[comp.emacs] running lint from gnu-emacs

dm@BFLY-VAX.BBN.COM (David Mankins) (02/05/88)

put this into a shell-file (called ``elint'' (are you listening, Ft.
Meade?)), you can invoke it with a M-X compile command.  The output
will be parseable by emacs so that you can step through it using the
``next-error'' function (which I think is bound to M-` -- that's
``escape accent-grave''):


# a program which massages lint output for proper parsing in an emacs 
# M-X compile command.

# an input line of the form 
#               fname(lnum): error
# is massaged to:
#               "fnam", line lnum: error

lint $* | sed -e 's/^/"/' -e 's/(/", line /' -e 's/)//'

[JR, would you forward this to the local gnu-emacs list, please?]