[comp.emacs] resize info on sun/unix windows needed!!!

STRIANTAFYLL%34933@gmr.COM ("S Triantafyllopoulos, Delco Electronics Kokomo IN") (03/15/89)


I am trying to convince emacs (MicroEMACS actually) to adjust its
column and row count when a window is resized on a Sun system.
(Sun 386i, SunOS 4.0). 

Termcap services are being called in the beginning of the editing
session and thru tgetnum(parm) I receive "co" and "li" correctly.
BUT, dear Netters, if the window size changes during editing,
termcap does not update the info untill the process has finished.


Start editing, termcap returns X rows, Y columns. microEMACS
initializes to X and Y.

During editing, I resize the window to X1 and Y1. I call termcap
to get the new window dimensions (so that I can re-resize the
screen to the new column and row count). TERMCAP RETURNS X and Y,

The result of course is screwed-up emacs. 

If I quit the editor, get a ready message and re-enter, then the
new dimensions X1 and Y1 are picked up. But  the idea is NOT to
quit and re-enter...


My question: Is it possible to obtain updated values for termcap
once the terminal size has changed? WHILE RUNNING EMACS? I wrote a
small program to test termcap returns and it STILL behaves the
same way, i.e.  no value update unless I quit first..  GNU can
handle that as I have used it on a sun 260 and had no trouble. 

Would spawning a child process, getting the new (hopefully)
figures for row and column count, passing them back to the parent
and killing the child do it? 

Thanks in advance,


Spiros Triantafyllopoulos     | CT3A, One Corporate Center | (317)451-0641
Automotive Electronic Systems | Kokomo, Indiana 46902      | GM 8-322-0641
Delco Electronics Corporation | CSNet Address: spiros%gmr.com@relay.cs.net
Read My Lips: No New VAXES!!! | UUCP  Address: still trying to convince'em