[comp.emacs] New version of info-mouse.el for GNU Emacs

weiner@novavax.UUCP (Bob Weiner) (03/16/89)

Here is an improved version of info-mouse.el.

It now includes an info-mouse-meta command that pretty much does the
inverse of the info-mouse command.

It also includes a variable which you can set so that your 'info-mouse'
mouse button binding works only when you are in the *info* buffer.

;; FILE:         info-mouse.el
;; SUMMARY:      Walks through Info networks using one mouse button
;; USAGE:        GNU Emacs Lisp Library
;; AUTHOR:       Bob Weiner, Applied Research, Motorola, Inc., (407)738-2087
;; E-MAIL:       USENET:  weiner@novavax.UUCP
;; ORIG-DATE:    02/04/89
;; LAST-MOD:     03/06/89
;; Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.
;; Bob Weiner, 03/06/89
;;   Added 'mouse-non-info-command' variable to allow the 'Info-mouse' command
;;   to perform a different function when not called from within the "*info*"
;;   buffer.
;;   Added 'Info-mouse-meta' command.
;;   Added 'mouse-meta-non-info-command' variable to allow the
;;   'Info-mouse-meta' command to perform a different function when not called
;;   from within the "*info*" buffer.
;;; Note this code is machine independent.  Its only requirement is
;;; that you have a pointer device and an Emacs command that sets
;;; point to the location of the pointing device's cursor.
;;; To install:
;;; In your <GNUEMACS-LISP-LOCAL> directory, add this file and byte
;;; compile it.  Make sure that this directory is in your 'load-path'
;;; variable; we use the following lines in our ~/.emacs files:
;;;   ;; Add "lisp-local" directory to front of default library search
;;;   ;; path list 
;;;   (setq load-path '("/usr/local/gnu/emacs/lisp-local"
;;;                     "/usr/local/gnu/emacs/lisp")) 
;;; In your "site-load.el" file, add the line:
;;;   (load "info-mouse")
;;; Make sure that your mouse functions will also be loaded.
;;; (See the doc for the variable 'mouse-set-point-command' in this
;;; file.) 
;;; In your "site-init.el" file, add something akin to:
;;;   ;; Perform Apollo-specific setup using Zubkoff's Apollo DM
;;;   ;; extensions 
;;;   (let ((term (getenv "TERM")))
;;;     (if (equal (substring (getenv "TERM") 0
;;;                   (string-match "[-_]" (getenv "TERM")))
;;;                "apollo"))
;;;         ;;
;;;         ;; The following settings are used by routines in
;;;         ;; <GNUEMACS-DIR>/lisp-local/info-mouse.el
;;;         ;;
;;;         (setq mouse-set-point-command 'apollo-mouse-move-point)
;;;         (bind-apollo-mouse-button "M2D" 'Info-mouse 'Info-mouse-meta)
;;;         (unbind-apollo-mouse-button "M2U")))
;;;  OR
;;;   ;; Perform Sun-specific setup
;;;   ;; Make sure that UP transition of mouse button is unbound !
;;;   (let ((term (getenv "TERM")))
;;;     (if (equal term "sun")
;;;     (if (equal (substring (getenv "TERM") 0
;;;                   (string-match "[-_]" (getenv "TERM")))
;;;                "sun")
;;;         ;;
;;;         ;; The following settings are used by routines in
;;;         ;; <GNUEMACS-DIR>/lisp-local/info-mouse.el
;;;         ;;
;;;         (setq mouse-set-point-command 'mouse-move-point)
;;;         (global-set-mouse '(text        middle) 'Info-mouse)
;;;         (global-set-mouse '(text meta        middle) 'Info-mouse-meta))))
;;;   If you want your mouse button to perform the Info-mouse command
;;;   only when you are currently within the *info* buffer, then set
;;;   'mouse-non-info-command' to the function you do want it to
;;;   perform outside of the *info* buffer.  Use 'mouse-meta-non-info-command'
;;;   to bind the mouse's meta-button.  Do this in you ~/.emacs
;;;   file.  For example,
;;;      (setq mouse-non-info-command 'list-buffers)
;;;      (setq mouse-meta-non-info-command 'shell)
;;; If Emacs dumps on your system, rebuild it.
;;; Run 'emacs'.  The mouse button that you have bound will walk you
;;; through Info networks when you are in the *info* buffer; otherwise
;;; it will perform 'mouse-non-info-command'.

(defvar mouse-set-point-command nil
"*Name of command that sets point to mouse cursor position.")

(defvar mouse-non-info-command 'info
"*Name of command to run when button bound to 'Info-mouse' is pressed
outside of the *info* buffer.  Default comand is 'info'.")

(defvar mouse-meta-non-info-command 'info
"*Name of command to run when button bound to 'Info-mouse-meta' is pressed
outside of the *info* buffer.  Default comand is 'info'.")

(defun Info-mouse ()
  "When bound to a mouse button, allows one to move through Info
documentation networks by using only that mouse button.  BE SURE TO CLEAR

If button is clicked within:
 (1) any buffer other than *info*, executes command bound to
       'mouse-non-info-command' if bound;
 (2) an Info Menu or Note, the desired node is found;
 (3) the Up,Next,or Previous entries of a Node Header (first line),
       the desired node is found;
 (4) the File entry of a Node Header (first line),       
       the 'Top' node within that file is found;
 (5) the *info* buffer but not within a node reference and not at the
     end of a node, the current node entry is scrolled up one screen
 (6) the *info* buffer at the end of the current node but not within
     a node reference, the Next node is found.

Returns t if button is clicked within an Info Node Header, Note
(cross-reference), or a Menu; otherwise returns nil.  Returns nil if
'mouse-set-point-command' or 'mouse-non-info-command' variables are
not bound to valid functions."

  (if (not (fboundp mouse-set-point-command))
    ;; Set point to cursor position
    (funcall mouse-set-point-command)
    ;; Test if in Info buffer already
    (if (not (equal (buffer-name (current-buffer)) "*info*"))
        (if (not (fboundp mouse-non-info-command))
            (funcall mouse-non-info-command))
      (cond ((Info-handle-in-node-hdr))
	    ;; If at end of node, go to next node
	    ((last-line-p) (Info-next))
	    ;; If nothing else scroll forward one screen.

(defun Info-mouse-meta ()
  "When bound to a meta-mouse button, allows one to move in reverse through Info
documentation networks by using only that mouse button.  Used in conjunction
with the 'Info-mouse' command.   BE SURE TO CLEAR ANY BINDING OF THE 'UP'

If meta-button is clicked within:
 (1) any buffer other than *info*, executes command bound to
       'mouse-meta-non-info-command' if bound;
 (2) an Info Menu or Note, the desired node is found;
 (3) the Up,Next,or Previous entries of a Node Header (first line),
       the last node in the history list is found;
 (4) the File entry of a Node Header (first line),       
       the 'DIR' top-level node is found;
 (5) the *info* buffer but not within a node reference and not at the
     end of a node, the current node entry is scrolled down one screen
 (6) the *info* buffer at the end of the current node but not within
     a node reference, the Previous node is found.

Returns t if button is clicked within an Info Node Header, Note
(cross-reference), or a Menu; otherwise returns nil.  Returns nil if
'mouse-set-point-command' or 'mouse-meta-non-info-command' variables are
not bound to valid functions."

  (if (not (fboundp mouse-set-point-command))
    ;; Set point to cursor position
    (funcall mouse-set-point-command)
    ;; Test if in Info buffer already
    (if (not (equal (buffer-name (current-buffer)) "*info*"))
        (if (not (fboundp mouse-meta-non-info-command))
            (funcall mouse-meta-non-info-command))
      (cond ((Info-handle-in-node-hdr-meta))
	    ;; If at end of node, go to previous node
	    ((last-line-p) (Info-prev))
	    ;; If nothing else scroll backward one screen.

(defun Info-handle-in-node-hdr ()
  "If within an Info node header, move to <FILE>Top, <Up>, <Previous>, or
<Next> node, depending on which label point is on, and return t.
Otherwise, return nil."
  ;; Test if on 1st line of node, i.e. node header
  (let* ((first-line (1+ (count-lines 1 (point-min))))
	 (current-line (count-lines 1 (1+ (point)))))
    (if (not (equal current-line first-line))
      (let ((nodename "Top") (filep nil))
	  (if (and
		(re-search-forward "[:, \t\n]" nil t)
		  "\\(File\\|Node\\|Up\\|Prev\\|Previous\\|Next\\)[: \t]" nil t))
	      (progn (setq filep (string-equal
				   (downcase (buffer-substring
					       (match-beginning 1)
					       (match-end 1)))))
		     (if (re-search-forward (concat ":[ \n]\\([^,.\t\n"
						    (if filep " ")
						    "]*\\)") nil t)
			 (setq nodename (buffer-substring
					  (match-beginning 1)
					  (match-end 1)))))
	    (error "Node header not found.")))
	(if filep (setq nodename (concat "(" nodename ")" "Top")))
	(Info-goto-node nodename)

(defun Info-handle-in-node-hdr-meta ()
  "If within an Info node header when the 'Info-mouse-meta' command is
executed, when within the <FILE> header go to the DIR top-level node.  When
within any other header (<Up>, <Previous>, or <Next>) go to last node from
history list.  Return t if in Info node header.  Otherwise return nil."
  ;; Test if on 1st line of node, i.e. node header
  (let* ((first-line (1+ (count-lines 1 (point-min))))
	 (current-line (count-lines 1 (1+ (point)))))
    (if (not (equal current-line first-line))
	(if (and 
	      (re-search-forward "[:, \t\n]" nil t)
		"\\(File\\|Node\\|Up\\|Prev\\|Previous\\|Next\\)[: \t]" nil t) )
	    ;; If in <FILE> hdr
	    (progn (if (string-equal
			 (downcase (buffer-substring
				     (match-beginning 1)
				     (match-end 1))))
	  (error "Node header not found.")

(defun Info-handle-in-note ()
  "If point is within an Info note (cross-reference), follow
cross-reference and return t; otherwise return nil."
  ;; Test if point is within a Note
  ;; Only works if entire "*Note NOTENAME" string is on one line.
  ;; Follows Note if user clicks anywhere on the line.
  (let ((note-name nil) (bol nil))
      (if (re-search-forward "[:.\n]" nil t)
	      (setq bol (point)))
	    (if (re-search-backward "\*Note[ \n]+\\([^:]*\\):" bol t)
		(setq note-name (buffer-substring
				  (match-beginning 1)
				  (match-end 1)))))))
    (if (not note-name)
      (Info-follow-reference note-name)

(defun Info-handle-in-menu ()
  "If point is within an Info menu entry, go to node referenced by
entry and return t; otherwise return nil."
  ;; Test if there is a menu in this node
  (let ((in-menu nil) (curr-point (point)))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (setq in-menu 
	    (and (re-search-forward "^\* Menu:" nil t)
		 (< (point) curr-point))))
    (if (not in-menu)
      (forward-char) ; Pass '*' char if point is in front of
      (if (re-search-backward "^\*" nil t)
	  (progn (forward-char 2)
		 (Info-goto-node (Info-extract-menu-node-name))))
;; end info-mouse.el

;; ************************************************************************
;; Appended here for those who have Leonard Zubkoff's GNU Emacs 18.52
;; extensions for Apollo's DM window system is a function that is not
;; included in that distribution that unbinds a mouse key.
;; It is referred to in the info-mouse.el installation notes above.
;;(defun unbind-apollo-mouse-button (mouse-button)
;;  "Disable an Apollo Mouse Button and return its control to DM."
;;  (interactive "sMouse Button: ")
;;  (let ((numeric-code (cdr (assoc mouse-button *apollo-mouse-buttons*))))
;;    (if (null numeric-code)
;;	(error "%s is not a legal Apollo function key name" mouse-button))
;;    (if (stringp numeric-code)
;;	(setq numeric-code
;;	      (cdr (assoc numeric-code *apollo-mouse-buttons*))))
;;    (disable-apollo-mouse-button numeric-code)))
;; ************************************************************************

Bob Weiner, Motorola, Inc.,   USENET:  ...!gatech!uflorida!novavax!weiner
(407) 738-2087