[comp.emacs] Gnuemacs prob on X11

jims@hpihoah.HP.COM (Jim Smeenge) (03/18/89)

 I am having problems supporting some users in my group who like to use
 gnuemacs, and uni-press emacs.  We are running emacs in an X11 environment
 under HP-UX version 6.2.  We can get the editor to run, but don't have 
 full functionality of the keys on our HP keyboards.  We cannot get the
 Insert line, Delete line, Insert character, Delete character, Previous,
 Next, or Home keys to work.  My users tell me that they worked before
 we upgraded to X11.  Is there some way of getting these keys to work
 by adding a .exrc, or .emacsrc file or something.  Any help or direction
 pointing would be appreciated.

Duchier-Denys@cs.yale.edu (Denys Duchier) (03/19/89)

In article <4660017@hpihoah.HP.COM>, jims@hpihoah (Jim Smeenge) writes:
>  I am having problems supporting some users in my group who like to use
>  gnuemacs, and uni-press emacs.  We are running emacs in an X11 environment
>  under HP-UX version 6.2.  We can get the editor to run, but don't have 
>  full functionality of the keys on our HP keyboards.  We cannot get the
>  Insert line, Delete line, Insert character, Delete character, Previous,
>  Next, or Home keys to work.  My users tell me that they worked before
>  we upgraded to X11.  Is there some way of getting these keys to work
>  by adding a .exrc, or .emacsrc file or something.  Any help or direction
>  pointing would be appreciated.

	I wrote some stuff to support a x-rebind-keysym function under
X11. It sort of works but there are still bugs in it which I haven't
bothered to work out (definitions for certain modifiers seem to
overwrite definitions with no modifiers). I would very much appreciate
if anyone could spare the time to do this right.

	In the mean time, what I put together serves its purpose well
enough (I have had no complaints from other users (well... they're
hardly in a position to complain)). Below, I include example uses of
x-rebind-keysym, the source to an additional c file implementing
x-rebind-keysym, and the diffs to x11term.c. To find out what strings
denote which keysyms, take a look at /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h

-----BEGIN example uses-----

(defun nice-shift-lock ()
  "rebinds alphabetic keysyms so that when Caps_Lock is on
you can get a lower case letter by pressing the shift key"
  (let ((ch ?a) str)
    (while (<= ch ?z)
      (setq str (format "%c" ch))
      (x-rebind-keysym (upcase str) 3 str)
      (setq ch (1+ ch)))))

(defun nice-arrow-keys ()
  "rebinds arrow keys and PREV and NEXT to do the expected thing"
  (x-rebind-keysym "Left"       0 "\C-b")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Left"       1 "\C-b")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Up"         0 "\C-p")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Up"         1 "\C-p")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Right"      0 "\C-f")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Right"      1 "\C-f")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Down"       0 "\C-n")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Down"       1 "\C-n")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Prior"      0 "\M-v")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Prior"      1 "\M-v")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Next"       0 "\C-v")
  (x-rebind-keysym "Next"       1 "\C-v"))

-----END example uses-----

-----BEGIN denys.c-----

#include "config.h"
#include "lisp.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>

DEFUN ("x-rebind-keysym",Fx_rebind_keysym,Sx_rebind_keysym,
       "KEYSYM (1st arg) is a symbol or a string naming a KeySym.\n\
MODIFIERS (2nd arg) is an integer denoting the modifiers to apply\n\
to KEYSYM.\n\
    0  means none\n\
    1  means lock\n\
    2  means shift\n\
    4  means meta\n\
    8  means control\n\
They can be added together to produce combinations of these modifiers.\n\
For instance, 3 means `shift lock' and 13 means `meta control lock'.\n\
STRING (3rd arg) is the string you want the keysym to translate to.\n\
               (x-rebind-keysym \"F1\" 4 \"\\M-xrmail\\n\")\n\
will result in `meta F1' (where F1 is the function key labeled F1) invoking\n\
( ks , modif , str )
Lisp_Object ks,modif,str;
  KeySym TheKs;
  int    TheModif;
  KeySym TheMods[4];
  unsigned int TheModsLen;
  unsigned char TheShift,TheControl,TheLock,TheMeta;
  struct gcpro gcpro1,gcpro2,gcpro3;


  switch (XTYPE (ks))
    case Lisp_String:
    case Lisp_Symbol:
      ks = Fsymbol_name ( ks );
      ks = wrong_type_argument ( Qstringp , ks );

  CHECK_STRING ( ks    , 1);
  CHECK_NUMBER ( modif , 1);
  CHECK_STRING ( str   , 1);

  TheKs = XStringToKeysym ( XSTRING( ks )->data );
  if (! TheKs )
    return (Fsignal ( Qerror , Fcons ( Fconcat(build_string("unknown keysym: "),ks) , Qnil) ));
  TheModif = XINT ( modif );
  if ((TheModif < 0) || (TheModif > 15))
    return (Fsignal ( Qerror , Fcons ( Fconcat(build_string("modifier out of range: "),
				      Qnil) ));

  if (TheModif >= 8) { TheControl = 1; TheModif -= 8; }
  if (TheModif >= 4) { TheMeta    = 1; TheModif -= 4; }
  if (TheModif >= 2) { TheShift   = 1; TheModif -= 2; }
  if (TheModif >= 1)   TheLock    = 1;

  ControlRebindKeysym ( TheKs , TheControl , TheMeta , TheShift , TheLock ,
		       XSTRING( str )->data , XSTRING( str )->size ,
		       TheMods , 0 );

  return Qt;

ControlRebindKeysym ( keeseem , controlP , metaP , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , modslen )
     KeySym keeseem;
     unsigned char controlP,metaP,shiftP,lockP;
     char *buf;
     unsigned int buflen;
     KeySym mods[4];
     unsigned int modslen;
  if (controlP)
      mods[modslen] = XK_Control_L;
      MetaRebindKeysym ( keeseem , metaP , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , (modslen + 1) );
      mods[modslen] = XK_Control_R;
      MetaRebindKeysym ( keeseem , metaP , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , (modslen + 1) );
    MetaRebindKeysym ( keeseem , metaP , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , modslen );

MetaRebindKeysym ( keeseem , metaP , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , modslen )
     KeySym keeseem;
     unsigned char metaP,shiftP,lockP;
     char *buf;
     unsigned int buflen;
     KeySym mods[4];
     unsigned int modslen;
  if (metaP)
      mods[modslen] = XK_Meta_L;
      ShiftRebindKeysym ( keeseem , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , (modslen + 1) );
      mods[modslen] = XK_Meta_R;
      ShiftRebindKeysym ( keeseem , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , (modslen + 1) );
    ShiftRebindKeysym ( keeseem , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , modslen );

ShiftRebindKeysym ( keeseem , shiftP , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , modslen )
     KeySym keeseem;
     unsigned char shiftP,lockP;
     char *buf;
     unsigned int buflen;
     KeySym mods[4];
     unsigned int modslen;
  if (shiftP)
      mods[modslen] = XK_Shift_L;
      LockRebindKeysym ( keeseem , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , (modslen + 1) );
      mods[modslen] = XK_Shift_R;
      LockRebindKeysym ( keeseem , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , (modslen + 1) );
    LockRebindKeysym ( keeseem , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , modslen );

extern Display *XXdisplay;

LockRebindKeysym ( keeseem , lockP , buf , buflen , mods , modslen )
     KeySym keeseem;
     unsigned char lockP;
     char *buf;
     unsigned int buflen;
     KeySym mods[4];
     unsigned int modslen;
  if (lockP)
      mods[modslen] = XK_Caps_Lock;
  XRebindKeysym ( XXdisplay , keeseem , mods , modslen , buf , buflen );

syms_of_denys ()
  defsubr (&Sx_rebind_keysym);

-----END denys.c-----

-----BEGIN diffs for x11term.c-----

> /* -- Denys -- provide larger buffer for long translations -- */
> #define MAPPINGBUFLEN 256
<   char mapping_buf[20];
>   char mapping_buf[MAPPINGBUFLEN];
< 			      mapping_buf, 20, &keysym,
> 			      mapping_buf, MAPPINGBUFLEN, &keysym,
<       /* Someday this will be unnecessary as we will
>       /* -- Denys -- Begin --
> 	 Someday this will be unnecessary as we will
< 	 will have already given us the string we want. */
> 	 will have already given us the string we want.
< #endif /* sun */
> #endif sun
>       -- Denys -- End -- */

-----END diffs for x11term.c-----


gandalf@csli.STANFORD.EDU (Juergen Wagner) (03/19/89)

This sound more like a case for a proper .Xkeymap. Try remapping the
respective keys to something meaningful for Emacs. This way, you don't
have to change anything in Emacs, or in its initialization files, the
changes only affect the X11 interface level.

See the xmodmap manual entry for more information.

Juergen Wagner		   			gandalf@csli.stanford.edu