(Sean Boisen) (11/29/88)
Here's yet another mode/code request: at present i spend a lot of time looking at data in Lisp syntax, and i'm not always concerned about all the lower-level details. Does anyone possess code or have helpful advice on how to do something like "abbreviating" the display in a Lisp-smart way? For example, taking something like (this (is (a long and boring example (of what i mean)))) and turning it into, say (this (is (a long and boring example #))) or (this (is #)) By "turning it into", of course, i mean temporarily: i don't want to actually mangle the data, just ignore some of it (although mangling is okay if i can automatically unmangle it). selective-display -type solutions don't cut it because the syntax isn't right (i.e. for it to really be helpful it needs to know Lisp syntax and behave accordingly, so i could abbreviate the display of a particular long and ugly sexp). Any suggestions? Off the top of my head i thought about some scheme using markers and copying the original sexp someplace associated with that marker... ........................................ Sean Boisen -- BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation, Cambridge MA Disclaimer: these opinions void where prohibited by lawyers. Sean