[comp.emacs] Initialization File for MicroGnu on VMS

bd@hpsemc.HP.COM (bob desinger) (02/12/88)

>  (global-set-key "\C-h" 'backwards-delete-char)

The MicroGnuEmacs .mg file doesn't use regular Gnu Emacs lisp; the
comments in the source (1b) led me to believe that you must drop the
parentheses.  My .mg file is:

	global-set-key "\^x\^v" find-file
	global-set-key "}" blink-matching-paren-hack

The first line, `bsmap-mode', maps backspace to DEL like what you want.

The second line, `auto-fill-mode', does the same as my Gnu .emacs line:
	(setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) ; auto-fill minor mode

The third line provides the C-x C-v command, which MicroGnu lacks, but
uses the function called by C-x C-f.

The last line shows me the corresponding "{" when I type "}".

bob desinger