[comp.emacs] GNUmacs 18.50 distribution

howard@CHEETA.ISI.EDU (Bryan Howard) (03/08/88)

I managed to ftp the compressed tar file (edist.tar-18.50.Z) from
prep.ai.mit.edu without a problem (to my surprise).  However, when
I went to unpack it I got a directory checksum error.  This after
unpacking almost the whole thing.

The error occured during the extraction of /info/gdb-2.  It seems
the tar file ended abruptly there.  Could there be a problem with
the file on prep.ai.mit.edu?  Or did something get lost when I
FTPed it or later?  The FTP looked like it worked fine.  I had
no errors from the uncompress...


Bryan D. Howard						Howard @ ISI.Edu
USC/Information Sciences Institute
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings...

bob@ALLOSAUR.CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Bob Sutterfield) (03/09/88)

I was able to get /u2/emacs/edist.tar-18.50.Z with absolutely no
problem.  Then, to accomodate our UUCP "customers", I got
/u2/emacs/edist.tar-18.50.Z-split/x??, where ??  goes from aa to bc,
and xbc is 95,709 bytes long.  This stops in the middle of an info
file, as Bryan Howard notes.

Noticing that 18.49's splits go up to part-bj, and suspecting that GNU
Emacs will never, ever shrink (:-), it seemed that something had gone
wrong with the splitting process for 18.50.

I tried, using a co-worker's guest account, to use /usr/gnubin/split
to re-split the distribution myself, thinking that perhaps a
filesystem had filled up the last time it was split (by Len Tower at
Mar 7 18:11), and that may have caused the splits to end prematurely.
What do you know, the last split I got was

-rw-r--r--  1 verber      95709 Mar  8 12:52 edist.tar-18.50.Z-part-bc

(same size, same -bc ending, everything).

Len told me he made the splits with /usr/gnubin/split, which is
presumably a GNU implementation of split(1) (though I haven't found
the sources yet).  I suspect there's a bug in GNU split - any other
 Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 bob@cis.ohio-state.edu or ...!cbosgd!osu-cis!bob