[comp.emacs] Auto-include function for Emacs

crm@duke.cs.duke.edu (Charlie Martin) (07/02/88)

I don't know about you, but I find that I usually have an idiosyncratic
collection of things that I ALWAYS (well, nearly always, close enough)
include in certain files.  For example, my makefiles always include
something like


    # $Header$
    # $Log$
    # Local Variables:
    # mode: fundamental
    # fill-column: 75
    # comment-start: "# "
    # comment-end: "\n"
    # End:

Similarly, my C files always have the same old stuff in them, prologues
etc.  I keep these things in an include directory, and have been
inserting them in the file with C-Xi.

This small elisp brick eliminates the necessity; it provides a function
"include-auto-include-files" which can be made part of the
find-file-not-found-hooks list.  When an "auto-include-alist" is set up,
and include-auto-include-files is in the find-file-not-found-hooks list,
then the appropriate file is included automatically.

	in .emacs
	(load "autoinclude")
	(setq find-file-not-found-hooks '(include-auto-include-files))
	(setq auto-include-directory "/usr/nbsr/crm/include/")

This works for me; let me know if you-all find any bugs.  Also, this is
one of my first serious LISPs; if any wizards want to tell me what is
stylistically wrong, I'd be glad to listen.

------------------------------ cut here ------------------------------
;;; Make this -*-emacs-lisp-*- mode, please.

;;; autoinclude.el
;;;+ ------------------------------------------------------------
;;;  Abstract:
;;;  The following defines an association list for files to be
;;;  automatically included when a new file is created, and a function
;;;  which automatically inserts these files; the idea is to include
;;;  default files much as the mode is automatically set using
;;;  auto-mode-alist.
;;;  The auto-include-alist consists of dotted pairs of
;;;  ( REGEXP . FILENAME ) where REGEXP is a regular expression, and
;;;  FILENAME is the file name of a file which is to be included into
;;;  all new files matching the regular expression with which it is
;;;  paired.
;;;  To use: 
;;;     load autoinclude.el
;;;     setq auto-include-directory to an appropriate value, which
;;;       must end in "/"
;;;     set the find-file-not-found-hooks list to include
;;;       (include-auto-include-files)
;;;  Author:  Charlie Martin
;;;           Department of Computer Science and
;;;           National Biomedical Simulation Resource
;;;           Box 3709
;;;           Duke University Medical Center
;;;           Durham, NC 27710
;;;  Date: Fri Jul  1 16:15:31 EDT 1988
;;;  Copyright (c) 1988 Charles R. Martin
;;;  Copying is permitted under those conditions described by the GNU
;;;  Emacs General Public License as clarified 11 February 1988, which
;;;  is incorporated here by reference.
;;;- ------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Define the auto-include-alist
(defvar auto-include-alist nil "\
Alist of file name patterns and corresponding include files for
creation of new files.  The include files are standard file
headers or trailers found at \"auto-include-file-path\".  Each
element looks like (REGEXP . FILENAME).  Creating a file whose
name matches REGEXP causes FILENAME to be included.")
(setq auto-include-alist (mapcar 'purecopy
                                 '(("\\.tex$" . "tex-include.tex")
                                   ("\\.c$" . "c-include.c")
                                   ("\\.h$" . "h-include.c")
                                   ("[Mm]akefile" . "makefile.inc")
                                   ("\\.bib$" . "tex-include.tex"))))

;;; Establish a default value for auto-include-directory
(defvar auto-include-directory nil "\
Directory from which auto-included files are taken.")
(setq auto-include-directory ".")

;;; Include the file if name match found in auto-include-alist.
;;; Uses buffer-file-name, searches auto-include-alist for a matching
;;; REGEXP, then does 'insert-file' to include that file.
(defun include-auto-include-files ()
  "Include the file from the include directory if regexp match
found in auto-include-alist.  Silently terminates if the file name
matches none of the regular expressions."

  (let ((alist auto-include-alist)
        (name buffer-file-name)
        (include-file nil))

    ;; remove backup suffixes from file name
    (setq name (file-name-sans-versions name))

    ;; find first matching alist entry
    (while (and (not include-file) alist)
      (if (string-match (car (car alist)) name)
          (setq include-file (cdr (car alist)))
        (setq alist (cdr alist))))

    ;; Now, if we found an appropriate include file, include it
    (if include-file
        (let ((file (concat auto-include-directory include-file)))
          (if (file-readable-p file)
              (insert-file file)
            (message "Auto-include: file %s not found"))))))
;;; End of file
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------

Charlie Martin (crm@cs.duke.edu,mcnc!duke!crm)