[comp.emacs] Mini-buffer command history wanted

gnulists@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (03/28/89)

Does anyone have a patch for a command to repeat the last mini-buffer
command?  Better still, something which maintains a complete history
of mini-buffer commands, a la Zmacs?

Alan Noble

DOMAIN: noble@sj.ate.slb.com (for the adventurous) 
UUCP:   {decwrl,uunet}!sjsca4!noble  INTERNET: noble%sjs@sdr.slb.com
PHONE:  408-437-5331
USMAIL: Alan Noble, Schlumberger Technologies, 1601 Technology Drive, 
        San Jose, CA 95110

spolsky-joel@CS.YALE.EDU (Joel Spolsky) (03/29/89)

In article <8903281232.AA26187@wheat-chex.ai.mit.edu> snjsn1!croweater!noble@uunet.uu.net writes:
>Does anyone have a patch for a command to repeat the last mini-buffer


I assume you are speaking of GNU Emacs. If so, you may want to try
C-x ESCAPE which puts an elisp version of the last command in the mini-
buffer, allowing you to edit it or just reexecute it with RETURN.

|  Joel Spolsky  | bitnet: spolsky@yalecs.bitnet     uucp: ...!yale!spolsky |
|                | internet: spolsky@cs.yale.edu     voicenet: 203-436-1483 |
                                                      #include <disclaimer.h>