[comp.emacs] Compaction, compression and encryption for GNU Emacs

kjones@talos.UUCP (Kyle Jones) (07/22/88)

The saga continues...

Here is a lisp package that provides minor modes for editing compacted,
compressed and encrypted files with GNU Emacs.  Visited files are
automatically decoded for editing and encoded before being written out
to disk.

Installation is as easy as saving the package in a file called "crypt.el"
in a directory that Emacs searches for lisp libraries, byte-compiling it,
and adding
   (require 'crypt)
to your .emacs file.  I haven't tried preloading and dumping the
library but I see no reason why that wouldn't work as well.

With cheese,

kyle jones  <kyle@odu.edu>
------------------------------- le' axe -------------------------------------
;;; Compaction, compression and encryption for GNU Emacs
;;; Copyright (C) 1988 Kyle E. Jones
;;; Verbatim copies of this file may be freely redistributed.
;;; Modified versions of this file may be redistributed provided that this
;;; notice remains unchanged, the file contains prominent notice of
;;; author and time of modifications, and further redistribution of
;;; the file is not restricted in any way.
;;; This software is distributed `as is', without warranties of any kind.

(provide 'crypt)

(defvar buffer-save-encrypted nil
  "*Non-nil means that when this buffer is saved it will be written out
encrypted, as with the UNIX crypt(1) command.  Automatically local to all
(make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-save-encrypted)

(defvar buffer-save-compacted nil
  "*Non-nil means that when this buffer is saved it will be written out
compacted, as with the UNIX compact(1) command.  Automatically local to all
(make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-save-compacted)

(defvar buffer-save-compressed nil
  "*Non-nil means that when this buffer is saved it will be written out
compressed, as with the UNIX compress(1) command.  Automatically local to all
(make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-save-compressed)

(defvar buffer-encryption-key nil
  "*Key to use when encrypting the current buffer, prior to saving it.
Automatically local to all buffers.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'buffer-encryption-key)

(defconst compact-magic-regexp "\377\037"
  "Regexp that matches the magic number at the beginning of files created
by the compact(1) command.")

(defconst compress-magic-regexp "\037\235"
  "Regexp that matches the magic number at the beginning of files created
by the compress(1) command.")

;; Encrypted files have no magic number, so we have to hack a way of
;; determining which new buffers start in crypt mode.  The current setup is
;; that we use only buffers that have a non-ASCII character very close to
;; beginning of buffer and that do NOT match crypt-magic-regexp-inverse.
;; Currently crypt-magic-regexp-inverse will match Sun OS, 4.x BSD, and
;; Ultrix executable magic numbers, so binaries can still be edited (heh)
;; without headaches.

(defconst crypt-magic-regexp-inverse
  "Regexp that must NOT match the beginning of an encrypted buffer.")

(defmacro save-point (&rest body)
  "Save value of point, evalutes FORMS and restore value of point.
If the saved value of point is no longer valid go to (point-max).
Alas, save-excursion loses track of point during some types of deletions.
This is an ad hoc solution; hoary and hirsute.  The variable `save-point' is
lambda-bound to the value of point for the duration of this call."
  (list 'let '((save-point (point)))
	(list 'unwind-protect
	      (cons 'progn body)
	      '(goto-char (min (point-max) save-point)))))

(defun find-crypt-file-hook ()
  (let ((buffer-file-name buffer-file-name)
	encrypted compressed compacted case-fold-search buffer-read-only)
    ;; We can reasonably assume that either compaction or compression will
    ;; be used, or neither, but not both.
    (cond ((looking-at compact-magic-regexp)
	   (message "Uncompacting %s..." (buffer-name))
	   (compact-buffer (current-buffer) t)
	   ;; We can't actually go into compact mode yet because the major
	   ;; mode may change later on and blow away all local variable
	   ;; (and thus the minor modes).  So we may a note to go into
	   ;; compact mode later.
	   (setq compacted t)
	   ;; here we strip the compacted file's .C extension so that later
	   ;; we can set the buffer's major mode based on this modified
	   ;; name instead of the name with the .C extension.
	   (if (string-match "\\(\\.C\\)$" buffer-file-name)
	       (setq buffer-file-name
		     (substring buffer-file-name 0 (match-beginning 1))))
	   (message "Uncompacting %s... done" (buffer-name)))
	  ((looking-at compress-magic-regexp)
	   (message "Uncompressing %s..." (buffer-name))
	   (compress-buffer (current-buffer) t)
	   (setq compressed t)
	   (if (string-match "\\(\\.Z\\)$" buffer-file-name)
	       (setq buffer-file-name
		     (substring buffer-file-name 0 (match-beginning 1))))
	   (message "Uncompressing %s... done" (buffer-name))))
    ;; Now peek at the file and see if it still looks like a binary file.
    ;; If so, try the crypt-magic-regexp-inverse against and if it FAILS
    ;; we assume that this is an encrypted buffer.
    (cond ((and (not (eobp))
		  (re-search-forward "[\200-\377]"
				     (+ (min (point-max) 15)) t))
		(not (looking-at crypt-magic-regexp-inverse)))
	   (if (not buffer-encryption-key)
	       (call-interactively 'set-encryption-key))
	   (message "Decrypting %s..." (buffer-name))
	   (crypt-buffer buffer-encryption-key)
	   ;; Tuck the key away for safe keeping since setting the major
	   ;; mode may well blow it away.
	   (setq encrypted buffer-encryption-key)
	   (message "Decrypting %s... done" (buffer-name))))
    ;; OK, if any changes have been made to the buffer have taken place we
    ;; need to rerun the code the does automatic selection of major mode.
    (cond ((buffer-modified-p)
	   ;; Now set our minor modes.
	   (if compressed (compress-mode 1))
	   (if compacted (compact-mode 1))
	   (if encrypted
	       (progn (crypt-mode 1) (setq buffer-encryption-key encrypted)))
	   (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))

(defun write-crypt-file-hook ()
   ((or buffer-save-encrypted buffer-save-compacted buffer-save-compressed)
     (let ((backup-buffer (get-buffer-create " *plaintext backup*"))
	   (selective-display selective-display)
	   require-final-newline recovery-needed buffer-read-only
	   (buffer (current-buffer)))
       ;; backup the buffer so we can restore it after the encrypted,
       ;; compacted, etc. version has been written.
       (copy-to-buffer backup-buffer 1 (1+ (buffer-size)))
	     ;; selective-display non-nil means we must convert carriage
	     ;; returns to newlines now, and set selective-display
	     ;; temporarily to nil.
	     (cond (selective-display
		    (setq recovery-needed t)
		    (while (search-forward "\r" nil 0)
		      (replace-match "\n"))
		    (setq selective-display nil)))
	       (if (null buffer-encryption-key)
		   (error "No encryption key set for buffer %s"
	       (if (not (stringp buffer-encryption-key))
		   (error "Encryption key is not a string"))
	       (message "Encrypting %s..." (buffer-name))
	       (setq recovery-needed t)
	       (crypt-buffer buffer-encryption-key)))
	      ((and buffer-save-compacted buffer-save-compressed)
	       (error "Cannot compact and compress buffer %s" (buffer-name)))
	       (message "Compacting %s..." (buffer-name))
	       (setq recovery-needed t)
	       (message "Compressing %s..." (buffer-name))
	       (setq recovery-needed t)
	     ;; Reset all variables that could make us recurse and call
	     ;; basic-save-buffer recursively.
	     ;; Benefits:
	     ;;   write-file-hooks after this one will be executed.
	     ;;   the buffer's file visited modtime will be set correctly
	     ;; Drawbacks:
	     ;;   hooks before this one will be executed twice
	     ;; The majority rules...
	     (let (buffer-save-encrypted
	 ;; unwind...
	 ;; Restore the buffer to its original state.
	 (if recovery-needed
	       (let ((modified (buffer-modified-p)))
		 (set-buffer backup-buffer)
		 (copy-to-buffer buffer 1 (1+ (buffer-size)))
		 (set-buffer buffer)
		 (set-buffer-modified-p modified))))))))))
(defun crypt-region (start end key)
  "Encrypt/decrypt the text in the region.
From a program, this function takes three args: START, END and KEY.
When called interactively START and END default to point and mark
respectively, KEY is prompted for."
      (read-string-no-echo "Crypt region using key: "))))
   (let ((buffer-size (- end start)))
     (call-process-region start end shell-file-name t t nil "-c"
			  (concat "crypt " key))
     (if (not (= buffer-size (buffer-size)))
	 (error "%s failed!" (if undo "Decryption" "Encryption"))))))

(defun crypt-buffer (key &optional buffer)
  "Using KEY, encrypt/decrypt BUFFER.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer."
     (list (read-string-no-echo "Crypt buffer using key: "))))
  (or buffer (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
    (set-buffer buffer)
    (crypt-region 1 (1+ (buffer-size)) key)))

(defun compact-region (start end &optional undo)
  "Compact the text in the region.
From a program, this function takes three args: START, END and UNDO.
When called interactively START and END default to point and mark
UNDO non-nil (prefix arg if called interactively) means uncompact."
  (interactive "*r\nP")
   (call-process-region start end shell-file-name t t nil "-c"
			(if undo "uncompact" "compact"))
   (cond ((not undo)
	  (goto-char start)
	  (if (looking-at "Does not save bytes.\n")
	      (delete-region (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
	  (if (not (looking-at compact-magic-regexp))
	      (error "%s failed!" (if undo "Uncompaction" "Compaction")))))))

(defun compact-buffer (&optional buffer undo)
  "Compact BUFFER.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.
Prefix arg (or second arg non-nil from a program) means uncompact."
  (interactive (list (current-buffer) current-prefix-arg))
  (or buffer (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
    (set-buffer buffer)
    (compact-region 1 (1+ (buffer-size)) undo)))

(defun compress-region (start end &optional undo)
  "Compress the text in the region.
From a program, this function takes three args: START, END and UNDO.
When called interactively START and END default to point and mark
UNDO non-nil (prefix arg if called interactively) means uncompress."
  (interactive "*r\nP")
   (call-process-region start end shell-file-name t t nil "-c"
			(if undo "compress -d" "compress"))
   (cond ((not undo)
	  (goto-char start)
	  (if (not (looking-at compress-magic-regexp))
	      (error "%s failed!" (if undo "Uncompression" "Compression")))))))

(defun compress-buffer (&optional buffer undo)
  "Compress BUFFER.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.
Prefix arg (or second arg non-nil from a program) means uncompress."
  (interactive (list (current-buffer) current-prefix-arg))
  (or buffer (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
    (set-buffer buffer)
    (compress-region 1 (1+ (buffer-size)) undo)))

(defun set-encryption-key (key &optional buffer)
  "Set the encryption KEY for BUFFER.
KEY should be a string.
BUFFER should be a buffer or the name of one;
it defaults to the current buffer.  If BUFFER is in crypt mode, then it is
also marked as modified, since it needs to be saved with the new key."
       (format "Set encryption key for buffer %s: " (buffer-name))))))
  (or buffer (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
    (set-buffer buffer)
    (if (equal key buffer-encryption-key)
	(message "Key is identical to original, no change.")
      (setq buffer-encryption-key key)
      ;; don't touch the modify flag unless we're in crypt-mode.
      (if buffer-save-encrypted
	  (set-buffer-modified-p t)))))

(defun crypt-mode (&optional arg)
  "Toggle crypt mode.
With arg, turn crypt mode on iff arg is positive, otherwise turn it off.
In crypt mode, buffers are automatically encrypted before being written.
If crypt mode is toggled and a key has been set for the current buffer, then
the current buffer is marked modified, since it needs to be rewritten
with (or without) encryption.

Use \\[set-encryption-key] to set the encryption key for the current buffer.

Entering crypt mode causes auto-saving to be turned off in the current buffer,
as there is no way (in Emacs Lisp) to force auto save files to be encrypted."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((oldval buffer-save-encrypted))
    (setq buffer-save-encrypted
	  (if arg (> arg 0) (not buffer-save-encrypted)))
    (if buffer-save-encrypted
	(auto-save-mode 0)
      (auto-save-mode (if (and auto-save-default buffer-file-name) 1 0)))
    (if buffer-encryption-key
	 (not (equal oldval buffer-save-encrypted))))))

(defun compact-mode (&optional arg)
  "Toggle compact mode.
With arg, turn compact mode on iff arg is positive, otherwise turn it off.
In compact mode, buffers are automatically compacted before being written.
If compact mode is toggled, the current buffer is marked modified, since
it needs to be written with (or without) compaction.

Entering compact mode causes auto-saving to be turned off in the current
buffer, as there is no way (in Emacs Lisp) to force auto save files to be
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((oldval buffer-save-compacted))
    (setq buffer-save-compacted
	  (if arg (> arg 0) (not buffer-save-compacted)))
    (if buffer-save-compacted
	(auto-save-mode 0)
      (auto-save-mode (if (and auto-save-default buffer-file-name) 1 0)))
    (set-buffer-modified-p (not (equal oldval buffer-save-compacted)))))

(defun compress-mode (&optional arg)
  "Toggle compress mode.
With arg, turn compress mode on iff arg is positive, otherwise turn it off.
In compress mode, buffers are automatically compressed before being written.
If compress mode is toggled, the current buffer is marked modified, since
it needs to be written with (or without) compression.

Entering compress mode causes auto-saving to be turned off in the current
buffer, as there is no way (in Emacs Lisp) to force auto save files to be
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((oldval buffer-save-compressed))
    (setq buffer-save-compressed
	  (if arg (> arg 0) (not buffer-save-compressed)))
    (if buffer-save-compressed
	(auto-save-mode 0)
      (auto-save-mode (if (and auto-save-default buffer-file-name) 1 0)))
    (set-buffer-modified-p (not (equal oldval buffer-save-compressed)))))

(defun read-string-no-echo (prompt &optional confirm)
  "Read a string from the minibuffer, prompting with PROMPT.
Optional second argument CONFIRM non-nil means that the user will be asked
  to type the string a second time for confirmation and if there is a
  mismatch, the process is repeated.

Line editing keys are:
  C-h, DEL	rubout
  C-u, C-x      line kill
  C-q, C-v      literal next"
  (catch 'return-value
      (let ((input-buffer (get-buffer-create " *password*"))
	    (cursor-in-echo-area t)
	    (echo-keystrokes 0)
	    char string help-form done kill-ring)
	(set-buffer input-buffer)
	    (while t
	      (message prompt)
	      (while (not (= (setq char (read-char)) ?\C-m))
		(if (setq form
			  (assq char
				'((?\C-h . (delete-char -1))
				  (?\C-? . (delete-char -1))
				  (?\C-u . (delete-region 1 (point)))
				  (?\C-x . (delete-region 1 (point)))
				  (?\C-q . (quoted-insert 1))
				  (?\C-v . (quoted-insert 1))))))
		    (condition-case error-data
			(eval form)
		      (error t))
		  (insert char))
		(message prompt))
	      (cond ((and confirm string)
		     (cond ((not (string= string (buffer-string)))
			     (concat prompt "[Mismatch... try again.]"))
			    (sit-for 2)
			    (setq string nil))
			   (t (throw 'return-value string))))
		     (setq string (buffer-string))
		     (message (concat prompt "[Retype to confirm...]"))
		     (sit-for 2))
		    (t (throw 'return-value (buffer-string)))))
	  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
	  (kill-buffer input-buffer))))))

;; Install the hooks then add the mode indicators to
;; the minor mode alist.
 ((not (memq 'find-crypt-file-hook find-file-hooks))
  (setq find-file-hooks (cons 'find-crypt-file-hook find-file-hooks))
  (setq find-file-not-found-hooks
	(cons 'find-crypt-file-hook find-file-not-found-hooks))
  (setq write-file-hooks (cons 'write-crypt-file-hook write-file-hooks))
  (setq minor-mode-alist
	(nconc '((buffer-save-encrypted " Crypt")
		 (buffer-save-compacted " Compact")
		 (buffer-save-compressed " Compress"))