[comp.emacs] Seeking GNU Emacs binary for VMS

charles@hpcvca.HP.COM (Charles Brown) (09/14/88)

I would like to get a copy of the binary of GNU Emacs for the Vax
under VMS.

My situation:  I am a chip designer.  I will be using Fairchild Sentry
testers which are implemented on Vaxen.  We have sources, but we have
no C compiler for these machines, and chances of getting it are
vanishingly small.  So I am looking for a volunteer who is willing to
help me out.  The most convenient would be to FTP the binary.
Failing that I can supply a tape to write it onto, hopefully in a
format I can read.

My employers do not care what editor I use.  They would just as soon
have me use vi.  This would be a favor to me.
	advaTHANKSnce,  Charles Brown	charles%hpcvca@hplabs.hp.com