[comp.emacs] .emacs startup file for Sun 386i

idc@daisy.UUCP (Israel Design Center (Amir J. Katz)) (05/14/88)

Sorry about previous empty message. This is the one that was meant to be sent:

Following is my very own .emacs file, tailored for the Sun 386i
(a.k.a. The RoadRunner).

It does some useful things and then binds the left keypad, the right keypad
and the function keys to various useful and/or oft-used commands.
Comments, criticism & kudos are welcome.

----> snip <----> snippety <----> snip <----> etc. <---->
;; .emacs - Amir's own start-up file for Emacs

;; inhibit Emacs startup message
(setq inhibit-startup-message nil)

;; support x-windows mouse 
(load "/usr/local/emacs/lisp/x-mouse.elc")

;; load my own macros (lifted from UseNet)
(load "~/emacs-progs/home.elc")

;; display time & date in status line
(setq display-time-day-and-date t)

;; automatically add newline at end of last line, if it's not there already
;; Note: SCCS requires newline at end of files, so this is handy...
(setq require-final-newline t)

;; ignore case on searches
(setq case-fold-search	t)

;; unprogram back-space from being C-h, make it to emulate del-char
(global-unset-key "\C-h")
(global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)

;; delete current map of ESC-[
(global-unset-key "\e[")

;; program keys Pause, PrSc, ScrollLock
(global-set-key "\e[208z" 'your-command-here)
(global-set-key "\e[209z" 'print-buffer)
(global-set-key "\e[210z" 'insert-line)

;; program function keys R4-R6, use stuff from home.elc
(global-set-key "\e[211z" 'home)
(global-set-key "\e[212z" 'home-bottom)
(global-set-key "\e[213z" 'delete-line)

;; program function keys R7-R13 to behave as the keys say
(global-set-key "\e[214z" 'beginning-of-buffer)
(global-set-key "\e[216z" 'scroll-down)
(global-set-key "\e[218z" 'recenter)
(global-set-key "\e[220z" 'end-of-buffer)
(global-set-key "\e[222z" 'scroll-up)

;; program keys F1-F9
(global-set-key "\e[224z" 'execute-extended-command) ;; M-x
(global-set-key "\e[225z" 'find-alternate-file)      ;; C-x C-v
(global-set-key "\e[226z" 'save-buffer)              ;; C-x C-s
(global-set-key "\e[227z" 'other-window)             ;; C-x o
(global-set-key "\e[228z" 'compare-windows)          ;;
(global-set-key "\e[229z" 'list-buffers)             ;; C-x C-b
(global-set-key "\e[230z" 'query-replace)            ;; M-%
(global-set-key "\e[231z" 'beginning-of-line)        ;; C-a
(global-set-key "\e[232z" 'end-of-line)              ;; C-e

;; program L1-L10 keys - Note: F11==L1 ; F12==L2, F10==HELP
(global-set-key "\e[192z" 'set-mark-command)       ;; L1 - Stop
(global-set-key "\e[193z" 'repeat-complex-command) ;; L2 - Again
(global-set-key "\e[194z" 'what-line)              ;; L3 - Props
(global-set-key "\e[195z" 'undo)                   ;; L4 - Undo
(global-set-key "\e[196z" 'delete-other-windows)   ;; L5 - Front
(global-set-key "\e[197z" 'copy-region-as-kill)    ;; L6 - Copy
(global-set-key "\e[198z" 'find-file-other-window) ;; L7 - Open
(global-set-key "\e[199z" 'yank)                   ;; L8 - Paste
(global-set-key "\e[200z" 'goto-line)              ;; L9 - Find
(global-set-key "\e[201z" 'kill-region)            ;; L10 - Cut

;; program HELP key
(global-set-key "\e[-1z" 'help-for-help)
;; end of .emacs file

"Beam me up, Scotty,                    | Amir J. Katz
 They are not using Unix down here!"    | Daisy Systems Inc.
                                        | 700 Middlefield Rd.
amir@daisy.UUCP                         | Mountain View, CA 94039
UUCP: !atari!daisy!amir                 | (415) 960-7126