[comp.emacs] fun with tags

jcgs@harlqn.UUCP (John Sturdy) (09/28/88)

Here is a program I find useful, particularly when working on programs
which have long names in them. It reads your current TAGS table to make
completion lists for typing tag names. (I've set up a control-x-3 keymap
for non-standard bindings - does this conflict with any ancient conventions?)

--- cut here for tags-helper.el ---
;;; Last edited: Wed Jun  1 12:17:33 1988 by jcgs (John Sturdy) on harlqn

(provide 'tags-helper)

(defvar tags-name-list nil
  "alist of names defined in the TAGS file.")

(defun make-tags-name-list ()
  "Make the tags name list from the current tags file."
  (if (null tags-file-name)
      (call-interactively (symbol-function 'visit-tags-table)))
  (message "Making tag list...")
    (find-file tags-file-name)
    (setq tags-name-list nil)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (search-forward "" (point-max) t)
          (re-search-backward "[-A-Za-z0-9_]")
          (let ((end-of-name (1+ (point))))
            (re-search-backward "[\C-i( ]") ; should be any non-symbol-char
            (setq tags-name-list (cons
                                   (buffer-substring end-of-name (1+ (point)))
          (end-of-line 1)))
      (message "Making tag list... done"))))

(defun insert-tag-name (remake)
  "Insert a name from the current tags name list. With prefix arg, remake
the tags name list first."
  (interactive "P")
  (if (or remake (null tags-name-list))
  (insert (completing-read "Tag name: " tags-name-list)))

(defvar show-tag-time 15
  "*How long to display a tag definition for.")

(defun lookup-tag (use-rec-edit)
  "Show a tag from the current tags name list in the other window for
reference, then restore the window layout after a pause. With prefix
arg, go into a recursive edit instead of pausing."
  (interactive "P")
      (find-tag-other-window (completing-read "Tag name: " tags-name-list))
      (if use-rec-edit
        (sit-for show-tag-time)))))

;;; end of tags-helper.el
--- cut here for end of tags-helper.el ---

                                 |      The Lord bless you and watch over you,
__ John                      ----+----  The Lord make his face shine upon you
                                 |         and be gracious to you,
 jcgs@uk.co.harlqn               |      The Lord look kindly on you
 Harlequin Ltd,                  |         and give you peace;
 Barrington Hall,                |      My brothers, my sisters, God bless you.
 Barrington, Cambridge, England  |      Amen (St. Francis, after Numbers 6:24)
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