[comp.emacs] need help on rmail

eric@CS2.WSU.EDU (11/23/88)

> When I invoke rmail, emacs gives me an error in the minibuffer which reads:-
>   movemail: unable to create lock file
> The same message appears when I try to get new mail from rmail mode.
> Do I need write access to /usr/spool/mail or is there a way to get
> around this ?

If you are running on a SYSV system such as HP-UX, then the movemail program
must run sgid 'mail'.  You can check by looking in the $EMACS/etc directory
and an ll of movemail should look something like:

	-rwxr-sr-x   1 root     mail       53052 Sep  5 20:49 etc/movemail

If this is not the case, then your Emacs is not installed correctly.

		Eric Schneider (eric@cs2.wsu.edu)