weemba@garnet.berkeley.edu (Obnoxious Math Grad Student) (09/07/88)
>Decrypting the Posted Digest >Newsreader Command >Gnews 'x' (see the manual for other commands) "the other commands" refers to some e-mail between Dave and I: as I explained to him, in Gnews 2.0 there is support for hooks that can transparently dedigestify and rot13 the P&W Digest as it comes in. In other words, once the hooks are in, the other command is ' '. Why heck, even "Susan" would be able to read it then! ucbvax!garnet!weemba Matthew P Wiener/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720 "Nil sounds like a lot of kopins! I never got paid nil before!" --Groo