[comp.emacs] running detex in emacs

grk@sfsup.UUCP (G.R.Kuntz) (09/21/88)

HELP!  I just installed gnuemacs 18.52 and now I can no longer spell-buffer my
TeX files.  I used to have something like this in my TeX-mode-hook:

	(defvar spell-command "detex | spell")
	(defvar spell-cmd nil)

Now there is something new called spell-filter, but I can'nt seem to make it
work.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (except the obvious inane
ones :-).  Please mail responses if you can because I sometimes go for
weeks without reading news (not enough time!).

			Thanks in advance,
			Ralph (attunix.att.com!grk, grk@attunix.att.com)
	G. Ralph Kuntz N2HBN	grk@attunix.att.com