[comp.emacs] New Improved Elisp Directory, part 2 of 3

dsill@RELAY-NSWC.NAVY.MIL (Dave Sill) (12/23/88)

#        Name: format
#    Synopsis: format <datafile
#      Author: Dave Sill, dsill@relay-nswc.navy.mil
#        Date: 22 Dec 88
#     Version: 1.0
# Description: Mostly-awk shell script to format datafile of GNU Emacs
#              Lisp code.  Datafile format is:
#	            Name|Author|Contact|Description|Date|Version
#              For field definitions see key below.
awk \
    print "                    GNU Emacs Lisp Code Directory"
    print " "
    print "This is a directory of GNU Emacs Lisp code that has been posted to the"
    print "UNIX-EMACS ARPAnet mailing list (comp.emacs) or otherwise made"
    print "available to the general public.  If you see something you would like,"
    print "please request a copy directly from the author or contact listed.  If"
    print "you are unable to reach him (I believe they are all male), you can"
    print "either post a query to the net or ask me if I have a copy.  I do not"
    print "have the time or resources to maintain a publicly accessible archive"
    print "of all this code, but I *may* have what you want, if not the latest"
    print "version."
    print "Please send additions and corrections to dsill@relay-nswc.navy.mil."
    print "Key:"
    print "            name: name of command or package"
    print "     description: very short description of command or package"
    print "          author: primary or most-recent author of package"
    print "         contact: where to get the code, Internet domain-style address"
    print "                  is default, (U) is UUCP, (C) is CSnet, (B) is Bitnet"
    print "            date: date of last modification or publication"
    print "         version: version number assigned by author"
    printf "%-15s  %-30s  %-15s  %8s/%-4s  %s\n", substr(n,1,15), \
	substr(d,1,30), substr(a,1,15), t, v, c
    if (NR == 1)	# Header record
	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"