[comp.emacs] ispell.el

jr@PEBBLES.BBN.COM (John Robinson) (05/12/88)

There have been enough requests for it; here 'tis

jr@bbn.com or bbn!jr
Date: 2 Nov 87 13:46:10 GMT
From: Ashwin Ram <YALE.ARPA!ram-ashwin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Subject: ISPELL.EL -- Interactive Spelling Checker
Message-Id: <8711021346.AA01401@ELI.CS.YALE.EDU>
Sender: unix-emacs-request@BBN.COM
To: unix-emacs@BBN.COM

I got many requests for ISPELL.EL after my previous message, so I've decided
to post it to the net.  ISPELL is an interactive spelling checker with at
least the following features:

  - interactive spelling correction (hit a key while on a misspelled word and
  it prompts you with a list of possible corrections for that word).

  - spelling correction on a region/buffer (as above, but with query-replace
  of all the misspelled words throughout the region).

  - allows you to use (and update) a personal dictionary.

  - word completion (hit a key and it prompts you with a list of possible
  completions of the current word).

  - easy to use.

The following file, ISPELL.EL, is a GNU Emacs interface to the widely
distributed ISPELL program (available on most standard archives if you don't
have it).


-- Ashwin Ram --

ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
UUCP:    {decvax,linus,seismo}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
BITNET:  Ram@yalecs

-------------------------------- cut -----------------------------------------
;;; Spelling correction interface for GNU EMACS using "ispell".

;;; This file is not part of the GNU Emacs distribution (yet).

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; this file, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

(provide 'ispell)


;;; Ashwin Ram      ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
;;;                 UUCP:    ...!{decvax, linus, seismo}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
;;;                 BITNET:  Ram@yalecs
;;; Added variable to control embedded word checking (nice in troff but a pain otherwise).
;;; 10/26/87.
;;; Interactive word completion.
;;; 8/14/87.
;;; Detex before checking spelling (see hint below).
;;; Made options more mnemonic, prompt and error messages better.
;;; Added highlighting of misspelled word.
;;; Query-replace all occurrences of misspelled word through buffer.
;;; Allow customization of personal dictionary.
;;; Moved temporary file to /tmp.
;;; Added check for dead ispell process to avoid infinite loop.
;;; Avoid repeated querying for same word in same buffer.
;;; 7/6/87.

;;; Walt Buehring
;;; Texas Instruments - Computer Science Center
;;; ARPA:  Buehring%TI-CSL@CSNet-Relay
;;; UUCP:  {smu, texsun, im4u, rice} ! ti-csl ! buehring

;;; ispell-region and associated routines added by
;;; Perry Smith
;;; pedz@bobkat
;;; Tue Jan 13 20:18:02 CST 1987

;;; extensively modified by Mark Davies and Andrew Vignaux
;;; {mark,andrew}@vuwcomp
;;; Sun May 10 11:45:04 NZST 1987

;;; Depends on the ispell program snarfed from MIT-PREP in early 1986.

;;; To fully install this, add this file to your GNU lisp directory and 
;;; compile it with M-X byte-compile-file.  Then add the following to the
;;; appropriate init file:
;;; (autoload 'ispell-word "ispell" "Check spelling of word at or before point" t)
;;; (autoload 'ispell-complete-word "ispell" "Complete word at or before point" t)
;;; (autoload 'ispell-region "ispell" "Check spelling of every word in the region" t)
;;; (autoload 'ispell-buffer "ispell" "Check spelling of every word in the buffer" t)
;;; You might want to bind ispell-word and ispell-complete word to keys.

;;; If run on a heavily loaded system, the initial sleep time in
;;; ispell-init-process may need to be increased.

(defconst ispell-out-name " *ispell*"
  "Name of the buffer that is associated with the 'ispell' process")

(defconst ispell-temp-name " *ispell-temp*"
  "Name of the temporary buffer that 'ispell-region' uses to hold the
filtered region")

(defvar ispell-program-name "ispell"
  "Program invoked by ispell-word and ispell-region commands.")

(defvar ispell-dictionary
   "Personal dictionary file containing a list of words, one to a line.
If nil, defaults to ispell's normal default (usually ~/.ispell_words).")

(defvar ispell-words-have-boundaries t
   "If nil, a misspelled word matches embedded words too.  This is useful in
nroff/troff, where a misspelled word may be hidded (e.g., \fIword\fB), and a
pain otherwise.")

(defvar ispell-syntax-table nil)

(if (null ispell-syntax-table)
    ;; The following assumes that the standard-syntax-table
    ;; is static.  If you add words with funky characters
    ;; to your dictionary, the following may have to change.
      (setq ispell-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
      ;; Make certain characters word constituents
      ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
      ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w   " ispell-syntax-table)
      ;; Get rid on existing word syntax on certain characters 
      (modify-syntax-entry ?0 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?1 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?2 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?3 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?4 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?5 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?6 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?7 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?8 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?9 ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?$ ".   " ispell-syntax-table)
      (modify-syntax-entry ?% ".   " ispell-syntax-table)))

(defun ispell-word (&optional quietly)
   "Check spelling of word at or before dot.
If word not found in dictionary, display possible corrections in a window 
and let user select."
   (let* ((current-syntax (syntax-table))
          start end word poss replace)
               (set-syntax-table ispell-syntax-table)            ;; Ensure syntax table is reasonable 
               (if (not (looking-at "\\w"))
                   (re-search-backward "\\w" (point-min) 'stay)) ;; Move backward for word if not already on one
               (re-search-backward "\\W" (point-min) 'stay)      ;; Move to start of word
               (or (re-search-forward "\\w+" nil t)              ;; Find start and end of word
                   (error "No word to check."))
               (setq start (match-beginning 0)
                     end (match-end 0)
                     word (buffer-substring start end)))
         (set-syntax-table current-syntax))
      (ispell-init-process)   ;; erases ispell output buffer
      (or quietly (message "Checking spelling of %s..." (upcase word)))
         (set-buffer ispell-out-name)
         (send-string ispell-process (concat word "\n"))
         (while (progn                                         ;; Wait until we have a complete line
                   (goto-char (point-max))
                   (/= (preceding-char) ?\n))
            (accept-process-output ispell-process))
         (goto-char (point-min))
         (setq poss (ispell-parse-output
                       (buffer-substring (point) 
                                         (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
      (cond ((eq poss t)
             (or quietly (message "Checking spelling of %s... correct" (upcase word))))
            ((stringp poss)
             (or quietly (message "Checking spelling of %s... correct (derived from %s)" (upcase word) (upcase poss))))
;           ((null poss)
;            (or quietly (message "Checking spelling of %s... not found" (upcase word))))
            (t (setq replace (ispell-choose poss word))
               (if replace
                      (goto-char end)
                      (delete-region start end)
                      (insert-string replace)))))

(defun ispell-choose (choices word)
  "Display possible corrections from list CHOICES.  Return chosen word
if one is chosen, or nil to keep original WORD."
	(let ((count 0)
	      (line 2)
	      (words choices)
	      (window-min-height 2)
	      char num result)
	    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Choices*")) (erase-buffer)
	    (setq mode-line-format (concat "--  %b (Type number to select replacement for "
                                           (upcase word)
                                           ")  --"))
	    (while words
	      (if (<= (+ 7 (current-column) (length (car words)))
		(insert "\n")
		(setq line (1+ line)))
	      (insert "(" (+ count ?0) ") " (car words) "  ")
	      (setq words (cdr words)
		    count (1+ count)))
            (if (= count 0) (insert "(none)")))
	  (overlay-window line)
	  (switch-to-buffer "*Choices*")
	  (select-window (next-window))
	  (while (eq t
		     (setq result
			     (message "%s: a(dd), c(orrect), r(eplace), space or s(kip) [default], ? (help)" (upcase word)) ; q(uit)
			     (setq char (read-char))
			     (setq num (- char ?0))
			     (cond ((or (= char ? ) (= char ?s))           ; Skip for this invocation
                                    (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
				   ((= char ?a)                            ; Add to dictionary
 				    (send-string ispell-process
 						 (concat "*" word "\n"))
				    (send-string ispell-process            ; Because ispell isn't reinitialized
						(concat "@" word "\n"))
                                    (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
				   ((= char ?c)                           ; Assume correct but don't add to dict
				    (send-string ispell-process
						(concat "@" word "\n"))
                                    (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
				   ((= char ?r)                           ; Query replace
                                    (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
                                    (read-string (format "Replacement for %s: " (upcase word)) nil))
				   ((and (>= num 0) (< num count))
                                    (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
                                    (nth num choices))
				   ((= char ?\C-r)                        ; Note: does not reset syntax table
				    (save-excursion (recursive-edit)) t)  ; Dangerous
;				   ((= char ?\C-z)
;				    (suspend-emacs) t)
				   ((or (= char help-char) (= char ?\?))
                                    (message "a(dd to dict), c(orrect for this session), r(eplace with your word), or number of replacement")
				    (sit-for 3) t)
				   (t (ding) t))))))
    ;; Protected forms...
    (bury-buffer "*Choices*")))

(defun ispell-ignore-later-occurrences (word)
   (if (get-buffer ispell-temp-name)
          (set-buffer ispell-temp-name)
             (replace-regexp (concat "^" word "$")
                             (concat "+" word))))))

(defun overlay-window (height)
  "Create a (usually small) window with HEIGHT lines and avoid
    (let ((oldot (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (dot)))
	  (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line height) (dot)))
      (if (< oldot top) (setq top oldot))
      (setq newin (split-window-vertically height))
      (set-window-start newin top))))

(defvar ispell-process nil
  "Holds the process object for 'ispell'")

(defun ispell-parse-output (output)
"Parse the OUTPUT string of 'ispell' and return either t for an exact
match, a string containing the root word for a match via suffix
removal, a list of possible correct spellings, or nil for a complete
   ((string= output "*") t)
   ((string= output "#") nil)
   ((string= (substring output 0 1) "+")
    (substring output 2))
    (let ((choice-list '()))
      (while (not (string= output ""))
	(let* ((start (string-match "[A-z]" output))
	       (end (string-match " \\|$" output start)))
	  (if start
	      (setq choice-list (cons (substring output start end)
	  (setq output (substring output (1+ end)))))

(defun ispell-init-process ()
   "Check status of 'ispell' process and start if necessary."
   (if (and ispell-process
            (eq (process-status ispell-process) 'run))
          (set-buffer ispell-out-name)
       (message "Starting new ispell process...")
       (and (get-buffer ispell-out-name) (kill-buffer ispell-out-name))
       (setq ispell-process (apply 'start-process "ispell"
                                   ispell-out-name ispell-program-name
                                   (if ispell-dictionary
                                       (list "-p" ispell-dictionary "-A")
                                       (list "-A"))))
       (process-kill-without-query ispell-process)
       (sit-for 3)))

; For TeX users, try "detex -iw" or "detex -iw | tr -cs A-Za-z \012".  Note
; that the output of the filter must be one word per line.

(defvar ispell-filter-hook "tr"
  "Filter to pass a region through before sending it to ispell.
Must produce output one word per line.  Typically this is set to tr,
deroff, detex, etc.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ispell-filter-hook)

(defvar ispell-filter-hook-args '("-cs" "A-Za-z" "\012")
  "Argument LIST to pass to ispell-filter-hook")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ispell-filter-hook-args)

; This routine has certain limitations brought about by the filter
; hook.  For example, deroff will take ``\fBcat\fR'' and spit out
; ``cat''.  This is hard to search for since word-search-forward will
; not match at all and search-forward for ``cat'' will match
; ``concatenate'' if it happens to occur before.
; `ispell-region' filters the region into `*ispell-temp*', writes the
; buffer to a temporary file, and sends a ``&Include_File&foobar''
; string to the ispell process which is writing into `*ispell*'.
; `ispell-region' then searches `*ispell*' for a spelling error (`#' or
; `&'), checks the `*ispell-temp*' buffer for the misspelled word and
; then skips forward `count' words (the number of correct lines in
; `*ispell*') in the region.  It then searches for the misspelled
; word.  This is not a foolproof heuristic but it is fast and works
; most of the time.
; ... with the unfortunate side-effect that it will sometimes
; pick up the same string in other words too (e.g. if you had the word "food"
; near the "\fIfoo\fP" that you were looking for).
; Another disadvantage is that your "prefobnicator" (deroff or detex or
; whatever) can't delete too many words (and you can't run it through spell(1)
; to cut down on the number of words you want checked) because of the way this
; hack works.
; To get around this, you can setq the variable ispell-words-have-boundaries to
; t (for normal cases) and nil (for embedded-word texts such as for nroff/troff).
; In the first case, your prefobnicator can, for instance, do a "ispell -l" to cut
; down on the number of words you need to "ispell -a" (increasing the program's
; speed considerably).

(defun ispell-region (start end)
   "Check a region for spelling errors interactively.  The variable
which should be buffer or mode specific ispell-filter-hook is called
to filter out text processing commands."
   (interactive "r")
   (let ((this-buf (current-buffer))
         (spell-file (make-temp-name "/tmp/ispell"))
         (spell-buf (get-buffer-create ispell-temp-name))
         (current-syntax (syntax-table))
         (tracker 1)
         word poss replace endbound ispell-out)
      (setq ispell-out (get-buffer ispell-out-name))
               (message "Prefrobnicating...")
               (narrow-to-region start end)
               (sit-for 0)
               (set-syntax-table ispell-syntax-table)
               (set-buffer spell-buf)
               (set-buffer this-buf)
               (apply 'call-process-region 
                      (append (list start end ispell-filter-hook nil spell-buf nil)
               (goto-char start)
               (set-buffer spell-buf)
               (and (/= (preceding-char) ?\n) ; couple of hacks for tr
                    (insert "\n"))
               (goto-char (point-min))
               (while (= (following-char) ?\n)
                  (delete-char 1))
               (write-region (point-min) (point-max) spell-file nil 1)
               (send-string ispell-process 
                            (concat "&Include_File&" spell-file "\n"))
               (message "Looking for a misspelled word... (status: %s)" (process-status ispell-process))
               (sit-for 0)
               (while (and (not (eobp))
                           (eq (process-status ispell-process) 'run))
                  (set-buffer ispell-out)
                  (goto-char (point-max))
                  (setq endbound (point))
                  (goto-char tracker)
                  (if (prog1
                         (not (re-search-forward "^[#&]" endbound 1))
                         (setq count (count-lines tracker (point))
                               tracker (point))
                         (set-buffer spell-buf)
                         (forward-line count)
                         (message "Looking for a misspelled word... (status: %s)"  ;; "(status: %s, at: %s, #%s)"
                                  (process-status ispell-process)
;;                                (upcase (buffer-substring (point) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
;;                                (count-lines (point-min) (point))
                         (accept-process-output) ; Give it some time to get something
                         (sit-for 2))            ; Don't hog all the time
                      (setq word (buffer-substring (point)
                                                   (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
                      (forward-char 1)
                      (set-buffer ispell-out) ; (goto-char tracker)
                      (setq poss (ispell-parse-output
                                  (buffer-substring (point) 
                                                    (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))
                      (forward-char 1)
                      (setq tracker (point))
                      (set-buffer this-buf)
                      (re-search-forward "\\W*\\(\\w+\\)" nil t (1- count)) ; get close
                      (if (string= "+" (substring word 0 1))
                          (search-forward (substring word 1) nil t)
                          (if (re-search-forward (if ispell-words-have-boundaries
                                                  (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote word) "\\b")
                                                  (regexp-quote word))
                                                 nil t)
                              (let ((end (point)))
                                 (search-backward word nil t)
                                    (let ((start (point)))
                                       (recenter (/ (window-height) 2)) ; show word in context
                                       (sit-for 0)
;;                                     (highlight-region start end)
                                       (setq replace (ispell-choose poss word))
;;                                     (unhighlight-region start end)
                                 (if replace
                                        (query-replace-regexp (if ispell-words-have-boundaries
                                                                  (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote word) "\\b")
                                                                  (regexp-quote word))
                              (message "Can't find %s in original text -- Any key to continue" word)
;;                            (and (= ?\C-z (read-char)) (suspend-emacs))
                          (message "Looking for a misspelled word... (status: %s)" (process-status ispell-process))
                          (sit-for 0))
                      (set-buffer spell-buf)))))
         (if (eq (process-status ispell-process) 'run)
             (message "Done.")
             (message "Warning - ispell process died."))
         (set-syntax-table current-syntax)
         (and (file-exists-p spell-file)
              (delete-file spell-file)))))

(defun ispell-buffer () 
  "Check the current buffer for spelling errors interactively.  The variable
which should be buffer or mode specific ispell-filter-hook is called to
filter out text processing commands."
  (ispell-region (point-min) (point-max)))

; In case you don't have this, uncomment the following:

; (defun highlight-region (p1 p2)
;    "Highlight the current region."
;    (interactive "r")
;    (let ((s (buffer-substring p1 p2))
;          (inverse-video t))
;       (delete-region p1 p2)
;       (sit-for 0)
;       (insert s)
;       (sit-for 0)))

; (defun unhighlight-region (p1 p2)
;    "Unhighlight the current region."
;    (interactive "r")
;    (let ((s (buffer-substring p1 p2))
;          (inverse-video nil))
;       (delete-region p1 p2)
;       (sit-for 0)
;       (insert s)
;       (sit-for 0)))

;; Interactive word completion.
;; Some code and many ideas tweaked from Peterson's spell-dict.el.
;; Ashwin Ram <Ram@yale>, 8/14/87.

(defvar ispell-words-file "/usr/dict/words"
   "*File used for ispell-complete-word command.  On 4.3bsd systems, try
using \"/usr/dict/web2\" for a larger selection.  Apollo users may want to
try \"/sys/dict\".")

(defun ispell-complete-word ()
   "Look up word before point in dictionary (see the variable
ispell-words-file) and try to complete it.  If in the middle of a word,
replace the entire word."
   (let* ((current-word (buffer-substring (save-excursion (backward-word 1) (point))
          (in-word (looking-at "\\w"))
          (possibilities (save-excursion
                            (set-buffer (get-buffer-create ispell-temp-name))
                            (call-process "look" nil t nil "-df" current-word ispell-words-file)
                            (if (> (buffer-size ) 0)
                                (ispell-parse-output (buffer-string))
          (replacement (ispell-choose possibilities current-word)))
      (cond (replacement
             (if in-word (kill-word 1))        ;; Replace the whole word.
             (search-backward current-word)
             (replace-match replacement)))))   ;; To preserve capitalization etc.

-------------------------------- cut -----------------------------------------

mark@comp.vuw.ac.nz (Mark Davies) (06/26/88)

What follows are (deep breath) my changes to Ashwin Ram's changes to my
changes to Perry Smith's changes to Walt Buehring's ispell.el!

But first a description/justification of the changes.

	o In previous versions of ispell.el space in answer to
ispell-choose meant accept just this instance of the word (ie. it is correct
here but may not be further down in the document so query it again later if
it reoccurs).  Ashwin changed it to mean accept the word for this
invocation of ispell-region.  I have reverted to the original action.
Perhaps we need an additional option to handle both cases?

	o When choosing the (r)eplace option in ispell-choose it is
preferable to provide the original word to edit rather than forcing the
user to type the whole word in again as it is likely that only a few
changes need to be made.  This was a trivial modification to the
read-string call.

	o Having selected a replacement for a word I object to being asked
by query-replace if I want to make the replacement (after all I just
selected it!) and generally I prefer to move sequentially through a
document when correcting spelling rather than jumping all around the show
as query-replace causes you to do so I have modified ispell-region to
unconditionally replace the first occurance (the one ispell queried you
about) and further if the variable ispell-query-replace-rest is nil not try
and query-replace further occurances, rather let ispell itself complain
about them when you get to them.

So having said that here are the diffs


*** ispell.el~	Tue May 24 21:26:16 1988
--- ispell.el	Sun Jun 26 14:11:46 1988
*** 21,26 ****
--- 21,33 ----
+ ;;; Mark Davies	    (mark@comp.vuw.ac.nz)
+ ;;; Sun Jun 26 14:01:35 NZST 1988
+ ;;; Make Query-replace of further occurrences optional
+ ;;; Automatically replace the first instance
+ ;;; Give original word as default when use (r)eplace option
+ ;;;
  ;;; Ashwin Ram      ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
  ;;;                 UUCP:    ...!{decvax, linus, seismo}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
  ;;;                 BITNET:  Ram@yalecs
*** 87,92 ****
--- 94,103 ----
  nroff/troff, where a misspelled word may be hidded (e.g., \fIword\fB), and a
  pain otherwise.")
+ (defvar ispell-query-replace-rest t
+   "If nil, don't try and query-replace further occurances of a misspelt word.
+ Instead treat them individually as you find them.")
  (defvar ispell-syntax-table nil)
  (if (null ispell-syntax-table)
*** 194,201 ****
  			     (message "%s: a(dd), c(orrect), r(eplace), space or s(kip) [default], ? (help)" (upcase word)) ; q(uit)
  			     (setq char (read-char))
  			     (setq num (- char ?0))
! 			     (cond ((or (= char ? ) (= char ?s))           ; Skip for this invocation
!                                     (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
  				   ((= char ?a)                            ; Add to dictionary
   				    (send-string ispell-process
--- 205,212 ----
  			     (message "%s: a(dd), c(orrect), r(eplace), space or s(kip) [default], ? (help)" (upcase word)) ; q(uit)
  			     (setq char (read-char))
  			     (setq num (- char ?0))
! 			     (cond ((or (= char ? ) (= char ?s))           ; Skip for this instance
! ;;                                    (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
  				   ((= char ?a)                            ; Add to dictionary
   				    (send-string ispell-process
*** 210,219 ****
                                      (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
  				   ((= char ?r)                           ; Query replace
!                                     (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
!                                     (read-string (format "Replacement for %s: " (upcase word)) nil))
  				   ((and (>= num 0) (< num count))
!                                     (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
                                      (nth num choices))
  				   ((= char ?\C-r)                        ; Note: does not reset syntax table
  				    (save-excursion (recursive-edit)) t)  ; Dangerous
--- 221,232 ----
                                      (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
  				   ((= char ?r)                           ; Query replace
! 				    (if ispell-query-replace-rest
! 					(ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word))
!                                     (read-string (format "Replacement for %s: " (upcase word)) word))
  				   ((and (>= num 0) (< num count))
! 				    (if ispell-query-replace-rest
! 					(ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word))
                                      (nth num choices))
  				   ((= char ?\C-r)                        ; Note: does not reset syntax table
  				    (save-excursion (recursive-edit)) t)  ; Dangerous
*** 418,427 ****
                                   (if replace
!                                         (query-replace-regexp (if ispell-words-have-boundaries
!                                                                   (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote word) "\\b")
!                                                                   (regexp-quote word))
!                                                               replace))))
                                (message "Can't find %s in original text -- Any key to continue" word)
  ;;                            (and (= ?\C-z (read-char)) (suspend-emacs))
--- 431,445 ----
                                   (if replace
! 					; always replace first match
! 				       (delete-region (point) end)
! 				       (insert replace)
! 				       (if ispell-query-replace-rest
! 					   (query-replace-regexp
! 					    (if ispell-words-have-boundaries
! 						(concat "\\b" (regexp-quote word) "\\b")
! 					      (regexp-quote word))
! 					    replace)))))
                                (message "Can't find %s in original text -- Any key to continue" word)
  ;;                            (and (= ?\C-z (read-char)) (suspend-emacs))
Domainised:  mark@comp.vuw.ac.nz	Bang form: ...!uunet!vuwcomp!mark

mark@comp.vuw.ac.nz (Mark Davies) (06/30/88)

In article <13865@comp.vuw.ac.nz> I write:
>	o In previous versions of ispell.el space in answer to
>ispell-choose meant accept just this instance of the word (ie. it is correct
>here but may not be further down in the document so query it again later if
>it reoccurs).  Ashwin changed it to mean accept the word for this
>invocation of ispell-region.  I have reverted to the original action.
>Perhaps we need an additional option to handle both cases?

Len Tower suggested '!' for accepting the word for the entire region.
Parallel to how query-replace and query-replace-regexp work.  So I have
added that option, didn't change the help though---there is no room in the

diffs follow.


*** ispell.el~	Sun Jun 26 14:11:46 1988
--- ispell.el	Thu Jun 30 12:01:42 1988
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,33 ----
  ;;; Make Query-replace of further occurrences optional
  ;;; Automatically replace the first instance
  ;;; Give original word as default when use (r)eplace option
+ ;;; Thu Jun 30 11:57:06 NZST 1988
+ ;;; Added option to ignore word for a single invocation of ispell-region
  ;;; Ashwin Ram      ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
*** 206,212 ****
  			     (setq char (read-char))
  			     (setq num (- char ?0))
  			     (cond ((or (= char ? ) (= char ?s))           ; Skip for this instance
! ;;                                    (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
  				   ((= char ?a)                            ; Add to dictionary
   				    (send-string ispell-process
--- 208,216 ----
  			     (setq char (read-char))
  			     (setq num (- char ?0))
  			     (cond ((or (= char ? ) (= char ?s))           ; Skip for this instance
!                                     nil)
! 				   ((= char ?!)                            ; Skip for this invocation
!                                     (ispell-ignore-later-occurrences word)
  				   ((= char ?a)                            ; Add to dictionary
   				    (send-string ispell-process

Domainised:  mark@comp.vuw.ac.nz	Bang form: ...!uunet!vuwcomp!mark

brian@radio.uucp (Brian Glendenning) (10/15/88)

I have recently gotten a copy of ispell and ispell.el (from different sources).
When I try to ispell-buffer or ispell-region I initially get an "Args out of
range" error, with the point and mark positions listed. If I ignore the error
message and try again everything works fine.

I expect this is just some little thing. Can anyone help?

Vital Statistics:

Gnu emacs 18.50
ispell: @(#) Ispell Version 2.0.02, May 1987 Beta posting
ispell.el: (last modification comment)
	;;; Added flag to allow filters that don't produce single column output
	;;; 3/20/88.

I had to make a small change to get ispell.el to work with ispell, ispell
wanted to work with version 2.0.01, so I presume that's where the problem
is coming from. Unfortunately, I don't know enough to further track the 
problem down. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If it helps, the initial time it never gets to the "Prefrobnicating..."
	  Brian Glendenning - Radio astronomy, University of Toronto
brian@radio.astro.utoronto.ca uunet!utai!radio!brian  glendenn@utorphys.bitnet

Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu (Ashwin Ram) (10/17/88)

In article <1988Oct14.195628.2611@radio.uucp>, brian@radio.uucp (Brian Glendenning) writes:
> I have recently gotten a copy of ispell and ispell.el (from different sources).
> When I try to ispell-buffer or ispell-region I initially get an "Args out of
> range" error, with the point and mark positions listed. If I ignore the error
> message and try again everything works fine.

Turns out that the first time you run ispell, it creates a working buffer using
get-buffer-create which, although it isn't set-buffer'd to as yet, screws up
Emacs's idea of which the current buffer is.  (If you message the (current-buffer)
after the "Prefobnicating" message, it prints out a buffer that isn't the buffer
you're currently in, nor the newly created buffer.  I don't really know why.)

Anyway, the easy fix to this problem is to manually ensure that Emacs is in the
current buffer by adding a set-buffer call.  Use the following diff to add a
(set-buffer this-buf) line before the (narrow-to-region start end) in ispell-region: 

*** ispell.el~	Mon Oct 17 09:20:10 1988
--- ispell.el	Mon Oct 17 09:20:11 1988
*** 393,398
                 (message "Prefrobnicating...")
                 (narrow-to-region start end)
                 (sit-for 0)
                 (set-syntax-table ispell-syntax-table)

--- 393,399 -----
                 (message "Prefrobnicating...")
+                (set-buffer this-buf)
                 (narrow-to-region start end)
                 (sit-for 0)
                 (set-syntax-table ispell-syntax-table)

Hope this helps.

-- Ashwin.

ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
UUCP:    {decvax,ucbvax,harvard,cmcl2,...}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
BITNET:  Ram@yalecs