[comp.emacs] Comment Blocks ...

mlm@pur-ee.UUCP ("Michael L. McLean") (05/07/88)

In article <28549@yale-celray.yale.UUCP>, @RELAY.CS.NET:kgk@cs writes:
> Has anybody implemented a function for Lisp mode which will indent a
> long comment, ignoring the comment characters?  What I mean is a
> function which will indent
> ;;; Foo bar 
> ;;; qux
> to
> ;;; Foo bar qux
> but not
> ;;; Foo bar ;;; qux

You can use fill-prefix to do this.  Here is a great little function
(sadly not mine, but I got it from the net so here it is) that will
set the fill prefix based on the text.  The var fill-coment-
block-regexp describes characters that qualify as possible fill
characters.  The default is anything except alpha-numeric.  The great
thing about this function is that it will work for shell mode
comments, assembler comments etc ....  I bind this to M-Q since the
default M-Q and M-q are both fill-paragraph.  The original author is
listed with the code.

While on the subject of comments, an auto-filled comment mode for
c-mode was posted a while back.  The author is listed as Robert
Mecklenburg and the posted is George Hartzell.  This mode fills C
comments like below.

	 * Your favorite 
	 * multi-line comment.

Unfortunatly this code (supposedly) works under 18.47 but it definatly
fails under 18.50.  Neither the poster nor I have been able to find
the problem.  Does anyone have a copy of this mode that works under
18.50 ???  If you do please please submit it.  Also if you are the
person who fixed it for 18.50 could you tell me what the problem was.
I have a feeling that I am missing something stupidly obvious in the
code.  Alternativly does anyone have a similar function they would
like to send me ???

Thanks  ---

	Mike McLean 

---- Snip Snip Snippity Snippity Snip ----
;;; Wolfgang Rupprecht	ARPA:  wolfgang@mgm.mit.edu (IP
;;; 326 Commonwealth Ave.	UUCP:  mit-eddie!mgm.mit.edu!wolfgang
;;; Boston, Ma. 02115	TEL:   (617) 267-4365

(defvar fill-comment-block-regexp "^a-zA-Z0-9"
  "*Regexp to identify the fill-prefix for the fill-comment-block function.")

(defun fill-comment-block ()
  "Fill a comment block. Uses fill-comment-block-regexp to identify the
fill-prefix. If none found, uses the default fill-prefix."
    (if (looking-at (concat "[" fill-comment-block-regexp "]"))
	  (skip-chars-forward fill-comment-block-regexp)
	  (let ((fill-prefix))
	    (fill-paragraph nil)))
      (fill-paragraph nil))))

---- Snip Snip Snippity Snippity Snip ----

hartzell@beagle (George Hartzell) (05/08/88)

>While on the subject of comments, an auto-filled comment mode for
>c-mode was posted a while back.  The author is listed as Robert
>Mecklenburg and the posted is George Hartzell.  This mode fills C
>comments like below.
>Unfortunatly this code (supposedly) works under 18.47 but it definatly
>fails under 18.50.  Neither the poster nor I have been able to find
>the problem.  Does anyone have a copy of this mode that works under
>18.50 ???  If you do please please submit it.  Also if you are the

While I still don't know exactly why this was failing, I did manage
to fix it.  See the comments in the code.

George Hartzell			                 (303) 492-4535
MCD Biology, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309
hartzell@Boulder.Colorado.EDU  ..!{ncar,nbires}!boulder!hartzell
;;; Fix by george hartzell. 4-3-88
;;;     When we upgraded from 18.47 to 18.50 c-comment broke.
;;;     I haven't been able to figure out why it is broken, but worked 
;;;     out the following fix.  In the function set-fill-and-return I 
;;;     commented out the call to indent-new-comment-line and added
;;;     (insert ?\n fill-prefix), which does what seems to be needed.
;;;     Also need to make the same change in the function c-comment.
;;;     And, in do-indented-autofill.
;;; C comment mode - An auto-filled comment mode for gnu c-mode.
;;; Author:  	Robert Mecklenburg
;;;		Computer Science Dept.
;;;          	University of Utah
;;; From: mecklen@utah-gr.UUCP (Robert Mecklenburg)
;;; (c) 1986, University of Utah
;;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;;; this file, provided the people they give it to can.
;;; I have written a "global comment" minor-mode which performs auto-fill,
;;; fill-paragraph, and auto-indentation functions.  This function only
;;; works for comments which occupy an entire line (not comments to the
;;; right of code).  The mode has several options set through variables.
;;; If the variable c-comment-starting-blank is non-nil multi-line
;;; comments come out like this:
;;; 	/*
;;; 	 * Your favorite 
;;; 	 * multi-line comment.
;;; 	 */
;;; otherwise they look like this:
;;; 	/* Your Favorite
;;; 	 * multi-line comment.
;;; 	 */
;;; If the variable c-comment-hanging-indent is non-nil K&R style comments
;;; are indented automatically like this:
;;; 	/* my_func - For multi-line comments with hanging indent
;;; 	 *	     the text is lined up after the dash.
;;; 	 */
;;; otherwise the text "the text" (!) is lined up under my_func.  If a
;;; comment fits (as typed) on a single line it remains a single line
;;; comment even if c-comment-starting-blank is set.  If
;;; c-comment-indenting is non-nil hitting carriage return resets the
;;; indentation for the next line to the current line's indentation
;;; (within the comment) like this:
;;; 	/* Typing along merrily....
;;; 	 *     Now I indent with spaces, when I hit return
;;; 	 *     the indentation is automatically set to 
;;; 	 *     ^ here.
;;; 	 */
;;; Due to my lack of understanding of keymaps this permanently resets M-q
;;; to my own fill function.  I would like to have the comment mode
;;; bindings only in comment mode but I can't seem to get that to work.
;;; If some gnu guru can clue me in, I'd appreciate it.
(defvar c-comment-starting-blank t
  "*Controls whether global comments have an initial blank line.")
(defvar c-comment-indenting t
  "*If set global comments are indented to the level of the previous line.")
(defvar c-comment-hanging-indent t
  "*If true, comments will be automatically indented to the dash.")
(defvar c-hang-already-done t
  "If true we have performed the haning indent already for this comment.")

;;; c-comment-map - This is a sparse keymap for comment mode which
;;; 		    gets inserted when c-comment is called.
(defvar c-comment-mode-map ()
  "Keymap used in C comment mode.")
(if c-comment-mode-map
;  (setq c-comment-mode-map (copy-sequence c-mode-map))
  (setq c-comment-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "{" 'electric-c-brace)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "}" 'electric-c-brace)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map ";" 'electric-c-semi)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map ":" 'electric-c-terminator)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "\e\r" 'newline)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "\e\C-h" 'mark-c-function)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "\e\C-q" 'indent-c-exp)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "\eq" 'set-fill-and-fill)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "\177" 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "\t" 'c-indent-command)
  (define-key c-comment-mode-map "\r" 'set-fill-and-return)
;;; c-comment - This is a filled comment mode which can format
;;; 		indented text, do hanging indents, and symetric
;;; 		placement of comment delimiters.
(defun c-comment ()
  "Edit a C comment with filling and indentation.
This performs hanging indentation, symetric placement of delimiters,
 and Indented-Text mode style indentation.  Type 'M-x apropos
c-comment' for information on options."

      ;; Save old state.
      ((auto-fill-hook (if c-comment-indenting
			   'do-indented-auto-fill 'do-auto-fill))
;       (comment-start nil)
       (comment-multi-line t)
       (comment-start-skip "/*\\*+[ 	]*")
       (paragraph-start-ref paragraph-start)
       fill-prefix paragraph-start paragraph-separate opoint)

    ;; Determine if we are inside a comment.
    (setq in-comment
	    (and (re-search-backward "/\\*\\|\\*/" 0 t)
		 (string= "/*" (buffer-substring (point) (+ (point) 2))))))

    ;; Indent the comment and set the fill prefix to comment continuation
    ;; string.  If we are already in a comment get the indentation on
    ;; the current line.
    (setq c-hang-already-done nil)

    ;; Set the beginning of the comment and insert the blank line if needed.
    (use-local-map c-comment-mode-map)
    (if (not in-comment)
	(progn (c-indent-line)
	       (insert "/* ")
	       (setq fill-prefix (get-current-fill (point)))

	       ;; If the comment fits on one line, place the close
	       ;; comment at the end of the line.  Otherwise, newline.
	       (setq opoint (point))
	       (if (and (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
					(search-forward "/*" opoint t))
			(<= (+ (current-column) 3) 79))
		   (insert " */")
		 (insert "\n*/"))

      (progn (setq fill-prefix (get-current-fill (point)))
	     (search-forward "*/" (buffer-size) t)
	     (forward-line 1)))

    ;; If starting blank enabled, insert a newline, etc., but only if
    ;; this comment requires multiple lines.
    (if c-comment-starting-blank
	  (setq opoint (point))
	  (forward-line -1)
	  (if (or (null (search-forward "/*" opoint t))
		  (null (search-forward "*/" opoint t)))
		(search-backward "/*")
		(re-search-forward comment-start-skip opoint t)
		(setq fill-prefix (get-current-fill (point)))
		(if (not (looking-at "\n"))
		    (insert ?\n fill-prefix))))))
;		    (indent-new-comment-line))))))

    ;; Move cursor to indentation.
    (use-local-map c-mode-map)

;;; set-fill-and-fill - Get the current fill for this line and fill
;;; 			the paragraph.
(defun set-fill-and-fill (arg)
  "Get the fill-prefix and fill the current paragraph."

  (interactive "P")
  (setq fill-prefix (get-current-fill (point)))
  (fill-paragraph arg)

;;; set-fill-and-return - Set the current fill prefix and
;;; 			  indent-new-comment-line.
(defun set-fill-and-return ()
  "Set the current fill prefix and move to the next line."

  (if c-comment-indenting
      (setq fill-prefix (get-current-fill (point))))
  (insert ?\n fill-prefix)
;  (indent-new-comment-line)

;;; do-indented-auto-fill - Perform the auto-fill function, but get
;;; 			    the fill-prefix first.
(defun do-indented-auto-fill ()
  "Perform auto-fill, but get fill-prefix first."

  (let ((opoint (point)))
      (move-to-column (1+ fill-column))
      (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")
      (if (bolp)
	  (re-search-forward "[ \t]" opoint t))
      ;; If there is a space on the line before fill-point,
      ;; and nonspaces precede it, break the line there.
      (if (save-excursion
	    (skip-chars-backward " \t")
	    (not (bolp)))

	  ;; If we are wrapping to a new line, figure out the indentation on
	  ;; the current line first.
	    (setq fill-prefix (get-current-fill opoint))
	    (insert ?\n fill-prefix)))))
;	    (indent-new-comment-line)))))

;;; get-current-fill - Get the fill-prefix for the current line.  This
;;; 		       assumes that the valid fill prefix is between
;;; 		       (beginning-of-line) and (point).
(defun get-current-fill (pnt)
  "Get the current fill prefix.
A valid fill prefix must be between the beginning of the line and point."

  (let ((opoint pnt) fill last-char)
      (setq fill
	    (buffer-substring (point)
				(re-search-forward comment-start-skip opoint t)

      ;; Be sure there is trailing white space.
      (setq last-char (substring fill (1- (length fill)) (length fill)))
      (if (and (not (string= " " last-char))
	       (not (string= "	" last-char)))
	  (setq fill (concat fill " ")))

      (setq fill (replace-letter fill "/" " "))

      ;; Get the hanging indentation if we haven't already.
      (if (and c-comment-hanging-indent (not c-hang-already-done))
	  (let ((curr (point))
		(opnt (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
	    (if (search-forward " - " opnt t)
		  (setq fill (concat fill (make-string (- (point) curr) 32)))
		  (setq c-hang-already-done t)))))

      ;; Set the paragraph delimiters.
      (setq paragraph-start (concat paragraph-start-ref
				     (substring fill
						0 (1- (length fill))))
      (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start))

;;; replace-letter - Given a string, an old letter and a new letter,
;;; 		     perform the substitution.
(defun replace-letter (str old-letter new-letter)
  (let (new-str c
	(sp 0)
	(size (length str)))
    (while (< sp size)
      (setq c (substring str sp (1+ sp)))
      (setq new-str (concat new-str (if (string= c old-letter) new-letter c)))
      (setq sp (1+ sp)))

;(define-key c-mode-map "\C-j" 'c-reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
;(define-key c-mode-map "\015" 'c-newline)
;(define-key c-mode-map "\e:" 'c-comment)
George Hartzell			                 (303) 492-4535
MCD Biology, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309
hartzell@Boulder.Colorado.EDU  ..!{ncar,nbires}!boulder!hartzell