[comp.emacs] REFER.EL -- Look up references in bibliography files.

Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu (Ashwin Ram) (01/18/89)

Some time ago, I posted a request for a GNU Emacs package to search for
keywords in files containing lists of references.  The TAGS package didn't do
the job because the TAGS table for .BIB files only contained the citation
keyword; I wanted to be able to search for one or more keywords occurring
anywhere inside a bibliography entry.

Since no-one volunteered a package, I went ahead and wrote my own.  Here's
what you get:


        prompt for a blank separated list of keywords, then search for them
        in the specified bibliography files.  If called with prefix argument,
        continue search from previous point.

        By default, all the .bib files in the current directory are searched;
        this can be customized to prompt for a file name or to automatically
        pick up the filename(s) from a \bibliography command in a TeX file.
        See the included documentation.


        search for next occurrence of the same set of keywords.  This is the
        same as calling refer-find-entry with a prefix argument.

For example, if you wanted to find an article by Knuth dealing with
semaphores, you'd call refer-find-entry and in response to the Keywords:
prompt, you'd type in: Knuth semaphores
(i.e., one or more keywords separated by blanks).  You would then find the
cursor positioned at the first bibliograpy entry which contained these
keywords anywhere in the entry.

Comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome.  If this is useful, you
are welcome to include it in the GNU Emacs distribution.

-- Ashwin.

ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
UUCP:    {decvax,ucbvax,harvard,cmcl2,...}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
BITNET:  Ram@yalecs

REFER.EL follows after the page break.
;; REFER.EL -- Look up references in bibliography files.
;; Copyright (C) 1989 Ashwin Ram.
;; This file is not part of the GNU Emacs distribution (yet).
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.
;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; this file, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
;; Comments, corrections, and improvements should be sent to:
;;     Ashwin Ram
;;     ARPA:   Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
;;     UUCP:   {decvax,ucbvax,harvard,cmcl2,...}!yale!Ram-Ashwin
;;     BITNET: Ram@yalecs
;; 01/08/89 Ashwin Ram <Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu>
;;          Initial release.
;; Functions to look up references in bibliography files given lists of
;; keywords, similar to refer(1).  I don't use tags since tags on .bib files
;; only picks up the cite key, where as refer-find-entry looks for occurrences
;; of keywords anywhere in the bibliography entry.
;; To use:
;;      (autoload 'refer-find-entry "refer" nil t)
;; or   (require 'refer)
;;      To look for an article by Knuth about semaphores:
;;          Invoke refer-find-entry, then in response to the Keywords: prompt,
;;          say: Knuth semaphores (a blank-separated list of keywords to be used
;;          as search strings).
;;      To continue the previous search, i.e., to search for the next occurrence
;;      of the keywords, use refer-find-next-entry, or invoke refer-find-entry
;;      with a prefix argument.
;;      If the list of bibliography files changes, reinitialize the variable
;;      refer-bib-files.
;; To customize:
;;      See variables refer-bib-files, refer-cache-bib-files and
;;      refer-bib-files-regexp.  By default, these are set up so that refer
;;      looks for the keywords you specify in all the .bib files in the current
;;      directory.
;;      The only assumption I make about bib files is that they contain a bunch
;;      of entries, one to a paragraph.  refer-find-entry searches paragraph by
;;      paragraph, looking for a paragraph containing all the keywords
;;      specified.  So you should be able to use pretty much any bib file with
;;      this code.  If your bib file does not use paragraphs to separate
;;      entries, try setting the paragraph-start/separate variables, or changing
;;      the (forward-paragraph 1) call in refer-find-entry-in-file.

(provide 'refer)

(defvar refer-bib-files 'dir
   "*List of \\.bib files to search for references,
or one of the following special values:
nil  = prompt for \\.bib file (if visiting a \\.bib file, use it as default)
auto = read \\.bib file names from appropriate command in buffer (see refer-bib-files-regexp)
dir  = use all \\.bib files in current directory.

If a specified file doesn't exist and has no extension, a \\.bib extension
is automatically tried.

If refer-bib-files is nil, auto or dir, it is setq'd to the appropriate
list of files when it is first used if refer-cache-bib-files is t.  If
refer-cache-bib-files is nil, the list of \\.bib files to use is re-read
each time it is needed.")

(defvar refer-cache-bib-files t
   "*Variable determining whether the value of refer-bib-files should be cached.
If t, initialize the value of refer-bib-files the first time it is used.  If
nil, re-read the list of \\.bib files depending on the value of refer-bib-files
each time it is needed.")

(defvar refer-bib-files-regexp "\\\\bibliography"
   "*Regexp matching a bibliography file declaration.
The current buffer is expected to contain a line such as
which is read to set up refer-bib-files.  The regexp must specify the command
(such as \\bibliography) that is used to specify the list of bib files.  The
command is expected to specify a file name, or a list of comma-separated file
names, within curly braces.
If a specified file doesn't exist and has no extension, a \\.bib extension
is automatically tried.")

(make-variable-buffer-local 'refer-bib-files)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'refer-cache-bib-files)

(defun refer-find-entry (keywords &optional continue)
   "Find entry in refer-bib-files containing KEYWORDS.
If KEYWORDS is nil, prompt user for blank-separated list of keywords.
If CONTINUE is t, or if called interactively with a prefix arg, look for next
entry by continuing search from previous point."
   (interactive (list nil current-prefix-arg))
   (or keywords (setq keywords (if continue
                                   (read-string "Keywords: "))))
   (setq refer-previous-keywords keywords)
   (refer-find-entry-internal keywords continue))

(defun refer-find-next-entry ()
   "Find next occurrence of entry in refer-bib-files.  See refer-find-entry."
   (refer-find-entry-internal refer-previous-keywords t))

(defun refer-find-entry-internal (keywords continue)
   (let ((keywords-list (convert-string-to-list-of-strings keywords))
         (files (if continue
      (catch 'found
         (while files
            (let ((file (cond ((file-exists-p (car files)) (car files))
                              ((file-exists-p (concat (car files) ".bib")) (concat (car files) ".bib")))))
               (setq refer-saved-state files)
               (if file
                   (if (refer-find-entry-in-file keywords-list file continue)
                       (throw 'found (find-file file))
                       (setq files (cdr files)))
                   (progn (message "Scanning %s... No such file" (car files) (ding))
                          (sit-for 1)
                          (setq files (cdr files))))))
         (message "Keywords \"%s\" not found in any \.bib file" keywords (ding)))))

(defun refer-find-entry-in-file (keywords-list file &optional continue)
   (message "Scanning %s..." file) ; (expand-file-name file)
   (set-buffer (find-file-noselect file))
   (if continue
       (forward-paragraph 1)
       (goto-char (point-min)))
   (let ((begin (point))
         (end 0)
         (found nil))
      (while (and (not found)
                  (not (eobp)))
         (forward-paragraph 1)
         (setq end (point))
         (setq found
               (every (function (lambda (keyword)
                                   (goto-char begin)
                                   (re-search-forward keyword end t)))
         (if (not found)
                (setq begin end)
                (goto-char begin))))
      (if found
          (progn (goto-char begin)
                 (re-search-forward "\\W" nil t)
                 (message "Scanning %s... found" file))
          (progn (message "Scanning %s... not found" file)

(defun every (pred l)
   (cond ((null l) nil)
         ((funcall pred (car l))
          (or (null (cdr l))
              (every pred (cdr l))))))

(defun convert-string-to-list-of-strings (s)
   (let ((current (current-buffer))
         (temp-buffer (get-buffer-create "*refer-temp*")))
      (set-buffer temp-buffer)
      (insert (regexp-quote s))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (insert "(\"")
      (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+" nil t)
         (replace-match "\" \"" t t))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert "\")")
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (prog1 (read temp-buffer)
         (set-buffer current))))

(defun refer-get-bib-files ()
   (let ((files
           (cond ((null refer-bib-files) 
                  (list (expand-file-name
                          (if (eq major-mode 'bibtex-mode)
                              (read-file-name (format ".bib file: (default %s) " (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))
                                              (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))
                                              (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))
                              (read-file-name ".bib file: " nil nil t)))))
                 ((listp refer-bib-files) refer-bib-files)
                 ((eq refer-bib-files 'auto)
                     (if (progn (goto-char (point-min))
                                (re-search-forward (concat refer-bib-files-regexp "\{") nil t))
                         (let ((files (list (buffer-substring (point)
                                                              (progn (re-search-forward "[,\}]" nil t)
                                                                     (backward-char 1)
                            (while (not (looking-at "\}"))
                               (setq files (append files
                                                   (list (buffer-substring (progn (forward-char 1)
                                                                           (progn (re-search-forward "[,\}]" nil t)
                                                                                  (backward-char 1)
                         (error "No \\\\bibliography command in this buffer, can't read refer-bib-files"))))
                 ((eq refer-bib-files 'dir)
                  (directory-files "." t "\\.bib$"))
                 (t (error "Illegal value for refer-bib-files: %s" refer-bib-files)))))
      (if refer-cache-bib-files
          (setq refer-bib-files files))