[comp.emacs] Local Mouse maps and mode-specific menus for emacs v18

russell@turing.ac.uk (Russell Ritchie ) (02/21/89)

> GNU Project Status Report
> *************************
>    * GNU Emacs
>     Emacs 18 maintenance is about to be finished, and version 19 is being
>     worked on.  New features so far include multiple X windows, scroll bars,
>     per-buffer redefinition of mouse commands.

For those of you who just can't wait, I have successfully implemented
the last of these New Features for V18, under both X11r3 [using the r2
Menu stuff] and SunView, along with per-buffer menus. The latter
appear better [to my eyes] under SunView because pull-right menus are
been used allowing better hierarchical grouping of commands, although
the same basic functionality is offered in both environments.

Additionally, for those of you without bitmapped screens, the menu
facilities are available in "terminal" form for use on the wide range
of VDUs Emacs currently runs on. Sadly, I cannot post the code that
implements virtual pointing devices for such systems :-). 

Since RMS is against SunView as a matter of principle, and much of the
X implementation announced above may already have been done for V19,
there appears little point in sending what may be duplicate code to
the FSF. If the arrival of V19 is a long way off perhaps they may be
interested, can anyone "in the know" comment?

If anyone thinks it will be of utility to them, send me e-mail for
more details, or snail-mail with a tape and return postage (I'm
actually at the University of Strathclyde, but mail will only get
through currently if sent to the Turing Institute address in the

Nb: personal replies to e-mail from the States may not be possible,
but I will try to respond where possible so please include snail-mail

    Russell Ritchie,
    Scottish HCI Centre,
    George House,
    36 North Hanover Street,
    Glasgow G1 2AD,
    Phone: [+44] 41 552 1576