[comp.emacs] hooks for buffer-changing commands?

stampe@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (David Stampe) (03/28/89)

In GNU Emacs, I'd like to know how to identify functions that change
or would change the buffer.  Specifically I'd like to make before- or
after- hooks for such functions.  Maybe such hooks exist, or have been
added, but I haven't found them.

(There must be a way to identify buffer-changing functions, since they
all cause an error when the buffer is read-only.  But what I want is
independent of the values of buffer-modified-p or buffer-read-only.)

David (stampe@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu)

PS. There is a "*" flag for interactive, which causes an error to be
signalled if the buffer is read-only.  This is irrelevant, since it
signals an error regardless of whether the function would change the
buffer.  And if the buffer is read-only, functions that would change
it signal an error even if this interactive "*" flag is not set.  So
I'm not sure what practical value the "*" has.