[comp.emacs] The definitive story on VT200/VT300 keys

timcc@csv.viccol.edu.au (03/07/89)

I've seen a few messages in comp.emacs lately regarding the setting up of
VT200-series terminal keys in Emacs (including the one that mentioned that the
definition of ESC-[ could be a problem), so I went off and made what was about
my sixth attempt at (fully) understanding the Emacs manual section on defining
keys, and using that understanding to define some key-sequences that are
generated on a VT200.

I failed again.  Can someone who is a complete authority on making full use
of VT200 keys (LK201 actually), including multiple key sequences, post a full
rundown on how it is done.  I would also be interested in how you might
convince Emacs to interpret a multi-character sequence as the meta key.

Solutions using define-key or global-set-key, setting of key-maps, or any other
method would be useful.  I am using Emacs Version 18.41 under DYNIX (a vague
copy of BSD 4.2).

Don't tell me to read the Emacs manual, or to read it more closely.  I am sure
a thorough understanding of lisp and the innards of Emacs would enable me to
do what I am trying to do, but I just want to configure Emacs, not understand


Tim Cook                  e-mail:  timcc@viccol.edu.au
Systems Administrator        (or)  timcc%viccol.edu.au@uunet.uu.net
Victoria College        (or even)  ...!uunet!munnari!viccol.edu.au!timcc

derrell@retix.retix.retix.com (Derrell Lipman) (03/10/89)

In article <90@csv.viccol.edu.au> timcc@csv.viccol.edu.au writes:

>I've seen a few messages in comp.emacs lately regarding the setting up of
>VT200-series terminal keys in Emacs (including the one that mentioned that the
>definition of ESC-[ could be a problem), so I went off and made what was about
>my sixth attempt at (fully) understanding the Emacs manual section on defining
>keys, and using that understanding to define some key-sequences that are
>generated on a VT200.
>I failed again.  Can someone who is a complete authority on making full use
>of VT200 keys (LK201 actually), including multiple key sequences, post a full
>rundown on how it is done.  I would also be interested in how you might
>convince Emacs to interpret a multi-character sequence as the meta key.

following is a copy of a file which i use to bind the function keys on
an esprit 6515 terminal running in VT220 emulation mode.  maybe this will
help clear up the mystery.  one part of this which may not be obvious
involves the use of the lisp function "mapcar".  i have included a brief
explanation of that function below.

note that the 'ENTER' key on the application keypad has been made into
an additional META key.  search for 'Enter' to see how.

disclaimer: i have not tried this stuff independent of all of the other
	    lisp functions which we use, so i don't know if functions
	    are called from here which are not in this listing.  it should,
	    however, give the idea of how to bind function keys.


(defvar keybind-use-alt-defs t
  "Use Derrell's keybindings rather than Rob's originals")

(defvar keybind-use-swapped-delete-and-backspace t
  "If t, swap the actions of the delete key and the backspace key globally.")

(defun keybind-init ()
  (keybind-define-key keybind-key-defs)
  (if keybind-use-alt-defs
	(keybind-define-key keybind-alt-key-defs)
  (if keybind-use-swapped-delete-and-backspace

;; Function key definitions for VT220 function keys.
;; A key label like "S4" means "Shift F4"

(defconst keybind-key-defs '(
  ("[1~"    Find            find-file)
  ("\e[1~"   M-Find          dired-other-window)
  ("[2~"    Insert          insert-buffer)
  ("\e[2~"   M-Insert        insert-file)
  ("[3~"    Remove          kill-buffer)
  ("\e[3~"   M-Remove        delete-window)
  ("[4~"    Select          switch-to-buffer)
  ("\e[4~"   M-Select        buffer-menu)
  ("[5~"    Prev            scroll-down)
  ("\e[5~"   M-Prev          beginning-of-buffer)
  ("[6~"    Next            scroll-up)
  ("\e[6~"   M-Next          end-of-buffer)

  ("OA"     Up              previous-line)
  ("\eOA"    M-Up            top-of-screen)
  ("OB"     Down            next-line)
  ("\eOB"    M-Down          bot-of-screen)
  ("OC"     Right           forward-char)
  ("\eOC"    M-Right         end-of-line)
  ("OD"     Left            backward-char)
  ("\eOD"    M-Left          beginning-of-line)

  ("OP"     PF1             word-search-forward)
  ("\eOP"    M-PF1           word-search-backward)
  ("OQ"     PF2             isearch-forward-regexp)
  ("\eOQ"    M-PF2           isearch-backward-regexp)
  ("OR"     PF3             query-replace-regexp)
  ("\eOR"    M-PF3           global-toggle-case-fold-search)
  ("OS"     PF4             yank)
  ("\eOS"    M-PF4           yank-pop)

  ("Om"     Minus           kill-line)
  ("\eOm"    M-Minus         kill-region)
  ("Ol"     Comma           copy-region-as-kill)
  ("\eOl"    M-Comma         append-next-kill)
  ("OM"     Enter           ESC-prefix)
  ("\eOM"    M-Enter         quit-command)

  ("Ow"     7               backward-paragraph)
  ("Ox"     8               forward-paragraph)
  ("Oy"     9               none)
  ("Ot"     4               backward-sentence)
  ("\eOt"    M-4             backward-kill-sentence)
  ("Ou"     5               forward-sentence)
  ("\eOu"    M-5             kill-sentence)
  ("Ov"     6               none)
  ("Oq"     1               backward-word)
  ("\eOq"    M-1             backward-kill-word)
  ("Or"     2               forward-word)
  ("\eOr"    M-2             kill-word)
  ("Os"     3               exchange-point-and-mark)
  ("Op"     0               overwrite-or-insert)
  ("\eOp"    M-0             auto-fill-mode)
  ("On"     Dot             delete-char)
  ("\eOn"    M-Dot           bold-word)

  ("[11~"   F1              cmushell)
  ("[41~"   S1              fortune)
  ("\e[11~"  M-F1            date-and-time)
  ("\e[41~"  M-S1            yow)

  ("[14~"   F4              screen-normal)
  ("[44~"   S4              screen-wide)
  ("\e[14~"  M-F4            wide-side-by-side)
  ("\e[44~"  M-S4            wide-over-and-under)

  ("[17~"   F6              call-last-kbd-macro)
  ("[47~"   S6              label-last-kbd-macro)
  ("[18~"   F7              F7)
  ("[38~"   S7              S7)
  ("[19~"   F8              F8)
  ("[49~"   S8              S8)
  ("[20~"   F9              F9)
  ("[50~"   S9              S9)
  ("[21~"   F10             F10)
  ("[51~"   S10             S10)

  ("[23~"   F11             other-or-make-window)
  ("[53~"   S11             delete-other-windows)
  ("[24~"   F12             scroll-other-window)
  ("[54~"   S12             scroll-other-window-back)
  ("[25~"   F13             shorten-other-window)
  ("[55~"   S13             narrow-other-window)
  ("[26~"   F14             switch-to-buffer-other-window)
  ("[56~"   S14             find-file-other-window)
  ("\e[26~"   M-S14         toggle-read-only)

  ("[28~"   F15             help-for-help)
  ("[58~"   S15             help-key-help)
  ("[29~"   F16             undo)
;;  ("[59~"   S16             history)
  ("[59~"   S16             electric-command-history)
  ("\e[29~"  M-F16           repeat-complex-command)
  ("\e[59~"  M-S16           eval-expression)

  ("[31~"   F17             next-error)
  ("[61~"   S17             compile)
  ("[32~"   F18             none)
  ("[33~"   F19             rectangle)
  ("[34~"   F20             where-am-i)
  ("[64~"   S20             goto-line)
  ("\e[34~"  M-F20           skip-66-forward)
  ("\e[64~"  M-S20           skip-66-backward)
) "Rob's original VT220 special keys and bindings")

(defconst keybind-alt-key-defs
    ("OP"     PF1             beginning-of-buffer)
    ("\eOP"    M-PF1           none)
    ("OQ"     PF2             end-of-buffer)
    ("\eOQ"    M-PF2           none)
    ("Ow"     7               backward-kill-word)
    ("Ox"     8               previous-line)
    ("Oy"     9               kill-word)
    ("Ot"     4               backward-char)
    ("\eOt"    M-4            none)
    ("Ou"     5               newline-and-indent)
    ("\eOu"    M-5            none)
    ("Ov"     6               forward-char)
    ("Oq"     1               backward-word)
    ("\eOq"    M-1            none)
    ("Or"     2               next-line)
    ("\eOr"    M-2            none)
    ("Os"     3               forward-word)
    ("Op"     0               overwrite-or-insert)
    ("\eOp"    M-0             auto-fill-mode)
    ("On"     Dot             delete-char)
    ("\eOn"    M-Dot           bold-word)
    ("[11~"   F1              cmushell)
    ("[41~"   S1              fortune)
    ("\e[11~"  M-F1            run-dbx)
    ("\e[41~"  M-S1            yow)
    ("[32~"  F18		add-modification-tag)
    ("[62~"    S18		  add-change-log-entry)
    ("\e[32~"  M-F18		  show-modifications-toggle)
    ("\e[62~"  M-S18		  add-change-log-entry-new-project)
) "Derrell's special keys and bindings")

(defun keybind-application-keypad ()
  (send-string-to-terminal "\033[?1h\033="))  ; Force App cursor and keypad

(defun keybind-redefine-function-key (pair) 
  ; Make F-keys generate consistent escape sequences (NOT command names)
  ; See terminal reference manual under DECUDK
    (format "\033P1;1|%s/1B5B%x%x7E\033\\"
      (car pair) (elt (cdr pair) 0) (elt (cdr pair) 1))))

;;; Brief explanation of mapcar:
;;;	call the function specified by the first parameter (in this case
;;;	keybind-redefine-function-key) multiple times.  each time it is
;;;	called, the next element in the list specified by parameter two
;;;	is used as the parameter.  i.e., keybind-redefine-function-key is
;;;	called the first time with '("17" . "47"), and then with
;;;	'("18" . "48") the second time, etc.

;;;	note that the first number in each of these pairs is the value
;;;	used to identify a particular function key to be programmed
;;;	(17 refers to shifted function key 6 which we call S6) and the
;;;	second number in the pair is the variable part of what we want
;;;	the function key to send (S6 will send \e[47~).  this procedure
;;;	of actually programming what you want the function keys to send
;;;	may be particular to our esprit terminals and not generic to
;;;	VT220's.  i'm not sure.
(defun keybind-load-F-keys ()
  (mapcar 'keybind-redefine-function-key
    '(                ("17" . "47")                               ; S6
       ("18" . "48")  ("19" . "49") ("20" . "50")  ("21" . "51")  ; S7-S10
       ("23" . "53")  ("24" . "54") ("25" . "55")  ("26" . "56")  ; S11-S14
       ("28" . "58")  ("29" . "59") ("31" . "61")  ("32" . "62")  ; S15-S18
       ("33" . "63")  ("34" . "64")                               ; S19-S20
       ;; Add some normally empty keys
       ("41" . "11")  ("11" . "41")                               ; F1  S1
       ("44" . "14")  ("14" . "44")                               ; F4  S4

(defun keybind-bind-F-keys ()
  ;; Bind all Function Keys to default function none().
  (global-unset-key "\e\e")		;allow using this as a prefix!
  (global-unset-key "\e[")		;ditto!

  ;; this use of mapcar is calling global-set-key for the function key
  ;; and the function key preceeded with ESC (to make meta function key).
  ;; note that a function name is not used as the first parameter to mapcar;
  ;; lambda is used to "define a function on the fly".  it creates a function
  ;; which takes one parameter, but the function has no name and can not be
  ;; referenced from elsewhere.
    '(lambda (x)
       (global-set-key (concat "\e["   x "~") 'none)
       (global-set-key (concat "\e\e[" x "~") 'none))
    '( "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"
       "11" "41" "14" "44"
       "17" "47" "18" "38" "19" "49" "20" "50" "21" "51"
       "23" "53" "24" "54" "25" "55" "26" "56"
       "28" "58" "29" "59"
       "31" "61" "32" "62" "33" "63" "34" "64")))

(defun keybind-define-key (arg-defs)
   ;; Set global bindings for Function Keys.
     '(lambda (x)
        (global-set-key (concat "\e" (elt x 0)) (elt x 2)))

;; Dummies for keyboard macro binding
(mapcar '(lambda (x) (fset x "\007")) '(F7 S7 F8 S8 F9 S9 F10 S10))

;;; keybind hooks

(defun keybind-edit-picture-hooker ()
  (mapcar '(lambda (x) (define-key picture-mode-map (car x) (cdr x)))
                  ; In picture-mode            ; Normally
    '(("\eOA"     . picture-move-up)           ; previous-line
      ("\eOB"     . picture-move-down)         ; next-line
      ("\eOC"     . picture-forward-column)    ; forward-char
      ("\eOD"     . picture-backward-column)   ; backward-char
      ("\eOm"     . picture-clear-line)        ; kill-line
      ("\eOn"     . picture-clear-column)      ; delete-char
      ("\e\eOC"   . picture-end-of-line)       ; end-of-line
      ("\e\eOA"   . picture-motion-reverse)    ; top-of-screen
      ("\e\eOB"   . picture-motion)            ; bot-of-screen

(defun keybind-lisp-interaction-mode-hooker ()
  (define-key lisp-interaction-mode-map "\e[3~"	; Remove
    '(lambda ()
       (funcall 'erase-buffer))))

(defun keybind-cmushell-mode-hooker ()

  (define-key cmushell-mode-map "\e[11~"
    '(lambda (arg)
       (interactive "P")
       (if arg
	   (cmushell arg)
	 (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))))) ; F1

  (define-key cmushell-mode-map "\e[3~"
    '(lambda ()
	(kill-region (point-min) (point-max))
	(message " All lines killed in this buffer."))))   ; Remove

(defun keybind-shell-mode-hooker ()

  (define-key shell-mode-map "\e[11~"
    'switch-to-number-shell-or-buffer-previous) ; F1

  (define-key shell-mode-map "\e[3~"
    'shell-clear-buffer)   ; Remove

  (define-key shell-mode-map "\eOM\e[29~"
    'shell-repeat))    ; M-F16


--derrell    (derrell@retix)

  (n) A hole in the air, surrounded by metal, into which you
      continually throw money.

ceb@ethz.UUCP (Charles Buckley) (03/10/89)

In article <90@csv.viccol.edu.au> timcc@csv.viccol.edu.au writes:

>   I've seen a few messages in comp.emacs lately regarding the setting up of
>   VT200-series terminal keys

ANSI terminals understand escape sequences of the form

ESC [ <arg1>;<arg2>;...;<argn><command-char>

It would be nice if someone had a bit of dispatch code which would
collect all of these arguments (they are optional) into a list, and
then call functions with these as arguments.  This would make all this
this customization a lot easier.  

I have seen hacks in which (honestly) ESC [ 70 ; 1 j (or something
like that) was explicitly coded into a key table (for home-down), and
that's definitely bogus.  I post, because this probably exists
somewhere, and it would be much appreciated if it could be
contributed.  Thanks in advance.

>   Don't tell me to read the Emacs manual,

(I agree, I despise people who do this.  Most of the major sinners in
this regard that I know are, however, Australians! :-})