[comp.emacs] emacs-tags package

jr@CHIPS.BBN.COM (John Robinson) (01/20/89)

  Date:    Fri, 20 Jan 89 01:23:38 -0800 
  From:    cwitty@csli.Stanford.EDU (Carl Witty)
  To:      jr@bbn.com (John Robinson)
  Subject: Re: how to change backup file names?

  The function find-emacs-tag, which you mentioned, is not in versions
  18.50 or 18.52, so you might not want to use it in examples.

  Carl Witty

I knew this, but forgot to mention it in my posting.  find-emacs-tags
is about the most useful of the various bits and pieces I have snarfed
from the net.  It is short, so I just appended it to this message.
And it oughtter be in the distribution (added to tags.el)!

Suggested filename: emacs-tags.el.  Suggested binding (in your .emacs):

  (autoload 'find-emacs-tag "emacs-tags"
	    "Package for finding tags in emacs sources themselves.")

  (global-set-key "." 'find-emacs-tag)

Thanks, Carl!

jr@bbn.com or bbn!jr
;;; Little function to enable finding tags in the emacs tags file itself.
;;; Credit Bob Webber, Wayne Mesard, Ashwin Ram
;;; Build the tags file with:
;;; % cd /usr/local/emacs/lisp
;;; % ../etc/etags *.el ../src/*.[ch]

(defvar last-emacs-tag nil
  "Tag found by the last find-emacs-tag.")

(autoload 'find-tag-tag "tags"
	  "This hack is here  because there's no provide in tags.el!")

(defun find-emacs-tag (emacs-tagname &optional next other-window)
  "Invoke find-tag on EMACS-TAGNAME using the Emacs tag
table.  The state of the tags variables (tags-file-name and
last-tag) are preserved so that a user can interleave calls
to find-tag and find-emacs-tag.
 If second arg NEXT is non-nil (interactively, with prefix
arg), searches for the next tag in the tag table that
matches the tagname used in the previous find-emacs-tag."
  (interactive (if current-prefix-arg
		   '(nil t)
		 (find-tag-tag "Find Emacs tag: ")))
  (let ((tags-file-name "/usr/local/emacs/lisp/TAGS")
	(last-tag last-emacs-tag))
    (find-tag emacs-tagname next other-window)
    (setq last-emacs-tag last-tag)))