[comp.emacs] Key bindings in GNU emacs

kant@homxc.UUCP (K.KANT) (10/29/88)

I recently started using GNU emacs and having a tough time with key 
bindings. The trouble is that I started with my own massive global
key rebindings, so that I could use arrow keys, numeric keypad, etc.
on a vt220 compatible monster. (On a well designed terminal like 
televideo 965, I would have no reason to change bindings, but nearly
everything else seems to be require it).

Everythings seemed perfect until I went into another major mode and
found that some of my keys on the numeric keypad started doing crazy
things. Some poking around in the source code cleared the mystry --
some keys were re-bound behind my back!

So first a question: is there an easy way to get over this problem?

And second, some thoughts: It is poor practice to even provide any
kind of default bindings, much less change them indiscriminately!
I do understand the need for replacing some functions by others in
some modes, however, the replacement should be at the function level,
and not at the key binding level. Thus in picture mode, the function
delete-backward-char could be replaced by picture-delete-back-char.
Then whatever happens to be my delete key would behave as desired.
(I haven't thought about the implementation of this...).

--Krishna      (kant@gondor.cs.psu.edu, kant@homxc.att.com)

PS: I hardly know any lisp, so pl. keep the solution simple!

kant@homxc.UUCP (K.KANT) (11/13/88)

I had posted a message a few weeks back about it, but did not get
any answers. I have my own totally different global key bindings;
that works fine, except that when I go into a major mode, some of
my bindings are messed up by local bindings. I dislike the whole
idea, since it makes customization very difficult. Is there an easy
way to simply disable all new local bindings when going into a major
mode? Rightnow, I am just copying the .el files one by one in my 
directory, and making the change. There is got to be a better way. 

--krishna  kant@homxc.att.com