[comp.emacs] Program for converting babyl mail format to Unix format

shivers@centro.soar.cs.cmu.edu (Olin Shivers) (02/18/89)


Amazing. I was going through my src directory looking for an old parser
generator when I stumbled across the following. Given all the interest
recently in undoing babyl format conversion, I thought I'd (re-)post it to the
net. I don't know a thing about this program; I've never actually used it. But
you might find it useful.
 From: edward@csvaxa.UUCP (Edward Wilkinson)
 Subject: C code to convert Babyl mailfiles to Unix mailfiles
 Date: 10 Nov 88 18:38:23 GMT
 Reply-To: E.Wilkinson@massey.ac.nz
 Organization: Computer Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.

Sometimes I need  to have old mailboxes  in Unix mail format to fiddle
with. Unfortunately, Gnumacs converts them  all to  Babyl format. So I
wrote  a  small  program,  b2m, to go  the  other way.  It  even saves
labels! I  don't know if  it's  any  use to anyone else -  here is is,
anyway. No man  page or Makefile, as it's  only small. As I don't know
the exact format of Babyl files, I'm sure the program can be improved.

 * b2m - a filter for Babyl -> Unix mail files
 * usage:	b2m < babyl > mailbox
 * I find this useful whenever I have to use a
 * system which - shock horror! - doesn't run
 * Gnu emacs. At least now I can read all my
 * Gnumacs Babyl format mail files!
 * it's not much but it's free!
 *   Ed Wilkinson
 *   E.Wilkinson@massey.ac.nz
 *   Mon Nov 7 15:54:06 PDT 1988

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <strings.h>

#define TRUE  (1)
#define FALSE (0)

int header = FALSE, printing;
long ltoday;
char from[256], labels[256], data[256], *p, *today;

main(argc, argv)
char **argv;
  ltoday = time(0);
  today = ctime(&ltoday);

  if (gets(data))
    if (strcmp(data, "BABYL OPTIONS:")) {
      fprintf(stderr, "b2m: not a Babyl mailfile!\n");
    } else
      printing = FALSE;
  if (printing)

  while (gets(data)) {
    if (!strcmp(data, ""))

    if (!strcmp(data, "*** EOOH ***") && !printing) {
      printing = header = TRUE;
      printf("From b2m %s", today);
    if (!strcmp(data, "")) {
      /* save labels */
      p = strtok(data, " ,\r\n\t");
      strcpy(labels, "X-Babyl-Labels: ");

      while (p = strtok(NULL, " ,\r\n\t")) {
	strcat(labels, p);
	strcat(labels, ", ");

      labels[strlen(labels) - 2] = '\0';
      printing = header = FALSE;

    if (!strlen(data) && header) {
      header = FALSE;
      if (strcmp(labels, "X-Babyl-Labels"))
    if (printing)

Any suggestions and/or   bugfixes gratefully received at the   address
Ed Wilkinson @ Computer Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ
uucp: {uunet,watmath!cantuar}!vuwcomp!csvaxa!edward   DTE: 530163000005
Janet/Greybook: E.Wilkinson@nz.ac.massey      Phone: +64 63 69099 x8587
CSnet/ACSnet/Internet: E.Wilkinson@massey.ac.nz    New Zealand = GMT+12