[comp.emacs] Gnews 2.0 bug fixes

weemba@garnet.berkeley.edu (Matthew P Wiener) (10/26/88)

The following fixes a non-renamed old variable, a non-recased 'gnews,
and for some of you, the most important thing of all: working spool
code.  If you use a site.el file, you can just put this right in.  I
shall be putting this in the ftp version on ucbvax later this week.

Happy Gnewsing!

ucbvax!garnet!weemba	Matthew P Wiener/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720
"Nil sounds like a lot of kopins! I never got paid nil before!" --Groo
;;; fix for group.el

(defun group-next-same-subject (arg)
;;; rewrite some day, eh?  This stinks.
  "Search for next unread article matching subject.  With prefix argument
ARG, search for next unread article matching ARG'th header field given in
index-headers (1-based).  ARG=0 means turn off subject-search mode."
  (interactive "p")
  (if (= article-current 0) (group-trace-return))
  (if (zerop arg) (group-next-unread))
  (if (<= article-current article-final) (article-junk))
  (setq group-default-command 'group-next-same-subject
	group-prompt-default group-prompt-same-subject
	article-field-same-no arg
	article-field-same (nth (1- arg) index-headers)
	article-same-subject (reply-re-1
			       (article-field article-field-same)))
      (eq t (setq article-status	 ; Matt Crawford
		  (catch 'article-nil
		     (let ((i (amark-next-unread article-current amark)))
		       (catch 'set-art
			 (while (<= i article-final)
			   (if (string= article-same-subject
					(nth article-field-same-no
					       i index-headers)))
			       (throw 'set-art i))
			   (setq i (amark-next-unread i amark)))
			 (throw 'set-art (amark-next-unread
					   article-first amark)))))
		    (if (<= article-current article-final)
			(let ((nntp-exec-force t))
			  (article-get article-current hook-kill-per))
		      (throw 'article-nil 'q))
  (cond ((eq article-status 'q)
	 (news-next-unread-maybe t))
	((eq article-status 'i)
	 (group-next-but-index-done t))
	((eq article-status 'c)

;;; fix for hook.el:

(defun hook-kill-abort ()
  "Return to news reading, ignoring any changes."
  (delete-windows-on (current-buffer))

;;; fix for Spool.el:

;;; This is straight from Hal R Peterson, who's been doing the lion's
;;; share of keeping Spool.el afloat for me.  Thanks!

(defvar gnews-server-group nil
  "Current group in pseudo-server.")

(defun gnews-spool-exec-group (gp)
  "Fake an NNTP group command."
  (let ((dir (gnews-spool-dir gp)) c f l)
    (if (and (file-readable-p dir)
	     (car (file-attributes dir)))
	(gnews-string-as-buffer "" nil
	  (setq gnews-server-article nil)
	  (setq gnews-server-group gp)
	  (call-process "ls" nil t nil dir)
	  (goto-char 1)
	  (insert "(setq gnews-spool-group-list (gnews-spool-preen '(")
	  (goto-char (point-max))
	  (insert ")))")
	  (if (null gnews-spool-group-list)
	      (gnews-spool-info "211 0 0 0" gp)	; nothing there
	    (sort gnews-spool-group-list '<)
	    (setq gnews-spool-group-tsil (reverse gnews-spool-group-list))
	    (setq c (length gnews-spool-group-list))
	    (setq f (car gnews-spool-group-list))
	    (setq l (car gnews-spool-group-tsil))
	    (gnews-spool-info "211" c f l gp)
      (gnews-spool-info "411 Invalid group name.")

(defun gnews-spool-exec-art (art-no part)
  "Fake an NNTP article/head/body/stat command."
  (let (file msg-id)
    (if (and (cond ((string-match "^[0-9]+$" art-no)
		    (setq file (gnews-spool-art gnews-server-group art-no))
		    (if (let ((attributes (file-attributes file)))
			  (and attributes (< 0 (nth 7 attributes))))
			(if (memq part '(body stat))
			    ;; Set the Message-ID by hand
			    (setq msg-id (gnews-string-as-buffer "" nil
					   (call-process "sed" file t t
					   (forward-line -1)
					   (forward-char 12)
					    (point) (gnews-eol))))
		   ((string-match "^<.*>$" art-no)
		    (gnews-string-as-buffer "" nil
		      (apply 'call-process
			     gnews-spool-history-lookup-prog nil t nil
			     (gnews-spool-history-lookup-args art-no))
		      (if (re-search-forward (gnews-spool-regexp msg-id)
					     nil t)
			  (setq art-no (gnews-match 2)
				file (gnews-spool-art (gnews-match 1) art-no))
			(setq art-no "0"
			      file "/meese/sucks/raw/eggs/film/at/11")))
		    (set-buffer nntp-buffer)))
	     (file-readable-p file))
	  (setq gnews-server-article art-no)
	  (cond ((eq part 'art)
		 (insert-file file))
		((eq part 'head)
		 (call-process "sed" file t t "/^$/q")
		 (goto-char (point-max))
		 (delete-char -1))
		((eq part 'body)
		 (call-process "sed" file t t "1,/^$/d")))
	  (gnews-spool-info (cond ((eq part 'art) "220")
				  ((eq part 'head) "221")
				  ((eq part 'body) "222")
				  ((eq part 'stat) "223"))
			    "Article retrieved;"
			    (cond ((eq part 'art) "head and body follow.")
				  ((eq part 'head) "head follows.")
				  ((eq part 'stat) "request text separately.")
				  ((eq part 'body) "body follows.")))
      (gnews-spool-info "423 Invalid article number:" art)

(defun gnews-spool-index-fast (pfx &optional nosub in-group)
  "Display an index of the proffered newsgroup."
  (interactive "P")
  (setq index-pop index-pop-up
	nntp-index-done nil)
  (or in-group (news-goto gnews-server-group nosub))
  (set-buffer nntp-index-buffer)
  (gnews-buffer index-pop index-buffer)
  (setq buffer-read-only)
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (message "indexing...")
  (nntp-exec t t "group" gnews-server-group)
  (setq nntp-index-final (if (amark-member article-final amark)
			     (amark-previous-unread article-final amark)
	gnews-spool-index-files (list "-")
	gnews-s-i-f gnews-spool-index-files)
  (amark-loop art-no (list (cons article-current article-final))
    (if (and (or index-show-kills (not (amark-member art-no amark)))
	     (memq art-no gnews-spool-group-list))
	  (setcdr gnews-s-i-f (list (concat (gnews-spool-dir gnews-server-group)
	  (setq gnews-s-i-f (cdr gnews-s-i-f)))))
  (setq nntp-index
	(start-process "gnews-spool-index"
		       (concat "for i in "
			       (mapconcat 'identity
					  " ")
			       ";do echo :${i}:"
			       ";sed -n \"1,/^$/p\" $i"
  (set-process-filter nntp-index 'gnews-spool-index-filter)
  (setq index-x-menu nil)
  (if index-sort-do (index-sort))
  (setq buffer-read-only)
  (goto-char 1)
  (mapcar '(lambda (x) (insert (format "%5dm %s\n" (car x) (cdr x))))
	  (cdr index-perm-marks))
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (setq index-final article-current)
  (article-current-set index-final))

(defun gnews-spool-index-filter (proc string)
  "Filter for fast spool indexing."
  (set-buffer nntp-index-buffer)
  (setq article-field-list (list nil)
	nntp-index-done nil)
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (insert string)
  (goto-char 1)
  (let* ((hook-kill-continue t)
	 (hook hook-kill-per)
	 (h (mapcar 'ignore index-headers))
	 (rgxp (concat "^:"
		       (gnews-spool-dir gnews-server-group)
	 p q n i f g z junk)
    (while (and (not nntp-index-done)
		(re-search-forward rgxp nil t)
		(setq p (gnews-bol)
		      n (read (buffer-substring
				(match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
		(re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
		(not (eobp))
		(setq q (gnews-eol)))
      (setq i index-headers z h)
      (while z				; h gets the headers
	(goto-char p)
	(setcar z (if (re-search-forward
			(concat "^" (car i) ": *\\(.*\\)") q t)
			(match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
	(setq i (cdr i) z (cdr z)))
      (setq z (cdr article-field-list))
      (while z				; a-f-l gets alist cdr's ""'ed
	(setcdr (car z) "")
	(setq z (cdr z)))
	  (narrow-to-region p q)
	  (goto-char p)
	  (forward-line 1)
	  (while (not (eobp))
	    (if (looking-at "^\\([^:]*\\): *\\(.*\\)$")
		(progn (setq f (buffer-substring
				 (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
			     g (buffer-substring
				 (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
		       (if (setq z (assoc f article-field-list))
			   (setcdr z g)
			 (nconc article-field-list (list (cons f g))))))
	    (forward-line 1))))
      (while (and hook hook-kill-continue (not junk))
	(setq junk (hook-kill-do (car hook) t)
	      hook (cdr hook)))
      (delete-region p q)
      (if (and junk (not index-show-kills))
	  (if (setq nntp-index-done (= n nntp-index-final))
		(set-buffer index-buffer)
		(setq buffer-read-only)
		(goto-char (point-max))
		(if (not (bobp)) (delete-char -1))
		(setq buffer-read-only t)
		(let (debug-on-error) (error "indexing...done"))))
	  (set-buffer index-buffer)
	  (setq buffer-read-only)
	  (setq nntp-index-done (= n nntp-index-final))
	  (goto-char (point-max))
	  (if (string< "" (mapconcat 'identity h ""))
	      (insert (format "%5d" n) (if junk "k" " ") " "
		      (index-line n index-format h index-filter index-sizes)
		      (if nntp-index-done "" "\n")))
	  (setq buffer-read-only t)
	  (if nntp-index-done
	      (let (debug-on-error)
		(error "indexing...done")))
	  (set-buffer nntp-index-buffer))))))