[comp.emacs] inline file name completion

bard@THEORY.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bard Bloom) (04/20/88)

Some time ago, someone (I've lost the name -- sorry) posted a command to
complete a partially-typed file name.  I've cleaned it up, and tweaked it:
with a prefix argument, if there are several completions, it does a
completing-read asking you which one to use.  A good thing to bind to 
TAB if you're a tcsh fan, or C-c C-f in shell mode.

-- Bard the \x.gargoyle

;;; I hereby contribute this partially plagarized code to the world.

(defun member-general (x l comparison)
  "Is X a member of L under COMPARISON?  E.g.: (memq x l) is about the same as
to (member-general x l (function eq))."
  (let ((not-found t))
    (while (and l not-found)
      (setq not-found (not (funcall comparison x (car l)))
            l         (cdr-safe l)))
    (not not-found)))

(defun shell-expand-file-name (prompt-if-many)
  "Expand the file name before point.  With a prefix argument,
if there is more than one completion, it completing-reads a name."
  (interactive "P")
  (skip-chars-backward " \t")
  (let ((place (point))
        (stop (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 1) (point)))
        path start name full-name
        possible-completions possible-completions-alist)
    (setq start             ; starting pos of prev filename
          (if (re-search-backward "[ ;`!#$^&*()':,?<>|\]" stop 'move)
              (1+ (point))  ; filename starts at delimiter
            (point)))       ; filename starts at bol
    (goto-char place)
    ;; now, go to the beginning of the file name proper
     ((search-backward "/" start t)
      (setq path (buffer-substring start (1+ (point))))
      (forward-char 1)) 
      (setq path "")
      (goto-char start)))
    ;; Now, point is at the beginning of the filename part
    (setq name (buffer-substring (point) place))
    (setq full-name
          (file-name-completion name (concat default-directory path)))
    (setq possible-completions (file-name-all-completions
                                name (concat default-directory path)))
    (if (equal full-name 't)
        (setq full-name name))
     ((null full-name)
      (goto-char place)
      (error "No completions."))
     ((= (length possible-completions) 1)
      (delete-region (point) place)
      (insert full-name)
      (message "Completed"))
      (setq possible-completions-alist
            (mapcar (function list) possible-completions))
      (setq full-name (completing-read "Insert filename: "
                                       nil nil full-name))
      ;; Don't modify the buffer 'till now, because the luser might quit
      ;; inside the completing-read.  That's why I keep repeating this:
      (delete-region (point) place)
      (insert full-name))
      (delete-region (point) place)
      (insert full-name)
      (if (member-general
           full-name possible-completions (function string=))
          (message "Complete but not unique")
        (message "Not complete..."))))))