[comp.emacs] webster, yet again

gnulists@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (03/28/89)

A few more changes. Merged webster-mode, added S, D to mode-map to spell or
define work before point. Cleaned up output handling a little.

;; Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
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;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
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;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
;; Author Jason R. Glasgow (glasgow@cs.yale.edu)
;; Modified from telnet.el by William F. Schelter
;; But almost entirely different.
;; Modified by Dirk Grunwald to maintain an open connection.
;; 3/18/89 Ashwin Ram <Ram-Ashwin@yale.edu>
;; Added webster-mode.
;; Fixed documentation.
;; 3/20/89 Dirk Grunwald <grunwald@flute.cs.uiuc.edu>
;; Merged Rams changes with new additions: smarter window placement,
;; correctly handles un-exposed webster windows, minor cleanups.
;; Also, ``webster-word'', akin to ``spell-word''.
;; To use this, you might want to add this line to your .emacs file:
;;  (autoload 'webster "webster" "look up a word in Webster's 7th edition" t)
;; Then just hit M-x webster to look up a word.

(defvar webster-host ""
  "Host that is a webster server (Boston U). Try also, which is sri-nic")
(defvar webster-port "103"
  "The port to connect to. Either 103 or 2627")

(defvar webster-process nil
  "The current webster process")

(defvar webster-process-name "webster"
  "The current webster process")

(defvar webster-buffer nil
  "The current webster process")

(defvar webster-running nil
  "Used to determine when connection is established")

;;; Initial filter for ignoring information until successfully connected
(defun webster-initial-filter (proc string)
      (( this-buffer (current-buffer)))
    (set-buffer webster-buffer)
    (goto-char (point-max))
     ((not (eq (process-status webster-process) 'run))
	(setq webster-running t)
	(message "Webster died")))
     ((string-match "No such host" string)
	(setq webster-running t)
	(kill-buffer (process-buffer proc))
	(error "No such host.")))
     ((string-match "]" string)
	(setq webster-running t)
	(set-process-filter proc 'webster-filter))))
    (set-buffer this-buffer)))

(defun webster-filter (proc string)
      ((closed-message (string-match "Connection closed" string))
       (end-def-message (or (string-match "\200" string) (string-match "\0" string)))
       ( this-buffer (current-buffer)))

    (set-buffer webster-buffer)

     ((not (eq (process-status webster-process) 'run))
      (message "Webster died"))

	(message "Closing webster connection...")
	(kill-process proc)
	(replace-regexp "Process webster killed" "" nil)
	(goto-char 1)
	(message "Closing webster connection...Done."))
     ((string-match "SPELLING 0" string)
      (insert-string "...Word not found in webster\n"))
     ((string-match "SPELLING 1" string)
      (insert-string "...Spelled correctly\n"))

      (webster-filter proc (concat (substring string 0 (- end-def-message 1)) "\n\n"))
      (goto-char (point-max)))

      (goto-char (point-max))
      (let ((now (point)))
	(insert string)
	(delete-char-in-region now (point) ?\^m ?\ ))
      (if (process-mark proc)
	  (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)))))

    ;; if webster is visible, move the last line to the bottom of that window
    (let ((here (selected-window)))
      (let ((webster-window (get-buffer-window webster-buffer)))
	(if (windowp webster-window)
	    (select-window webster-window)
	     (recenter -1)
	     (select-window here)))))

    (set-buffer this-buffer)))

;;; delete char1 and char2 if it precedes char1
;;; used to get rid of <space><return>
(defun delete-char-in-region (start end char1 char2)
  (goto-char start)
  (while (search-forward (char-to-string char1) end t)
    (backward-delete-char 1)
    (if (equal (char-after (- (point) 1)) char2)
	(backward-delete-char 1))))

(defun webster (arg)
"Look up a word in the Webster's dictionary.
Open a network login connection to a webster host if necessary.
Communication with host is recorded in a buffer *webster*."
  (interactive "sLook up word in webster: ")
  (webster-send-request "DEFINE" arg))

(defun webster-endings (arg)
"Look up endings for a word in the Webster's dictionary.
Open a network login connection to a webster host if necessary.
Communication with host is recorded in a buffer *webster*."
  (interactive "sFind endings for word in webster: ")
  (webster-send-request "ENDINGS" arg))

(defun webster-spell (arg)
"Look spelling for a word in the Webster's dictionary.
Open a network login connection to a webster host if necessary.
Communication with host is recorded in a buffer *webster*."
  (interactive "sTry to spell word in webster: ")
  (webster-send-request "SPELL" arg))

(defun webster-define ()
"Lookup Webster definition for word before point in current buffer.
Open a network login connection to a webster host if necessary.
Communication with host is recorded in a buffer *webster*."
    (let ((here (point)))
      (backward-word 1)
      (webster-send-request "DEFINE" (buffer-substring (point) here)))))

(defun webster-word ()
"Lookup Webster spelling for word before point in current buffer.
Open a network login connection to a webster host if necessary.
Communication with host is recorded in a buffer *webster*."
    (let ((here (point)))
      (backward-word 1)
      (webster-send-request "SPELL" (buffer-substring (point) here)))))

(defun webster-send-request (kind word)
  (require 'shell)
      ((webster-command (concat "open " webster-host " " webster-port "\n")))
    (if (or 
	 (not webster-buffer)
	 (not webster-process)
	 (not (eq (process-status webster-process) 'run)))
	   (concat "Attempting to connect to server " webster-host "..."))
	  (setq webster-buffer
		(make-shell webster-process-name "telnet"))
	      ((this-buffer (current-buffer)))
	    (set-buffer webster-buffer)
	    (set-buffer this-buffer))

	  (setq webster-process (get-process webster-process-name))
	  (set-process-filter webster-process 'webster-initial-filter)
	  (process-send-string  webster-process webster-command)
	  (setq webster-running nil);
	  (while (not webster-running)	; wait for feedback
	    (accept-process-output))))	;
    (display-buffer webster-buffer nil)
    (process-send-string webster-process (concat kind " " word "\n"))))

(defun webster-quit ()
   "Close connection and quit webster-mode.
Buffer is not deleted."
   (message "Closing connection to %s..." webster-host)
   (kill-process webster-process)
   (message "Closing connection to %s...done" webster-host)

(defun webster-mode ()
  "Major mode for interacting with on-line Webster's dictionary.
Use webster-mode-hook for customization."
  (setq major-mode 'webster-mode)
  (setq mode-name "Webster")
  (use-local-map webster-mode-map)
  (run-hooks 'webster-mode-hook))

(defvar webster-mode-map nil)
(if webster-mode-map
  (setq webster-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (define-key webster-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)
  (define-key webster-mode-map "d" 'webster)
  (define-key webster-mode-map "D" 'webster-define)
  (define-key webster-mode-map "e" 'webster-endings)
  (define-key webster-mode-map "q" 'webster-quit)
  (define-key webster-mode-map "s" 'webster-spell)
  (define-key webster-mode-map "S" 'webster-word))
Dirk Grunwald
Univ. of Illinois