X\\[gnus-Subject-exit]	Quit reading news in this news group.
X\\[gnus-Subject-quit]	Quit reading news without updating read articles information.
XThe following commands are available:
XEntry to this mode calls the value of gnus-Subject-mode-hook with no arguments,
Xif that value is non-nil."
X  (interactive)
X  (kill-all-local-variables)
X  (setq major-mode 'gnus-Subject-mode)
X  ;;(setq mode-name "GNUS Subject")
X  (setq mode-name (concat "GNUS " gnus-current-news-group))
X  (gnus-Subject-set-mode-line)
X  (use-local-map gnus-Subject-mode-map)
X  (setq buffer-read-only t)		;Disable modification
X  (setq truncate-lines t)		;Stop folding of lines.
X  (run-hooks 'gnus-Subject-mode-hook))
X(defun gnus-Subject-read-group (group &optional show-all no-article)
X  "Start reading news in news GROUP.
XIf optional 1st argument SHOW-ALL is non-nil, already read articles are
Xalso listed.
XIf optional 2nd argument NO-ARTICLE is non-nil, no article body is displayed."
X  (message "Retrieving news group: %s..." group)
X  (if (gnus-select-news-group group show-all)
X      (progn
X	(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create gnus-Subject-display-buffer))
X	(gnus-Subject-mode)
X	(gnus-Subject-prepare-list)
X	(message "")			;Erase message.
X	(if (zerop (buffer-size))
X	    ;; This news group is empty.
X	    (progn
X	      (setq gnus-current-group-unread-articles nil)
X	      (gnus-Subject-exit)
X	      (message "No unread news."))
X	  ;; Show first unread article.
X	  (goto-char (point-min))
X	  (if (not no-article)
X	      (gnus-Subject-first-unread-article)
X	    ;; Kill article display buffer because I sometime get
X	    ;;  confused by old article buffer.
X	    (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X		(kill-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	      ))
X	  ;; Adjust cursor point.
X	  (beginning-of-line)
X	  (search-forward ":" nil t)
X	  ))
X    ;; Cannot select news GROUP.
X    (message "No such news group: %s" group)
X    ;; Run checking bogus news groups.
X    (gnus-delete-bogus-news-group t)	;Confirm
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prepare-list ()
X  "Prepare subject list of current news group in current buffer."
X  (save-excursion
X    (let* ((buffer-read-only nil)
X	   (id 0)
X	   (headers gnus-current-group-headers)
X	   (unread (copy-sequence gnus-current-group-unread-articles))
X	   ;; These define format of subject display buffer.
X	   (name-length (length "umerin@photon"))
X	   (cntl
X	    (format "%%s %%%ds: [%%%ds] %%s\n"
X		    (length (prin1-to-string gnus-current-group-end))
X		    name-length)))
X      ;; News group must be selected before calling me.
X      (erase-buffer)
X      (while headers
X	(setq id (nntp-headers-number (car headers)))
X	(setq unread (delq id unread))
X	(insert
X	 (format cntl
X		 (if (memq id gnus-current-group-unread-articles)
X		     " " "D")		;Subscribed or not.
X		 id			;Article ID.
X		 (substring (concat (mail-strip-quoted-names
X				     (nntp-headers-from (car headers)))
X				    (make-string name-length ? ))
X			    0 name-length)
X		 (nntp-headers-subject (car headers))))
X	(setq headers (cdr headers))
X	)
X      ;; If unread is non-nil, there exists expired articles.  In this
X      ;;  case, these articles must be removed from unread articles.
X      (while unread
X	(setq gnus-current-group-unread-articles
X	      (delq (car unread) gnus-current-group-unread-articles))
X	(setq unread (cdr unread)))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Subject-set-mode-line ()
X  "Set Subject mode line string."
X  (let ((subject (nntp-headers-subject
X		  (assoc gnus-current-article
X			 gnus-current-group-headers))))
X    (setq mode-line-process
X	  (concat " "
X		  (if (integerp gnus-current-group-begin)
X		      (int-to-string gnus-current-group-begin)
X		    "?")
X		  "-"
X		  (if (integerp gnus-current-group-end)
X		      (int-to-string gnus-current-group-end)
X		    "?")
X		  ))
X    (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
X	  (concat "GNUS: "
X		  subject
X		  ;; Enough spaces to pad subject to 17 positions.
X		  (substring "                 "
X			     0 (max 0 (- 17 (length subject))))))
X    (set-buffer-modified-p t)
X    (sit-for 0)
X    ))
X;; GNUS Subject display mode command.
X(defun gnus-Subject-search-subject (backward unread subject)
X  "Search for article forward.
XIf 1st argument BACKWARD is non-nil, search backward.
XIf 2nd argument UNREAD is non-nil, only unread article is selected.
XIf 3rd argument SUBJECT is non-nil, the article which has
Xthe same subject will be searched for."
X  (let ((func (if backward 're-search-backward 're-search-forward))
X	(article nil)
X	(case-fold-search nil)		;Don't ignore case.
X	(regexp 
X	 (format "^%s[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\):[ \t]+\\[.*\\][ \t]+%s"
X		 (if unread " " ".")
X		 (if subject
X		     (concat "\\([Rr][Ee]:[ \t]+\\)*"
X			     (regexp-quote (gnus-simplify-subject subject))
X			     ;; Ignore words in parentheses.
X			     "\\([ \t]*(.*)\\)*[ \t]*$")
X		   "")
X		 )))
X    (if backward
X	(beginning-of-line)
X      (end-of-line))
X    (if (funcall func regexp nil t)
X	(setq article
X	      (string-to-int (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
X					       (match-end 1))))
X      )
X    ;; Adjust cursor point.
X    (beginning-of-line)
X    (search-forward ":" nil t)
X    ;; This is the result.
X    article
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-search-forward (&optional unread subject)
X  "Search for article forward.
XIf 1st optional argument UNREAD is non-nil, only unread article is selected.
XIf 2nd optional argument SUBJECT is non-nil, the article which has
Xthe same subject will be searched for."
X  (gnus-Subject-search-subject nil unread subject))
X(defun gnus-Subject-search-backward (&optional unread subject)
X  "Search for article backward.
XIf 1st optional argument UNREAD is non-nil, only unread article is selected.
XIf 2nd optional argument SUBJECT is non-nil, the article which has
Xthe same subject will be searched for."
X  (gnus-Subject-search-subject t unread subject))
X(defun gnus-Subject-article-number ()
X  "Article number around point."
X  (save-excursion
X    (beginning-of-line)
X    (if (re-search-forward "^.[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\):" nil t)
X	(string-to-int
X	 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
X      ;; If search fail, return current article number.
X      gnus-current-article)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-subject-string ()
X  "Return current subject string or nil if non."
X  (save-excursion
X    ;; It is possible to implement this function using
X    ;;  `gnus-Subject-article-number' and `gnus-current-group-headers'.
X    (beginning-of-line)
X    (if (re-search-forward "^.[ \t]+[0-9]+:[ \t]+\\[.*\\][ \t]+\\(.*\\)$"
X			   nil t)
X	(let ((subject (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
X	  ;; Trim spaces of subject.
X	  (if (string-match "\\`[ \t]+\\([^ \t].*\\)\\'" subject)
X	      (setq subject (substring subject (match-beginning 1))))
X	  ;; Return subject string.
X	  subject
X	  )
X      nil
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Subject-goto-subject (article)
X  "Move point to ARTICLE."
X  (interactive "NArticle ID: ")
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (re-search-forward (format "^.[ \t]+%d:" article) nil t))
X;; Walking around subject lines.
X(defun gnus-Subject-next-subject (unread)
X  "Go to next subject line.
XIf argument UNREAD is non-nil, only unread article is selected."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (cond ((gnus-Subject-search-forward unread))
X	(unread
X	 (message "No more unread articles."))
X	(t
X	 (message "No more articles."))
X	))
X(defun gnus-Subject-next-unread-subject ()
X  "Go to next unread subject line."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-next-subject t))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prev-subject (unread)
X  "Go to previous subject line.
XIf argument UNREAD is non-nil, only unread article is selected."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (cond ((gnus-Subject-search-backward unread))
X	(unread
X	 (message "No more unread articles."))
X	(t
X	 (message "No more articles."))
X	))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prev-unread-subject ()
X  "Go to previous unread subject line."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-prev-subject t))
X;; Walking around subject lines with displaying articles.
X(defun gnus-Subject-configure-window ()
X  "Use two window mode. One is for reading subjects and the other is article."
X  (if (one-window-p t)
X      (progn
X	(switch-to-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer)
X	(split-window-vertically (1+ gnus-subject-lines-height))
X	(other-window 1)
X	(gnus-Article-setup-buffer)
X	(switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	(other-window 1)
X	)))
X(defun gnus-Subject-display-article (article &optional all-header)
X  "Display ARTICLE in article display buffer."
X  (if article
X      (progn
X	(gnus-Subject-configure-window)
X	(let ((window (selected-window)))
X	  (gnus-Article-prepare article all-header)
X	  (pop-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	  (select-window window)
X	  (gnus-Subject-set-mode-line)))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-next-article (unread &optional subject)
X  "Select article after current one.
XIf argument UNREAD is non-nil, only unread article is selected."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (cond ((gnus-Subject-display-article
X	  (gnus-Subject-search-forward unread subject)))
X	(unread
X	 (message "No more unread articles."))
X	(t
X	 (message "No more articles."))
X	))
X(defun gnus-Subject-next-unread-article ()
X  "Select unread article after current one."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-next-article t))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prev-article (unread &optional subject)
X  "Select article before current one.
XIf argument UNREAD is non-nil, only unread article is selected."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (cond ((gnus-Subject-display-article
X	  (gnus-Subject-search-backward unread subject)))
X	(unread
X	 (message "No more unread articles."))
X	(t
X	 (message "No more articles."))
X	))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prev-unread-article ()
X  "Select unred article before current one."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-prev-article t))
X(defun gnus-Subject-next-page ()
X  "Show next page of selected article.
XIf end of artile, select next article."
X  (interactive)
X  (let ((article (gnus-Subject-article-number))
X	(endp nil))
X    (if (or (null gnus-current-article)
X	    (/= article gnus-current-article))
X	;; Selected subject is different from current article's.
X	(gnus-Subject-display-article article)
X      (gnus-Subject-configure-window)
X      (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X	(setq endp (gnus-Article-next-page)))
X      (if endp
X	  (gnus-Subject-next-unread-article)))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prev-page ()
X  "Show previous page of selected article."
X  (interactive)
X  (let ((article (gnus-Subject-article-number)))
X    (if (or (null gnus-current-article)
X	    (/= article gnus-current-article))
X	;; Selected subject is different from current article's.
X	(gnus-Subject-display-article article)
X      (gnus-Subject-configure-window)
X      (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X	(gnus-Article-prev-page))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Subject-next-same-subject ()
X  "Select next article which has the same subject as current one."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-next-article nil (gnus-Subject-subject-string)))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prev-same-subject ()
X  "Select previous article which has the same subject as current one."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-prev-article nil (gnus-Subject-subject-string)))
X(defun gnus-Subject-next-digest ()
X  "Move to head of next digested message."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-configure-window)
X  (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X    (gnus-Article-next-digest)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-prev-digest ()
X  "Move to head of previous digested message."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-configure-window)
X  (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X    (gnus-Article-prev-digest)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-first-unread-article ()
X  "Select first unread article."
X  (interactive)
X  (let ((begin (point)))
X    (goto-char (point-min))
X    (if (re-search-forward "^ [ \t]+[0-9]+:" nil t)
X	(gnus-Subject-display-article (gnus-Subject-article-number))
X      ;; If there is no unread articles, stay there.
X      (goto-char begin)
X      (gnus-Subject-display-article (gnus-Subject-article-number))
X      )
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-search-article-body ()
X  "Search on article body."
X  (interactive)
X  (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X    (call-interactively 'isearch-forward)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-beginning-of-article ()
X  "Go to beginning of article body"
X  (interactive)
X  (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X    (beginning-of-buffer)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-end-of-article ()
X  "Go to end of article body"
X  (interactive)
X  (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X    (end-of-buffer)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-goto-article (article)
X  "Go to ARTICLE."
X  (interactive (list
X		(string-to-int
X		 (completing-read "NArticle number: "
X				  (mapcar
X				   '(lambda (headers)
X				      (list (int-to-string
X					     (nntp-headers-number headers))))
X				   gnus-current-group-headers)))))
X  (if (gnus-Subject-goto-subject article)
X      (gnus-Subject-display-article article)))
X(defun gnus-Subject-goto-last-article ()
X  "Go to last subject line."
X  (interactive)
X  (if gnus-previous-article
X      (gnus-Subject-goto-article gnus-previous-article)))
X(defun gnus-Subject-show-all-headers ()
X  "Show all article header."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-display-article gnus-current-article t))
X(defun gnus-Subject-kill-same-subject ()
X  "Mark articles which has the same subject as read."
X  (interactive)
X  (let* ((article (gnus-Subject-article-number))
X	 (cntl (format "^.[ \t]+%d:" article))
X	 (subject nil)
X	 (count 0))
X    (save-excursion
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (if (re-search-forward cntl nil t)
X	  (progn
X	    (setq subject (gnus-Subject-subject-string))
X	    (gnus-Subject-mark-read article)
X	    (setq count (1+ count))
X	    (while (and subject
X			(gnus-Subject-search-forward t subject))
X	      (gnus-Subject-mark-read (gnus-Subject-article-number))
X	      (setq count (1+ count)))
X	    ))
X      )
X    (gnus-Subject-next-unread-article)
X    (message "%d articles are marked as read." count)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mark-unread-forward (&optional article)
X  "Mark current subject as unread, and then go forward.
XIf optional argument ARTICLE is non-nil, the ARTICLE rather than
Xcurrent is marked as unread."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-mark-unread (or article
X			       (gnus-Subject-article-number)))
X  (gnus-Subject-next-subject nil))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mark-unread-backward (&optional article)
X  "Mark current subject as unread, and then go backward.
XIf optional argument ARTICLE is non-nil, the ARTICLE rather than
Xcurrent is marked as unread."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-mark-unread (or article
X			       (gnus-Subject-article-number)))
X  (gnus-Subject-prev-subject nil))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mark-unread (article)
X  "Mark ARTICLE's subject as unread."
X  (save-excursion
X    (set-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer)
X    (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
X      (if (not (memq article gnus-current-group-unread-articles))
X	  (progn
X	    ;; Add to list.
X	    (setq gnus-current-group-unread-articles
X		  (cons article gnus-current-group-unread-articles))
X	    (if (gnus-Subject-goto-subject article)
X		(progn
X		  (beginning-of-line)
X		  (delete-region (point) (1+ (point)))
X		  (insert " ")))
X	    ))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mark-read-forward (&optional article)
X  "Mark current subject as read, and then go forward.
XIf optional argument ARTICLE is non-nil, the ARTICLE rather than
Xcurrent is marked as read."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-mark-read (or article
X			     (gnus-Subject-article-number)))
X  (gnus-Subject-next-subject t))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mark-read-backward (&optional article)
X  "Mark current subject as read, and then go backward.
XIf optional argument ARTICLE is non-nil, the ARTICLE rather than
Xcurrent is marked as read."
X  (interactive)
X  (gnus-Subject-mark-read (or article
X			     (gnus-Subject-article-number)))
X  (gnus-Subject-prev-subject t))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mark-read (article)
X  "Mark ARTICLE's subject as read."
X  (save-excursion
X    (set-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer)
X    (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
X      (if (memq article gnus-current-group-unread-articles)
X	  (progn
X	    ;; Remove from list.
X	    (setq gnus-current-group-unread-articles
X		  (delq article gnus-current-group-unread-articles))
X	    (if (gnus-Subject-goto-subject article)
X		(progn
X		  (beginning-of-line)
X		  (delete-region (point) (1+ (point)))
X		  (insert "D")))
X	    ))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Subject-catch-up ()
X  "Mark all articles in this news group as read."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (y-or-n-p "Do you really want to mark everything as read? ")
X      (progn
X	(setq gnus-current-group-unread-articles nil)
X	(gnus-Subject-exit))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-toggle-truncation (arg)
X  "Toggle truncation of subject lines.
XWith arg, turn line truncation on iff arg is positive."
X  (interactive "P")
X  (setq truncate-lines
X	(if (null arg) (not truncate-lines)
X	  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
X  (redraw-display))
X(defun gnus-Subject-post-news ()
X  "Post a news article."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X  (delete-other-windows)
X  (gnus-post-news))
X(defun gnus-Subject-post-reply ()
X  "Post a reply article."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X    (gnus-Subject-display-article (gnus-Subject-article-number))
X    (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X  (delete-other-windows)
X  (gnus-news-reply))
X(defun gnus-Subject-cancel ()
X  "Cancel an article you posted."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (display-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X    (gnus-Subject-display-article (gnus-Subject-article-number)))
X  (if (yes-or-no-p "Do you really want to cancel this article? ")
X      (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X	(gnus-inews-control-cancel))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mail-reply ()
X  "Reply mail to news author."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X    (gnus-Subject-display-article (gnus-Subject-article-number))
X    (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X  (delete-other-windows)
X  (news-mail-reply))
X(defun gnus-Subject-mail-other-window ()
X  "Reply mail to news author in other window."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X  (delete-other-windows)
X  (news-mail-other-window))
X(defun gnus-Subject-rmail-output ()
X  "Append this article to Unix mail file."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (save-excursion
X	(set-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	(call-interactively 'rmail-output))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-save-in-file (file)
X  "Append this article to FILE."
X  (interactive "FSave article in file: ")
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (save-excursion
X	(set-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	(append-to-file (point-min) (point-max) file))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-pipe-output (command)
X  "Pipe this article to COMMAND subprocess."
X  (interactive "sShell command on article: ")
X  (if (not (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X      (gnus-Subject-display-article (gnus-Subject-article-number)))
X  (eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-display-buffer
X    (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) command nil)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-exit ()
X  "Exit reading current news group, and then return to group selection mode."
X  (interactive)
X  (let ((updated nil))
X    (gnus-update-unread-articles gnus-current-news-group
X				 gnus-current-group-unread-articles)
X    (setq updated
X	  (gnus-mark-as-read-by-xref gnus-current-news-group
X				     gnus-current-group-headers
X				     gnus-current-group-unread-articles))
X    ;; Return to Group selection mode.
X    (if (get-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer)
X	(bury-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer))
X    (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	(bury-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X    (switch-to-buffer gnus-Group-display-buffer)
X    (delete-other-windows)
X    ;; Update cross referenced group info.
X    (while updated
X      (gnus-Group-update-group (car updated) t) ;Ignore non-visible group.
X      (setq updated (cdr updated)))
X    (gnus-Group-update-group gnus-current-news-group)
X    (gnus-Group-next-unread-group)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Subject-quit ()
X  "Quit reading current news group without updating read article info."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (y-or-n-p "Do you really wanna quit reading this group? ")
X      (progn
X	;; Return to Group selection mode.
X	(if (get-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer)
X	    (bury-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer))
X	(if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	    (bury-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X	(switch-to-buffer gnus-Group-display-buffer)
X	(delete-other-windows)
X	(gnus-Group-next-unread-group)
X	)))
X;;; GNUS Article display mode
X(if gnus-Article-mode-map
X    nil
X  (setq gnus-Article-mode-map (make-keymap))
X  (suppress-keymap gnus-Article-mode-map)
X  (define-key gnus-Article-mode-map " " 'scroll-up)
X  (define-key gnus-Article-mode-map "\177" 'scroll-down)
X  (define-key gnus-Article-mode-map "h" 'gnus-Article-show-subjects)
X  (define-key gnus-Article-mode-map "s" 'gnus-Article-show-subjects)
X  (define-key gnus-Article-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)
X  (define-key gnus-Article-mode-map "q" 'gnus-Subject-exit)
X  (define-key gnus-Article-mode-map "Q" 'gnus-Subject-quit))
X(defun gnus-Article-mode ()
X  "Major mode for reading news articles.
XAll normal editing commands are turned off.
XInstead, these commands are available:
XEntry to this mode calls the value of gnus-Article-mode-hook with no arguments,
Xif that value is non-nil."
X  (interactive)
X  (kill-all-local-variables)
X  (setq major-mode 'gnus-Article-mode)
X  (setq mode-name "GNUS")
X  (gnus-Article-set-mode-line)
X  (use-local-map gnus-Article-mode-map)
X  (setq buffer-read-only t)		;Disable modification
X  (run-hooks 'gnus-Article-mode-hook))
X(defun gnus-Article-setup-buffer ()
X  "Initialize article display buffer."
X  (save-excursion
X    (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X	nil
X      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X      (gnus-Article-mode))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Article-prepare (article &optional all-headers)
X  "Prepare ARTICLE in article display buffer.
XIf optional argument ALL-HEADERS is non-nil, all headers are inserted."
X  (save-excursion
X    (gnus-Article-setup-buffer)
X    (set-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X    (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
X      (erase-buffer)
X      (if (nntp-request-article article)
X	  (progn
X	    ;; Setup article buffer
X	    (gnus-copy-to-buffer (current-buffer))
X	    (gnus-Article-convert-format all-headers)
X	    ;; Set article pointer.
X	    (setq gnus-previous-article gnus-current-article)
X	    (setq gnus-current-article article)
X	    (if (not (eq gnus-previous-article gnus-current-article))
X		(gnus-Subject-mark-read gnus-current-article))
X	    ;; Next function must be called after setting
X	    ;;  `gnus-current-article' variable.
X	    (gnus-Article-set-mode-line)
X	    )
X	(gnus-Subject-mark-read article)
X	(error "No such article (may be canceled)."))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-Article-show-all-headers ()
X  "Show all article headers in article display buffer."
X  (gnus-Article-prepare gnus-current-article t))
X(defun gnus-Article-set-mode-line ()
X  "Set Article mode line string."
X  (setq mode-line-process
X	(concat " "
X		(if (integerp gnus-current-article)
X		    (int-to-string gnus-current-article)
X		  "??")
X		"/"
X		(if (integerp gnus-current-group-end)
X		    (int-to-string gnus-current-group-end)
X		  gnus-current-group-end)))
X  (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
X	(concat "GNUS: "
X		gnus-current-news-group
X		;; Enough spaces to pad group name to 17 positions.
X		(substring "                 "
X			   0 (max 0 (- 17 (length gnus-current-news-group))))))
X  (set-buffer-modified-p t)
X  (sit-for 0))
X(defun gnus-Article-convert-format (&optional all-headers)
X  "Beautify article text.
XIf optional argument ALL-HEADERS is non-nil, all of headers will be displayed."
X  (save-excursion
X    (save-restriction
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (kill-line) (kill-line)		;Kill NNTP status message.
X      (let* ((start (point))
X	     (end (condition-case ()
X		      (progn (search-forward "\n\n") (point))
X		    (error nil)))
X	     (has-from nil)
X	     (has-date nil))
X	(if end
X	    (progn
X	      (narrow-to-region start end)
X	      (goto-char start)
X	      (setq has-from (search-forward "\nFrom:" nil t))
X	      (goto-char start)
X	      (setq has-date (search-forward "\nDate:" nil t))
X	      (if (and (not has-from) has-date)
X		  (progn
X		    (goto-char start)
X		    (search-forward "\nDate:")
X		    (beginning-of-line)
X		    (kill-line) (kill-line)))
X	      (if (not all-headers)
X		  (gnus-Article-delete-headers start))
X	      ))
X	))))
X(defun gnus-Article-delete-headers (pos)
X  "Delete unnecessary headers."
X  (goto-char pos)
X  (and (stringp gnus-ignored-headers)
X       (while (re-search-forward gnus-ignored-headers nil t)
X	 (beginning-of-line)
X	 (delete-region (point)
X			(progn (re-search-forward "\n[^ \t]")
X			       (forward-char -1)
X			       (point))))))
X;; Working on article's buffer
X(defun gnus-Article-next-page ()
X  "Show next page of current article.
XIf end of article, return T. Otherwise return nil."
X  (move-to-window-line -1)
X  (if (eobp)
X      t
X    (scroll-up)
X    nil
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Article-prev-page ()
X  "Show previous page of current article."
X  (scroll-down))
X(defun gnus-Article-next-digest ()
X  "Move to head of next digested message.
XSet mark at end of digested message."
X  (end-of-line)
X  (if (re-search-forward "^Subject:[ \t]" nil t)
X      (let ((begin (progn
X		     (beginning-of-line) (point))))
X	;; Search for end of this message.
X	(end-of-line)
X	(if (re-search-forward "^Subject:[ \t]" nil t)
X	    (progn
X	      (search-backward "\n\n")
X	      (forward-line 1))
X	  (goto-char (point-max)))
X	(push-mark)			;Set mark at end of digested message.
X	(goto-char begin)
X	;; Show From: and Subject: fields.
X	(recenter 1))
X    (message "End of message.")
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Article-prev-digest ()
X  "Move to head of previous digested message."
X  (beginning-of-line)
X  (if (re-search-backward "^Subject:[ \t]" nil t)
X      (let ((begin (point)))
X	;; Search for end of this message.
X	(end-of-line)
X	(if (re-search-forward "^Subject:[ \t]" nil t)
X	    (progn
X	      (search-backward "\n\n")
X	      (forward-line 1))
X	  (goto-char (point-max)))
X	(push-mark)			;Set mark at end of digested message.
X	(goto-char begin)
X	;; Show From: and Subject: fields.
X	(recenter 1))
X    (goto-char (point-min))
X    (message "Top of message.")
X    ))
X(defun gnus-Article-show-subjects ()
X  "Reconfigure windows in order to show subjects."
X  (interactive)
X  (pop-to-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer)
X  (delete-other-windows)
X  (gnus-Subject-configure-window))
X;;; General functions.
X(defun gnus-start-news-server (&optional ask-host)
X  "Open network stream to remote news server.
XIf optional argument ASK-HOST is non-nil, ask you host name that news
Xserver is running even if it is defined."
X  (if (and nntp-server-process
X	   (eq (process-status nntp-server-process) 'open))
X      ;; Stream is already opened.
X      nil
X    ;; Make sure the stream is closed.
X    (if nntp-server-process
X	(nntp-close-server-internal))
X    (if (or ask-host
X	    (null gnus-server-host))
X	(setq gnus-server-host
X	      (read-string "News Server host: " gnus-server-host)))
X    ;; Actually open news server.
X    (message "Connecting to News Server on %s" gnus-server-host)
X    (if (null (nntp-open-server gnus-server-host))
X	(error "Cannot open News Server on %s" gnus-server-host))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-select-news-group (group &optional show-all)
X  "Select news GROUP.
XIf optional argument SHOW-ALL is non-nil, all of articles in the group
Xare selected."
X  (if (not (nntp-request-group group))
X      ;; No such news group.
X      nil
X    (setq gnus-current-news-group group)
X    (if show-all
X	(progn
X	  ;; Select all active articles.
X	  (setq gnus-current-group-begin
X		(car (nth 2 (assoc group gnus-active-assoc))))
X	  (setq gnus-current-group-end
X		(cdr (nth 2 (assoc group gnus-active-assoc))))
X	  (setq gnus-current-group-articles
X		(gnus-uncompress-sequence
X		 (nthcdr 2 (assoc group gnus-active-assoc))))
X	  )
X      ;; Select unread articles only.
X      (setq gnus-current-group-begin
X	    (car (nth 2 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc))))
X      (setq gnus-current-group-end
X	    (cdr (car (reverse
X		       (nthcdr 2 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc))))))
X      (setq gnus-current-group-articles
X	    (gnus-uncompress-sequence
X	     (nthcdr 2 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc))))
X      )
X    ;; Reset article pointer and etc.
X    (setq gnus-current-article nil)
X    (setq gnus-previous-article nil)
X    (setq gnus-current-group-unread-articles
X	  (gnus-uncompress-sequence
X	   (nthcdr 2 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc))))
X    (setq gnus-current-group-headers
X	  (nntp-retrieve-headers gnus-current-group-articles))
X    ;; GROUP is selected.
X    t
X    ))
X(defun gnus-clear-system ()
X  "Clear all variables and buffer."
X  ;; Clear variables.
X  (setq gnus-active-assoc nil)
X  (setq gnus-newsrc-assoc nil)
X  (setq gnus-unread-assoc nil)
X  ;; Kill buffers
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer)
X      (kill-buffer gnus-Article-display-buffer))
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer)
X      (kill-buffer gnus-Subject-display-buffer))
X  (if (get-buffer gnus-Group-display-buffer)
X      (kill-buffer gnus-Group-display-buffer)))
X(defun gnus-copy-to-buffer (buffer &optional append)
X  "Copy server response to BUFFER (or buffer name).
XIf optional argument APPEND is non-nil, append to buffer."
X  (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create buffer)))
X    (set-buffer buffer)
X    (goto-char (point-max))
X    (save-excursion
X      (set-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process))
X      (if append
X	  (append-to-buffer buffer (point-min) (point-max))
X	(copy-to-buffer buffer (point-min) (point-max))))
X    ;; Return BUFFER itself.
X    buffer
X    ))
X(defun gnus-simplify-subject (subject)
X  "Remove `Re:' and words in parentheses."
X  ;; Remove `Re:'
X  (let ((case-fold-search t))		;Ignore case.
X    (if (string-match "\\`re: " subject)
X	(while (string-match "\\`re: " subject)
X	  (setq subject (substring subject 4))
X	  (if (string-match "\\`[ \t]+\\([^ \t].*\\)\\'" subject)
X	      (setq subject (substring subject (match-beginning 1))))
X	  ))
X    ;; Remove words in parentheses.
X    ;; (string-match "([ \t]*in[ \t]+.*)" subject)
X    (while (string-match "(.*)" subject)
X      (setq subject (concat (substring subject 0 (1- (match-beginning 0)))
X			    (substring subject (match-end 0))))
X      )
X    ;; Return subject string.
X    subject
X    ))
X;;; Get information about active articles, already read articles, and
X;;;  still unread articles.
X;; GNUS internal format of gnus-newsrc-assoc:
X;; (("general" t (1 . 1))
X;;  ("misc"    t (1 . 10) (12 . 15))
X;;  ("test"  nil (1 . 99)) ...)
X;; GNUS internal format of gnus-active-assoc:
X;; (("general" t (1 . 1))
X;;  ("misc"    t (1 . 10))
X;;  ("test"  nil (1 . 99)) ...)
X;; GNUS internal format of gnus-unread-assoc:
X;; (("general" 1 (1 . 1))
X;;  ("misc"   14 (1 . 10) (12 . 15))
X;;  ("test"   99 (1 . 99)) ...)
X(defun gnus-setup-news-info (&optional force)
X  "Setup news information.
XIf optional argument FORCE is non-nil, initialize completely."
X  (if (and gnus-active-assoc
X	   gnus-newsrc-assoc
X	   gnus-unread-assoc
X	   (not force))
X      (progn
X	;; Re-read active file only.
X	(gnus-read-active-file)
X	(gnus-add-new-news-group)
X	(gnus-get-unread-articles))
X    ;; Read .newsrc file and active file.
X    (gnus-read-newsrc-file gnus-startup-file)
X    (gnus-read-active-file)
X    (gnus-add-new-news-group)
X    (gnus-get-unread-articles)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-get-unread-articles ()
X  "Compute diffs between active and read articles."
X  (let ((read gnus-newsrc-assoc)
X	(group nil)
X	(range nil)
X	(unread nil))
X    (message "Checking new news...")
X    (while read
X      (setq group (car read))		;About one news group
X      (setq range (gnus-difference-of-range
X		   (nth 2 (assoc (car group) gnus-active-assoc))
X		   (nthcdr 2 group)))
X      (setq unread
X	    (cons (cons (car group)	;Group name
X			(cons (gnus-number-of-articles range)
X			      range))	;Range of unread articles
X		  unread))
X      (setq read (cdr read))
X      )
X    (setq gnus-unread-assoc (nreverse unread))
X    (message "Checking new news... Done.")
X    ))
X(defun gnus-mark-as-read-by-xref (group headers unreads)
X  "Mark as read using cross reference info. of GROUP with HEADERS and UNREADS.
XReturn list of updated news group."
X  (let ((xref-list nil)
X	(header nil)
X	(xrefs nil))			;One Xref: field info.
X    (while headers
X      (setq header (car headers))
X      (if (memq (nntp-headers-number header) unreads)
X	  ;; This article is not yet marked as read.
X	  nil
X	(setq xrefs (gnus-parse-xref-field (nntp-headers-xref header)))
X	;; For each cross reference info. on one Xref: field.
X	(while xrefs
X	  (let* ((xref (car xrefs))
X		 (group-xref (assoc (car xref) xref-list)))
X	    (if (string-equal group (car xref))
X		;; Ignore this group.
X		nil
X	      (if group-xref
X		  (if (memq (cdr xref) (cdr group-xref))
X		      nil		;Alread marked.
X		    (setcdr group-xref (cons (cdr xref) (cdr group-xref))))
X		;; Create new assoc entry for GROUP.
X		(setq xref-list
X		      (cons (list (car xref) (cdr xref))
X			    xref-list)))
X	      ))
X	  (setq xrefs (cdr xrefs))
X	  ))
X      (setq headers (cdr headers)))
X    ;; Mark cross referenced articles as read.
X    (gnus-mark-xref-as-read xref-list)
X    ;;(message "%s %s" (prin1-to-string unreads) (prin1-to-string xref-list))
X    ;; Return list of updated group name.
X    (mapcar '(lambda (elt) (car elt)) xref-list)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-parse-xref-field (xref-value)
X  "Parse Xref: field value, and return list of `(group . article-id)'."
X  (let ((xref-list nil)
X	(xref-value (or xref-value "")))
X    ;; Remove server host name.
X    (if (string-match "\\`[ \t]*[^ \t,]+[ \t,]+\\(.*\\)\\'" xref-value)
X	(setq xref-value (substring xref-value (match-beginning 1)))
X      (setq xref-value nil))
X    ;; Process each xref info.
X    (while xref-value
X      (if (string-match
X	   "\\`[ \t,]*\\([^ \t,]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)[^0-9]*" xref-value)
X	  (progn
X	    (setq xref-list
X		  (cons
X		   (cons
X		    ;; Group name
X		    (substring xref-value (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
X		    ;; Article-ID
X		    (string-to-int
X		     (substring xref-value (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
X		   xref-list))
X	    (setq xref-value (substring xref-value (match-end 2))))
X	(setq xref-value nil)))
X    ;; Return alist.
X    xref-list
X    ))
X(defun gnus-mark-xref-as-read (xrefs)
X  "Update unread article information using XREFS alist."
X  (let ((group nil)
X	(idlist nil)
X	(unread nil))
X    (while xrefs
X      (setq group (car (car xrefs)))
X      (setq idlist (cdr (car xrefs)))
X      (setq unread (gnus-uncompress-sequence
X		    (nthcdr 2 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc))))
X      (while idlist
X	(setq unread (delq (car idlist) unread))
X	(setq idlist (cdr idlist)))
X      (gnus-update-unread-articles group unread)
X      (setq xrefs (cdr xrefs))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-update-unread-articles (group unread-list)
X  "Update unread article information of news GROUP using UNREAD-LIST."
X  (let ((active (nth 2 (assoc group gnus-active-assoc)))
X	(unread (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc)))
X    ;; Update gnus-unread-assoc.
X    (if unread-list
X	(setcdr (cdr unread)
X		(gnus-compress-sequence unread-list))
X      ;; All of the articles are read.
X      (setcdr (cdr unread) '((0 . 0))))
X    ;; Number of unread articles.
X    (setcar (cdr unread)
X	    (gnus-number-of-articles (nthcdr 2 unread)))
X    ;; Update gnus-newsrc-assoc.
X    (if (> (car active) 0)
X	;; Articles from 1 to N are not active.
X	(setq active (cons 1 (cdr active))))
X    (setcdr (cdr (assoc group gnus-newsrc-assoc))
X	    (gnus-difference-of-range active (nthcdr 2 unread)))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-compress-sequence (numbers)
X  "Convert list of sorted numbers to ranges."
X  (let* ((numbers (sort (copy-sequence numbers) '<)) ;Sort is destructive.
X	 (first (car numbers))
X	 (last (car numbers))
X	 (result nil))
X    (while numbers
X      (cond ((= last (car numbers)) nil) ;Omit duplicated number
X	    ((= (1+ last) (car numbers)) ;Still in sequence
X	     (setq last (car numbers)))
X	    (t				;End of one sequence
X	     (setq result (cons (cons first last) result))
X	     (setq first (car numbers))
X	     (setq last  (car numbers)))
X	    )
X      (setq numbers (cdr numbers))
X      )
X    (nreverse (cons (cons first last) result))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-uncompress-sequence (ranges)
X  "Expand compressed format of sequence."
X  (let ((first nil)
X	(last  nil)
X	(result nil))
X    (while ranges
X      (setq first (car (car ranges)))
X      (setq last  (cdr (car ranges)))
X      (while (< first last)
X	(setq result (cons first result))
X	(setq first (1+ first)))
X      (setq result (cons first result))
X      (setq ranges (cdr ranges))
X      )
X    (nreverse result)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-number-of-articles (range)
X  "Compute number of articles from RANGE `((beg1 . end1) (beg2 . end2) ...)'."
X  (let ((count 0))
X    (while range
X      (if (/= (cdr (car range)) 0)
X	  ;; If end1 is 0, it must be skipped. Usually no articles in
X	  ;;  this group.
X	  (setq count (+ count 1 (- (cdr (car range)) (car (car range))))))
X      (setq range (cdr range))
X      )
X    count				;Result
X    ))
X(defun gnus-difference-of-range (src obj)
X  "Compute (SRC - OBJ) on range.
XRange of SRC is expressed as `(beg . end)'.
XRange of OBJ is expressed as `((beg1 . end1) (beg2 . end2) ...)."
X  (let ((beg (car src))
X	(end (cdr src))
X	(range nil))			;This is result.
X    ;; Src may be nil.
X    (while (and src obj)
X      (let ((beg1 (car (car obj)))
X	    (end1 (cdr (car obj))))
X	(cond ((> beg end)
X	       (setq obj nil))		;Terminate loop
X	      ((< beg beg1)
X	       (setq range (cons (cons beg (min (1- beg1) end)) range))
X	       (setq beg (1+ end1)))
X	      ((>= beg beg1)
X	       (setq beg (max beg (1+ end1))))
X	      )
X	(setq obj (cdr obj))		;Next OBJ
X	))
X    ;; Src may be nil.
X    (if (and src (<= beg end))
X	(setq range (cons (cons beg end) range)))
X    ;; Result
X    (if range
X	(nreverse range)
X      (list (cons 0 0)))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-add-new-news-group ()
X  "Add new news group to gnus-newsrc-assoc."
X  (let ((active (reverse gnus-active-assoc))
X	(group nil))
X    (while active
X      (setq group (car (car active)))
X      (if (null (assoc group gnus-newsrc-assoc))
X	  ;; Found new news group.
X	  (let ((subscribe (not (or (string-equal group "control")
X				    (string-equal group "junk")))))
X	    (setq gnus-newsrc-assoc
X		  (cons (list group subscribe) gnus-newsrc-assoc))
X	    (if subscribe
X		(message "New news group: %s is subscribed." group))
X	    ))
X      (setq active (cdr active))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-clean-up-newsrc ()
X  "Mark as read expired articles."
X  (let ((newsrc gnus-newsrc-assoc)
X	(group nil))
X    (message "Checking expired articles...")
X    (while newsrc
X      (setq group (car (car newsrc)))	;News group name
X      (setq newsrc (cdr newsrc))
X      (if (assoc group gnus-active-assoc) ;Must be active group
X	  (gnus-update-unread-articles
X	   group (gnus-uncompress-sequence
X		  (nthcdr 2 (assoc group gnus-unread-assoc)))))
X      )
X    (message "Checking expired articles... Done.")
X    ))
X(defun gnus-delete-bogus-news-group (&optional confirm)
X  "Delete bogus news group.
XIf optional argument CONFIRM is non-nil, confirm deletion of news groups."
X  (let ((oldrc gnus-newsrc-assoc)
X	(newsrc nil))
X    (message "Checking bogus news groups...")
X    (while oldrc
X      (if (or (assoc (car (car oldrc)) gnus-active-assoc)
X	      (and confirm
X		   (not (y-or-n-p (format "Delete bogus news group: %s "
X					  (car (car oldrc)))))))
X	  ;; Active news group.
X	  (setq newsrc (cons (car oldrc) newsrc)))
X      (setq oldrc (cdr oldrc))
X      )
X    ;; Update newsrc.
X    (setq gnus-newsrc-assoc (nreverse newsrc))
X    (message "Checking bogus news groups... Done.")
X    ))
X(defun gnus-read-active-file ()
X  "Get active file from news server."
X  (save-excursion
X    (message "Reading active file...")
X    (if (nntp-request-list)		;Get active file from server
X	(progn
X	  ;; Take care of unexpected situations.
X	  (gnus-copy-to-buffer " *GNUS-active*")
X	  (goto-char (point-min))
X	  (kill-line) (kill-line)	;Kill NNTP status message.
X	  (gnus-active-to-gnus-format)
X	  ;; Define variable gnus-active-assoc.
X	  (eval-current-buffer)
X	  (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
X	  (message "Reading active file... Done.")
X	  )
X      (error "Cannot read active file from news server."))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-active-to-gnus-format ()
X  "Convert NNTP active file format to internal format.
XBuffer becomes evaluable as lisp expression."
X  ;; Delete unnecessary lines.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (delete-matching-lines "^to\\..*$")
X  ;; Process each lines.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (while (not (eobp))
X    (if (re-search-forward "^\\([^ \t]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([ymn]\\).*$" nil t)
X	(replace-match
X	 (concat "(\"\\1\""
X		 (if (string-equal "y" (buffer-substring (match-beginning 4)
X							 (match-end 4)))
X		     " t " " nil ")
X		 "(\\3 . \\2))"))
X      (error "Active format error."))
X    (forward-line 1))
X  ;; Make the buffer evaluable.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (insert "(setq gnus-active-assoc '(\n")
X  (goto-char (point-max))
X  (insert "))\n")
X  )
X(defun gnus-read-newsrc-file (file)
X  "Read in .newsrc FILE."
X  (save-excursion
X    ;; If there exists site dependent .newsrc file (.newsrc-HOST), use
X    ;;  it instead of standard .newsrc file.
X    (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name
X			(concat file "-" gnus-server-host) nil))
X	(setq file (concat file "-" gnus-server-host)))
X    (let* ((newsrc-file (expand-file-name file nil))
X	   (quick-file (expand-file-name (concat file ".el") nil))
X	   (newsrc-mod (nth 5 (file-attributes newsrc-file)))
X	   (quick-mod (nth 5 (file-attributes quick-file))))
X      (setq gnus-newsrc-options nil)	;Clear options line.
X      (cond ((not (file-exists-p newsrc-file))
X	     ;; No read articles.
X	     (setq gnus-newsrc-assoc nil))
X	    ((and newsrc-mod quick-mod
X		  ;; .newsrc.el is newer than .newsrc.
X		  (or (< (car newsrc-mod) (car quick-mod))
X		      (and (= (car newsrc-mod) (car quick-mod))
X			   (< (nth 1 newsrc-mod) (nth 1 quick-mod)))))
X	     ;; Load quick .newsrc
X	     (load-file quick-file)
X	     (message ""))
X	    (t
X	     (message "Reading %s..." file)
X	     (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *GNUS-newsrc*"))
X	     (insert-file newsrc-file)
X	     (gnus-newsrc-to-gnus-format)
X	     ;; Define variable gnus-newsrc-assoc.
X	     (eval-current-buffer)
X	     (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
X	     (message "Reading %s... Done." file))
X	    ))))
X(defun gnus-newsrc-to-gnus-format ()
X  "Convert newsrc format to gnus internal format.
XBuffer becomes evaluable as lisp expression."
X  ;; Make it easy to edit.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-regexp "$" " ")
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-string "," " , ")
X  ;; Make sure .newsrc file is formated in standard way.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-string ":" ": ")
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-string "!" "! ")
X  ;; Save options line to variable.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (if (re-search-forward "^options[ \t]*\\(.*[^ \t]\\)[ \t]*$" nil t)
X      (progn
X	(setq gnus-newsrc-options (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
X						    (match-end 1)))
X	;; Delete options line.
X	(beginning-of-line)
X	(kill-line) (kill-line)		;Kill just one line.
X	))
X  ;; num -> (num . num)
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-regexp "[ \t]\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]" "(\\1 . \\1)")
X  ;; num1-num2 -> (num1 . num2)
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]" nil t)
X    (replace-match "(\\1 . \\2)")
X    ;; Need retry on this line.
X    (beginning-of-line))
X  ;; Delete ','.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-string "," " ")
X  ;; Put range of read article in list form.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-regexp "\\(^.*[!:][ ]*\\)\\(.*\\)$" "\\1(\\2)")
X  ;; Process Subscribed news group.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-regexp "\\(^.*\\):\\(.*\\)$" "(\"\\1\" t . \\2)")
X  ;; Process UnSubscribed news group.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (replace-regexp "\\(^.*\\)!\\(.*\\)$" "(\"\\1\" nil . \\2)")
X  ;; Make the buffer evaluable.
X  (goto-char (point-min))
X  (insert "(setq gnus-newsrc-assoc '(\n")
X  (goto-char (point-max))
X  (insert "))\n")
X  )
X(defun gnus-save-newsrc-file (file)
X  "Save to .newsrc FILE."
X  (if gnus-newsrc-assoc
X      (save-excursion
X	;; If there exists site dependent .newsrc file (.newsrc-HOST), use
X	;;  it instead of standard .newsrc file.
X	(if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name
X			    (concat file "-" gnus-server-host) nil))
X	    (setq file (concat file "-" gnus-server-host)))
X	(message "Saving %s..." file)
X	(set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *GNUS-newsrc*"))
X	;; Row .newsrc.
X	(erase-buffer)
X	(gnus-gnus-to-newsrc-format)
X	(write-file (expand-file-name file nil))
X	;; Quickly accessible .newsrc.
X	(erase-buffer)
X	(gnus-gnus-to-quick-newsrc-format)
X	(write-file (expand-file-name (concat file ".el") nil))
X	(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
X	(message "Saving %s... Done." file)
X	)
X    ))
X(defun gnus-gnus-to-quick-newsrc-format ()
X  "Insert gnus-newsrc-assoc as evaluable format."
X  ;; Save options line.
X  (if gnus-newsrc-options
X      (insert "(setq gnus-newsrc-options \"" gnus-newsrc-options "\")\n"))
X  ;; Save newsrc assoc list.
X  (insert "(setq gnus-newsrc-assoc '")
X  (insert (prin1-to-string gnus-newsrc-assoc))
X  (insert ")"))
X(defun gnus-gnus-to-newsrc-format ()
X  "Convert gnus-newsrc-assoc to .newsrc format."
X  (let ((newsrc gnus-newsrc-assoc)
X	(group nil))
X    ;; Options line.
X    (if gnus-newsrc-options
X	(insert "options " gnus-newsrc-options "\n"))
X    ;; Article information.
X    (while newsrc
X      (setq group (car newsrc))
X      (insert (car group)		;Group name
X	      (if (nth 1 (assoc (car group) gnus-newsrc-assoc))	;Subscribed?
X		  ": " "! "))
X      (gnus-ranges-to-newsrc-format (nthcdr 2 group)) ;Read articles
X      (insert "\n")
X      (setq newsrc (cdr newsrc))
X      )
X    ))
X(defun gnus-ranges-to-newsrc-format (ranges)
X  "Insert ranges of read articles."
X  (let ((range nil))			;Range is a pair of BEGIN and END.
X    (while ranges
X      (setq range (car ranges))
X      (setq ranges (cdr ranges))
X      (cond ((= (car range) (cdr range))
X	     (if (= (car range) 0)
X		 (setq ranges nil)	;No unread articles.
X	       (insert (int-to-string (car range)))
X	       (if ranges (insert ","))
X	       ))
X	    (t
X	     (insert (int-to-string (car range))
X		     "-"
X		     (int-to-string (cdr range)))
X	     (if ranges (insert ","))
X	     ))
X      )))
X;;; Post A News using NNTP
X(defun gnus-news-reply ()
X  "Compose and post a reply (aka a followup) to the current article on JUNET.
XWhile composing the followup, use \\[news-reply-yank-original] to yank the
Xoriginal message into it."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to followup to all of JUNET? ")
X      (let (from cc subject date to followup-to newsgroups message-of
X		 references distribution message-id
X		 (buffer (current-buffer)))
X	(save-restriction
X	  (and (not (= 0 (buffer-size)))
X	       ;;(equal major-mode 'news-mode)
X	       (equal major-mode 'gnus-Article-mode)
X	       (progn
X		 ;; (news-show-all-headers)
X		 (gnus-Article-show-all-headers)
X		 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (progn (goto-char (point-min))
X						      (search-forward "\n\n")
X						      (- (point) 2)))))
X	  (setq from (mail-fetch-field "from")
X		news-reply-yank-from from
X		subject (mail-fetch-field "subject")
X		date (mail-fetch-field "date")
X		followup-to (mail-fetch-field "followup-to")
X		newsgroups (or followup-to
X			       (mail-fetch-field "newsgroups"))
X		references (mail-fetch-field "references")
X		distribution (mail-fetch-field "distribution")
X		message-id (mail-fetch-field "message-id")
X		news-reply-yank-message-id message-id)
X	  (pop-to-buffer "*post-news*")
X	  (news-reply-mode)
X	  (erase-buffer)
X	  (and subject
X	       (progn (if (string-match "\\`Re: " subject)
X			  (while (string-match "\\`Re: " subject)
X			    (setq subject (substring subject 4))))
X		      (setq subject (concat "Re: " subject))))
X	  (and from
X	       (progn
X		 (let ((stop-pos
X			(string-match "  *at \\|  *@ \\| *(\\| *<" from)))
X		   (setq message-of
X			 (concat
X			  (if stop-pos (substring from 0 stop-pos) from)
X			  "'s message of "
X			  date)))))
X	  (news-setup nil subject message-of newsgroups buffer)
X	  (if followup-to
X	      (progn (news-reply-followup-to)
X		     (insert followup-to)))
X	  (mail-position-on-field "References")
X	  (if references
X	      (insert references))
X	  (if (and references message-id)
X	      (insert " "))
X	  (if message-id
X	    (insert message-id))
X	  ;; Make sure the article is posted by GNUS.
X	  ;;(mail-position-on-field "Posting-Software")
X	  ;;(insert "GNUS: NNTP Based News Reader for GNU Emacs")
X	  ;; Insert Distribution: field.
X	  ;; This feature is suggested by ichikawa@flab.fujitsu.junet.
X	  (mail-position-on-field "Distribution")
X	  (insert (or distribution gnus-default-distribution ""))
X	  (goto-char (point-max))))
X    (message "")))
X(defun gnus-post-news ()
X  "Begin editing a new JUNET news article to be posted.
XType \\[describe-mode] once editing the article to get a list of commands."
X  (interactive)
X  (if (y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to post to all of JUNET? ")
X      (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
X	    (subject nil)
X	    (newsgroups nil)
X	    (distribution nil))
X	(save-restriction
X	  (and (not (= 0 (buffer-size)))
X	       ;;(equal major-mode 'news-mode)
X	       (equal major-mode 'gnus-Article-mode)
X	       (progn
X		 ;;(news-show-all-headers)
X		 (gnus-Article-show-all-headers)
X		 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (progn (goto-char (point-min))
X						      (search-forward "\n\n")
X						      (- (point) 2)))))
X	  (setq news-reply-yank-from (mail-fetch-field "from")
X		news-reply-yank-message-id (mail-fetch-field "message-id")))
X	(pop-to-buffer "*post-news*")
X	(news-reply-mode)
X	(erase-buffer)
X	;; Ask newsgroups, subject and distribution if you are a
X	;;  novice user.
X	;; This feature is suggested by yuki@flab.fujitsu.junet.
X	(if gnus-novice-user
X	    (progn
X	      ;; Subscribed news group names are required for
X	      ;;  completing read of news group.
X	      (or gnus-newsrc-assoc
X		  (gnus-read-newsrc-file gnus-startup-file))
X	      ;; Which do you like? (UMERIN)
X	      ;; (setq newsgroups (read-string "Newsgroups: " "general"))
X	      (setq newsgroups
X		    (completing-read "Newsgroup: " gnus-newsrc-assoc))
X	      (setq subject (read-string "Subject: "))
X	      (setq distribution (substring newsgroups 0
X					    (string-match "\\." newsgroups)))
X	      (if (string-equal distribution newsgroups)
X		  ;; Newsgroup may be general or control. In this
X		  ;;  case, use default distribution.
X		  (setq distribution gnus-default-distribution))
X	      (setq distribution
X		    (read-string "Distribution: " distribution))
X	      (if (string-equal distribution "")
X		  (setq distribution nil))
X	      ))
X	(news-setup () subject () newsgroups buffer)
X	;; Make sure the article is posted by GNUS.
X	;;(mail-position-on-field "Posting-Software")
X	;;(insert "GNUS: NNTP Based News Reader for GNU Emacs")
X	;; Insert Distribution: field.
X	;; This feature is suggested by ichikawa@flab.fujitsu.junet.
X	(mail-position-on-field "Distribution")
X	(insert (or distribution gnus-default-distribution ""))
X	(goto-char (point-max))
X	)
X    (message "")))
X;; `news-inews' in `newspost.el' is re-defined.
X(defun news-inews ()
X  "Send a news message using NNTP."
X  (interactive)
X  (let* (newsgroups
X	 subject
X	 (case-fold-search nil)
X	 (news-server nntp-server-process)) ;Current news server process
X    (save-excursion
X      ;; It is possible to post a news without reading news using
X      ;;  `gnus' before.
X      ;; This feature is suggested by yuki@flab.fujitsu.junet.
X      (gnus-start-news-server)		;Use default news server.
X      ;; News server must be opened before current buffer is modified.
X      (save-restriction
X	(goto-char (point-min))
X	(search-forward (concat "\n" mail-header-separator "\n"))
X	(narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
X	(setq newsgroups (mail-fetch-field "newsgroups")
X	      subject (mail-fetch-field "subject")))
X      (widen)
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (search-forward (concat "\n" mail-header-separator "\n"))
X      (replace-match "\n\n")
X      (goto-char (point-max))
X      ;; require a newline at the end for inews to append .signature to
X      (or (= (preceding-char) ?\n)
X	  (insert ?\n))
X      (message "Posting to JUNET...")
X      ;; Call inews.
X      ;;(call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) 
X      ;;		   news-inews-program nil 0 nil
X      ;;		   "-h"		; take all header lines!
X      ;;		   "-t" subject
X      ;;		   "-n" newsgroups)
X      ;; Post to NNTP server. 
X      (gnus-inews)
X      ;;
X      (message "Posting to JUNET... done")
X      (goto-char (point-min))		;restore internal header separator
X      (search-forward "\n\n")
X      (replace-match (concat "\n" mail-header-separator "\n"))
X      (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
X    ;; If news server is opened by `news-inews', close it by myself.
X    (or news-server
X	(nntp-close-server))
X    (and (fboundp 'bury-buffer) (bury-buffer))))
X(defun gnus-inews ()
X  "NNTP inews interface."
X  (let ((signature (expand-file-name "~/.signature" nil))
X	(distribution nil)
X	(lines nil))
X    (save-excursion
X      (copy-to-buffer " *GNUS-posting*" (point-min) (point-max))
X      (set-buffer " *GNUS-posting*")
X      ;; Get distribution.
X      (save-restriction
X	(goto-char (point-min))
X	(search-forward "\n\n")
X	(narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
X	(setq distribution (mail-fetch-field "distribution")))
X      (widen)
X      ;; Change signature file by distribution.
X      ;; This feature is suggested by hyoko@flab.fujitsu.junet.
X      (if (file-exists-p (concat signature "-" distribution))
X	  (setq signature (concat signature "-" distribution)))
X      ;; Insert signature.
X      (if (file-exists-p signature)
X	  (progn
X	    (goto-char (point-max))
X	    (insert "--\n")
X	    (insert-file signature)))
X      ;; Count lines of article body.
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (search-forward "\n\n")
X      (setq lines (count-lines (point) (point-max)))
X      ;; Prepare article headers.
X      (save-restriction
X	(goto-char (point-min))
X	(search-forward "\n\n")
X	(narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
X	(gnus-inews-insert-headers lines))
X      (widen)
X      ;; Save author copy of posted article. The article must be
X      ;;  copied before being posted because `nntp-request-post'
X      ;;  modifies the buffer.
X      (cond ((and (stringp gnus-author-copy-file)
X		  (string-match "\\`[ \t]*|\\(.*\\)\\'" gnus-author-copy-file))
X	     (let ((program (substring gnus-author-copy-file
X				       (match-beginning 1)
X				       (match-end 1))))
X	       ;; This feature is suggested by yuki@flab.fujitsu.junet.
X	       ;;(message "Piping out article to program: %s" program)
X	       ;; Pipe out article to named program.
X	       (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) shell-file-name
X				    nil nil nil "-c" program)
X	       ))
X	    ((stringp gnus-author-copy-file)
X	     ;; This feature is suggested by hyoko@flab.fujitsu.junet.
X	     ;;(message "Saving article copy to file: %s"
X	     ;;	      gnus-author-copy-file)
X	     ;; Save article in Unix mail format.
X	     ;; This is much convenient for Emacs user.
X	     (rmail-output gnus-author-copy-file)))
X      ;; Post article to NNTP server.
X      (message "Sending your article...")
X      (if (nntp-request-post)
X	  (message "Sending your article... Done.")
X	(message "Your article is rejected."))
X      (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-inews-control-cancel ()
X  "Cancel an article you posted."
X  (let ((from nil)
X	(newsgroups nil)
X	(message-id nil)
X	(distribution nil))
X    (save-excursion
X      ;; Get header info. from original article.
X      (save-restriction
X	(gnus-Article-show-all-headers)
X	(goto-char (point-min))
X	(search-forward "\n\n")
X	(narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
X	(setq from (mail-fetch-field "from"))
X	(setq newsgroups (mail-fetch-field "newsgroups"))
X	(setq message-id (mail-fetch-field "message-id"))
X	(setq distribution (mail-fetch-field "distribution")))
X      ;; Verify the article is absolutely user's by comparing user id
X      ;;  with value of its From: field.
X      (if (not (string-equal (downcase (mail-strip-quoted-names from))
X			     (downcase (concat (gnus-inews-login-name) "@"
X					       (gnus-inews-domain-name)))))
X	  (message "The article is not yours.")
X	;; Create control article.
X	(set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *GNUS-posting*"))
X	(erase-buffer)
X	(insert "Newsgroups: " newsgroups "\n"
X		"Subject: cancel " message-id "\n"
X		"Control: cancel " message-id "\n"
X		;; We should not use the value of
X		;;  `gnus-default-distribution' as default value,
X		;;  because distribution must be as same as original
X		;;  article.
X		"Distribution: " (or distribution "") "\n"
X		)
X	;; Prepare article headers.
X	(gnus-inews-insert-headers 0)
X	(goto-char (point-max))
X	;; Insert empty line.
X	(insert "\n")
X	;; Post control article to NNTP server.
X	(message "Canceling your article...")
X	(if (nntp-request-post)
X	    (message "Canceling your article... Done.")
X	  (message "Failed to cancel your article."))
X	(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
X	))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-inews-insert-headers (lines)
X  "Prepare article headers."
X  (save-excursion
X    (let* ((login-name (gnus-inews-login-name))
X	   (domain-name (gnus-inews-domain-name))
X	   (full-name (or (getenv "NAME")
X			  (user-full-name)))
X	   ;; Message-ID should not contain slash `/' and should be
X	   ;;  terminated by a number. I don't know the reason why it
X	   ;;  is so. (UMERIN@flab)
X	   (id (concat (upcase login-name)
X		       ".GNUS"
X		       (int-to-string (gnus-inews-gensym))))
X	   (organization (or (getenv "ORGANIZATION")
X			     gnus-your-organization)))
X      ;; Insert from top of headers.
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (insert "Path: " gnus-server-host "!" login-name "\n"
X	      "From: " login-name "@" domain-name
X	      (if (or (string-equal full-name "")
X		      (string-equal full-name "&"))
X		  "\n"
X		(concat " (" full-name ")\n"))
X	      )
X      ;; If there is no subject, make Subject: field.
X      (or (mail-fetch-field "subject")
X	  (insert "Subject: \n"))
X      ;; Insert random headers.
X      ;; Message-ID is catenation of user's login name, slash (/),
X      ;;  user's sequcne number, at sign (@) and user's domain name.
X      (insert "Message-ID: <" id "@" domain-name ">\n"
X	      "Date: " (gnus-inews-date) "\n"
X	      "Organization: " organization "\n"
X	      "Lines: " (int-to-string lines) "\n"
X	      )
X      (or (mail-fetch-field "distribution")
X	  (insert "Distribution: \n"))
X      )))
X(defun gnus-inews-login-name ()
X  "Return user's login name."
X  (or (getenv "USER")
X      (getenv "LOGNAME")
X      (user-login-name)))
X(defun gnus-inews-domain-name ()
X  "Return user's domain name"
X  (let ((domain (or (getenv "DOMAINNAME")
X		    gnus-your-domain)))
X    (if (or (null domain)
X	    (string-equal domain ""))
X	(progn
X	  (setq domain (read-string "Your domain name (no host): "))
X	  (setq gnus-your-domain domain)))
X    (concat (system-name)
X	    ;; Host name and domain name must be separated by
X	    ;;  one period `.'.
X	    (if (string-equal "." (substring domain 0 1)) "" ".")
X	    domain
X	    )
X    ))
X(defun gnus-inews-gensym ()
X  "Generate next sequence number of article."
X  (let ((env-file (expand-file-name gnus-environment-file nil)))
X    ;; If there exits environment file, we have to load it every time
X    ;;  because it may be shared by concurrently running Emacses.
X    (if (file-exists-p env-file)
X	(progn
X	  ;; Restore previous session status.
X	  ;; The file will setq `gnus-environ-sequence-number'.
X	  (load-file env-file)
X	  (message "")))
X    ;; Initialize only once.
X    (if (or (not (boundp 'gnus-environ-sequence-number))
X	    (null gnus-environ-sequence-number))
X	(setq gnus-environ-sequence-number 0))
X    ;; Increment sequnce number.
X    (setq gnus-environ-sequence-number
X	  (1+ gnus-environ-sequence-number))
X    ;; We have to save the sequence number every time because there
X    ;;  may be no chance to save it else where.
X    (save-excursion
X      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *GNUS-environemnt*"))
X      (erase-buffer)
X      (insert ";; You should not change this file.\n"
X	      (format "(setq gnus-environ-sequence-number %d)"
X		      gnus-environ-sequence-number))
X      (write-file env-file)
X      (message "")
X      (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
X    ;; Return sequence number
X    gnus-environ-sequence-number
X    ))
X(defun gnus-inews-date ()
X  "News format date string of today."
X  (let ((date (current-time-string)))
X    (if (string-match "^[^ ]+ \\(.+\\) \\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9:]+\\) [0-9][0-9]\\([0-9][0-9]\\)"
X		      date)
X	(concat (substring date (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)) ;Day
X		" "
X		(substring date (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) ;Month
X		" "
X		(substring date (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)) ;Year
X		" "
X		(gnus-unix-time-to-gmtime
X		 gnus-your-time-zone
X		 (substring date (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))) ;Time
X		" GMT")
X      (error "Invalid date format."))
X    ))
X(defun gnus-unix-time-to-gmtime (time-zone time)
X  "Convert unix time to GM time."
X  (if (string-match "^\\([0-9]+\\):\\(.*\\)$" time)
X      (concat
X       (format "%02d"
X	       (+ time-zone (string-to-int (substring time
X						      (match-beginning 1)
X						      (match-end 1)))))
X       ":"
X       (substring time
X		  (match-beginning 2)
X		  (match-end 2)))
X    (error "Invalid time format.")
X    ))
X;;Local variables:
X;;eval: (put 'eval-in-buffer-window 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
exit 0
Masanobu UMEDA

umerin@flab.flab.fujitsu.JUNET (Masanobu UMEDA) (02/02/88)

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
: The rest of this file will extract:
: nntp.el
echo x nntp.el
sed 's/^X//' > nntp.el << '*-*-END-of-nntp.el-*-*'
X;;; NNTP (RFC977) Interface for GNU Emacs
X;; Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Fujitsu Laboratoris LTD.
X;; Copyrigth (C) 1987, 1988 Masanobu UMEDA (umerin@flab.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET)
X;; $Header: nntp.el,v 2.0 88/02/02 10:01:52 umerin Locked $
X;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
X;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
X;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
X;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
X;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
X;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
X;; License for full details.
X;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
X;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
X;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
X;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
X;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
X;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
X;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
X;; This implementation depends on 1.2a NNTP software bundled with
X;;  4.3BSD.
X(provide 'nntp)
X(defvar nntp-server-process nil
X  "NNTP news server process.")
X(defvar nntp-server-hook nil
X  "*Hooks for NNTP news server.
XIf Kanji code of news server is different from local kanji code, you
Xhave to put the following code in your .emacs file:
X(setq nntp-server-hook
X      '(lambda ()
X	 ;; Server's Kanji code is EUC (NEmacs hack).
X	 (make-local-variable 'kanji-fileio-code)
X	 (setq kanji-fileio-code 0)))")
X(defconst nntp-magic-tick 10
X  "Number of time waiting for server response using `accept-process-output'.
XThe value strongly depends on your machine and news server
Xperformance. It is recommended to re-define it in site-init.el or your
X.emacs file.
XOptimal values for well-known machines are as follows:
X	SUN3/260:	10
X	S-3500 UTS:	1")
X;; Retrieving lots of headers by sending command asynchronously.
X;; Access functions to headers are defined as macro.
X(defmacro nntp-headers-number (headers)
X  "Return article number in HEADERS."
X  (` (car (, headers))))
X(defmacro nntp-headers-subject (headers)
X  "Return subject string in HEADERS."
X  (` (nth 1 (, headers))))
X(defmacro nntp-headers-from (headers)
X  "Return author string in HEADERS."
X  (` (nth 2 (, headers))))
X(defmacro nntp-headers-xref (headers)
X  "Return xref string in HEADERS."
X  (` (nth 3 (, headers))))
X(defun nntp-retrieve-headers (sequence)
X  "Return list of article headers specified by SEQUENCE of article id.
XThe format of list is `((NUMBER SUBJECT FROM XREF) ...)'.
XNews group must be selected before calling me."
X  (save-excursion
X    (let ((number (length sequence))
X	  (headers nil)			;Hold result list
X	  (article 0)
X	  (subject nil)
X	  (xref nil)
X	  (from nil)
X	  (count 0))
X      (set-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process))
X      (erase-buffer)
X      ;; Send HEAD command.
X      (while sequence
X	(nntp-send-strings-to-server "HEAD" (car sequence))
X	(setq sequence (cdr sequence)))
X      ;; Wait for completion of reply.
X      (sleep-for 1)
X      ;;(accept-process-output)
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (while (< (nntp-count-reply "^[0-9]") number)
X	;;(message "Reading...: %d" count)
X	;; I'm not sure which is the fastest way to wait for
X	;;  completion of request, sleep-for or accept-process-output.
X	(if (or (> count nntp-magic-tick)
X		(> number 10))
X	    (progn
X	      ;; Fujitsu UTS requires the next code. I don't know why?
X	      ;; Usg-unix-v which supports TCP/IP stream is assumed as
X	      ;;  Fujitsu UTS system.
X	      (if (eq system-type 'usg-unix-v)
X		  (message "Reading..."))
X	      (sleep-for 1)
X	      (if (eq system-type 'usg-unix-v)
X		  (message "")))
X	  (setq count (1+ count))
X	  (accept-process-output))
X	(goto-char (point-min))
X	)
X      ;; Wait for text of last command.
X      (goto-char (point-max))
X      (re-search-backward "^[0-9]")
X      (if (looking-at "^[23]")
X	  (while (progn
X		   (goto-char (- (point-max) 3))
X		   (not (looking-at "^\\.\r$")))
X	    ;;(sleep-for 1)
X	    (accept-process-output)
X	    ))
X      ;; Now all of replies are recieved.
X      ;; First, delete unnecessary lines.
X      (goto-char (point-min))
X      (delete-non-matching-lines
X       "^Subject:[ \t]\\|^Xref:[ \t]\\|^From:[ \t]\\|^[23]")
X      ;; Then examines replies.
X      (while (not (eobp))
X	(cond ((looking-at "^[23].*[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+") ;Article exists.
X	       (setq article (string-to-int
X			      (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
X						(match-end 1))))
X	       (forward-line 1)
X	       (setq subject nil)
X	       (setq xref nil)
X	       (setq from nil)
X	       ;; It is better to extract From:, Subject: and Xref:
X	       ;;  field values in this order.
X	       (while (looking-at "^[^23]")
X		 (if (looking-at "^From:[ \t]\\(.*\\)\r$")
X		     (progn
X		       ;; Extract From: field.
X		       (setq from (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
X						    (match-end 1)))
X		       (forward-line 1)))
X		 (if (looking-at "^Subject:[ \t]\\(.*\\)\r$")
X		     (progn
X		       ;; Extract Subject: field.
X		       (setq subject (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
X						       (match-end 1)))
X		       (forward-line 1)))
X		 (if (looking-at "^Xref:[ \t]\\(.*\\)\r$")
X		     (progn
X		       ;; Extract Xref: field.
X		       (setq xref (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
X						    (match-end 1)))
X		       (forward-line 1)))
X		 )
X	       (if (and subject from)
X		   (setq headers
X			 (cons (list article subject from xref) headers))
X		 ;; Subject: and From: field must be specified.
X		 (error "NNTP: recieve error(1) on line: %s"
X			(buffer-substring
X			 (point)
X			 (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))))
X	       )
X	      (t			;No matching lines
X	       (error "NNTP: recieve error(2) on line: %s"
X		      (buffer-substring
X		       (point)
X		       (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
X	       )))
X      (nreverse headers)
X      )))
X(defun nntp-count-reply (regexp)
X  "Count matches for REGEXP following point."
X  (let ((count 0))
X    (save-excursion
X      (while (and (not (eobp))
X		  (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
X	(setq count (1+ count))
X	))
X    ;; Return count
X    count
X    ))
X;;; Raw Interface to Network News Transfer Protocol (RFC977)
X(defun nntp-open-server (host &optional service)
X  "Open news server on HOST.
XIf HOST is nil, use value of environment variable `NNTPSERVER'.
XIf optional argument SERVICE is non-nil, open by the service name."
X  (let ((host (or host
X		  (getenv "NNTPSERVER")
X		  (error "NNTP: no server host is specified."))))
X    (if (nntp-open-server-internal host service)
X	(nntp-wait-for-response "^[23].*\r$"))
X    ))
X(defun nntp-close-server ()
X  "Close news server."
X  (unwind-protect
X      ;; We cannot send QUIT command unless the process is running.
X      (if (memq (process-status nntp-server-process) '(run open))
X	  (nntp-send-command nil "QUIT"))
X    (nntp-close-server-internal)
X    ))
X(fset 'nntp-request-quit (symbol-function 'nntp-close-server))
X(defun nntp-request-article (id)
X  "Select article by message ID (or number)."
X  (prog1
X      (nntp-send-command "^\\.\r$" "ARTICLE" id)
X    (nntp-decode-text)
X    ))
X(defun nntp-request-body (id)
X  "Select article body by message ID (or number)."
X  (prog1
X      (nntp-send-command "^\\.\r$" "BODY" id)
X    (nntp-decode-text)
X    ))
X(defun nntp-request-head (id)
X  "Select article head by message ID (or number)."
X  (prog1
X      (nntp-send-command "^\\.\r$" "HEAD" id)
X    (nntp-decode-text)
X    ))
X(defun nntp-request-stat (id)
X  "Select article by message ID (or number)."
X  (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\r$" "STAT" id))
X(defun nntp-request-group (group)
X  "Select news GROUP."
X  ;; 1.2a NNTP's group command is buggy. "^M" (\r) is not appended to
X  ;;  end of the status message.
X  (nntp-send-command "^[23].*$" "GROUP" group))
X(defun nntp-request-list ()
X  "List valid newsgoups."
X  (prog1
X      (nntp-send-command "^\\.\r$" "LIST")
X    (nntp-decode-text)
X    ))
X(defun nntp-request-last ()
X  "Set current article pointer to the previous article
Xin the current news group."
X  (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\r$" "LAST"))
X(defun nntp-request-next ()
X  "Advance current article pointer."
X  (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\r$" "NEXT"))
X(defun nntp-request-post ()
X  "Post a new news in current buffer."
X  (if (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\r$" "POST")
X      (progn
X	(nntp-encode-text)
X	(nntp-send-region-to-server (point-min) (point-max))
X	;; 1.2a NNTP's post command is buggy. "^M" (\r) is not
X	;;  appended to end of the status message.
X	(nntp-wait-for-response "^[23].*$")
X	)))
X;; Encoding and decoding of NNTP text.
X(defun nntp-decode-text ()
X  "Decode text transmitted by NNTP.
X1. Delete `^M' at end of line.
X2. Delete `.' at end of buffer (end of text mark).
X3. Delete `.' at beginning of line."
X  (save-excursion
X    (set-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process))
X    ;; Insert newline at end of buffer.
X    (goto-char (point-max))
X    (if (not (bolp))
X	(insert "\n"))
X    ;; Delete `^M' at end of line.
X    (goto-char (point-min))
X    ;; (replace-regexp "\r$" "")
X    (while (not (eobp))
X      (end-of-line)
X      (forward-char -1)
X      (if (looking-at "\r$")
X	  (delete-char 1))
X      (forward-line 1)
X      )
X    ;; Delete `.' at end of buffer (end of text mark).
X    (goto-char (point-max))
X    (forward-line -1)
X    (beginning-of-line)
X    (if (looking-at "^\\.$")
X	(progn
X	  (kill-line)
X	  (kill-line)))
X    ;; Replace `..' at beginning of line with `.'.
X    (goto-char (point-min))
X    ;; (replace-regexp "^\\.\\." ".")
X    (while (not (eobp))
X      (if (looking-at "^\\.\\.")
X	  (delete-char 1))
X      (forward-line 1)
X      (beginning-of-line))
X    ))
X(defun nntp-encode-text ()
X  "Encode text in current buffer for NNTP transmission.
X1. Insert `.' at beginning of line.
X2. Insert `.' at end of buffer (end of text mark)."
X  (save-excursion
X    ;; Insert newline at end of buffer.
X    (goto-char (point-max))
X    (if (not (bolp))
X	(insert "\n"))
X    ;; Replace `.' ad beginning of line with `..'.
X    (goto-char (point-min))
X    ;; (replace-regexp "^\\." "..")
X    (while (not (eobp))
X      (if (looking-at "^\\.")
X	  (insert "."))
X      (forward-line 1)
X      (beginning-of-line))
X    ;; Insert `.' at end of buffer (end of text mark).
X    (goto-char (point-max))
X    (insert ".\n")
X    ))
X;;; Synchronous Communication with NNTP Server
X(defun nntp-send-command (response cmd &rest args)
X  "Wailt for server RESPONSE after sending CMD and optional ARGS to
Xnews server."
X  (save-excursion
X    ;; Clear communication buffer.
X    (set-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process))
X    (erase-buffer)
X    (apply 'nntp-send-strings-to-server cmd args)
X    (if response
X	(nntp-wait-for-response response)
X      t)
X    ))
X(defun nntp-wait-for-response (regexp)
X  "Wait for server response which matches REGEXP."
X  (save-excursion
X    (let ((status t)
X	  (wait t)
X	  (count 0))
X      (set-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process))
X      ;; Wait for status response (RFC977).
X      ;; 1xx - Informative message.
X      ;; 2xx - Command ok.
X      ;; 3xx - Command ok so far, send the rest of it.
X      ;; 4xx - Command was correct, but couldn't be performed for some
X      ;;       reason.
X      ;; 5xx - Command unimplemented, or incorrect, or a serious
X      ;;       program error occurred.
X      ;; I'm not sure which is better method for waiting for
X      ;;  completion of NNTP command. At least communication between
X      ;;  photon and flab works fine by `accept-process-output'.
X      ;;(sleep-for 1)
X      (accept-process-output)
X      (while wait
X	(goto-char (point-min))
X	(cond ((looking-at "[23]")
X	       (setq wait nil))
X	      ((looking-at "[45]")
X	       (setq status nil)
X	       (setq wait nil))
X	      (t
X	       ;;(message "Reading...: %d" count)
X	       ;; I'm not sure `accept-process-output' causes infinite
X	       ;;  loop.
X	       (if (> count nntp-magic-tick)
X		   (sleep-for 1)
X		 (setq count (1+ count))
X		 (accept-process-output))
X	       ))
X	)
X      (if status
X	  (progn
X	    (setq wait t)
X	    (setq count 0)		;Reset counter.
X	    (while wait
X	      (goto-char (point-max))
X	      (forward-line -1)
X	      (beginning-of-line)
X	      ;;(message (buffer-substring
X	      ;;	 (point)
X	      ;;	 (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
X	      (if (looking-at regexp)
X		  (setq wait nil)
X		;;(message "Reading...: %d" count)
X		;; I'm not sure `accept-process-output' causes
X		;;  infinite loop.
X		(if (> count nntp-magic-tick)
X		    (progn
X		      ;; Fujitsu UTS requires the next code. I don't
X		      ;;  know why? (UMERIN)
X		      (message "Reading...")
X		      (sleep-for 1)
X		      (message ""))
X		  (setq count (1+ count))
X		  (accept-process-output))
X		))
X	    ;; Successfully recieved server response.
X	    t
X	    ))
X      )))
X;;; Low-Level Interface to NNTP Server
X(defun nntp-send-strings-to-server (&rest strings)
X  "Send list of STRINGS to news server as command and its arguments."
X  (let ((cmd (car strings))
X	(strings (cdr strings)))
X    ;; Command and each argument must be separeted by one or more spaces.
X    (while strings
X      (setq cmd (concat cmd " " (car strings)))
X      (setq strings (cdr strings)))
X    ;; Command line must be terminated by a CR-LF.
X    (process-send-string nntp-server-process (concat cmd "\n"))
X    ))
X(defun nntp-send-region-to-server (begin end)
X  "Send current buffer region (from BEGIN to END) to news server."
X  (save-excursion
X    (save-excursion
X      ;; Clear communication buffer.
X      (set-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process))
X      (erase-buffer))
X    (copy-to-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process) begin end)
X    ;; We have to work on the buffer associated with NNTP server
X    ;;  process because of NEmacs hack.
X    (set-buffer (process-buffer nntp-server-process))
X    (setq begin (point-min))
X    (setq end (point-max))
X    ;; `process-send-region' does not work if text to be sent is very
X    ;;  large. I don't know maximum size of text sent correctly.
X    (let ((last nil)
X	  (size 100))			;Size of text sent at once.
X      (save-restriction
X	(narrow-to-region begin end)
X	(goto-char begin)
X	(while (not (eobp))
X	  (setq last (min end (+ (point) size)))
X	  (process-send-region nntp-server-process (point) last)
X	  ;; I don't know whether the next codes solve the known
X	  ;;  problem of communication error of GNU Emacs.
X	  (accept-process-output)
X	  ;;(sit-for 0)
X	  (goto-char last)
X	  )))
X    ;; We cannot erase buffer, because reply may be received.
X    (delete-region begin end)
X    ))
X(defun nntp-open-server-internal (host &optional service)
X  "Open connection to news server on HOST by SERVICE (default is nntp)."
X  (save-excursion
X    ;; Initialize communication buffer.
X    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *nntpd*"))
X    (kill-all-local-variables)
X    (erase-buffer)
X    (prog1
X	(setq nntp-server-process
X	      (open-network-stream "nntpd" (current-buffer)
X				   host (or service "nntp")))
X      ;; You can change kanji-fileio-code in hooks.
X      (run-hooks 'nntp-server-hook))
X    ))
X(defun nntp-close-server-internal ()
X  "Close connection to news server."
X  (delete-process nntp-server-process)
X  (setq nntp-server-process nil))
exit 0
Masanobu UMEDA